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"So... you have feelings for Bakugo? And wait, you cheated on me?" Ochaco questions as soon as the blonde in question is removed from the area by Eijiro.

Izuku sighs, taking the backpack that was left behind and placing it by the front door. "I didn't cheat on you. And I had feelings for him. Key word: had."

"So what happened, kero?" Tsuyu questions, tilting her head in confusion as the rest of the class mumble their own questions, slightly overwhelming him.

"I... I came out as bisexual to Kacchan five years ago. He was fine with it, said that who I loved isn't something he cares about. We were okay for a bit. Then he became curious. He said that he didn't have much experience with the physical aspect of love." Izuku licks his dry lips, eyes drifting to the side as he thinks back to that night. "When he said that, I became curious as well... it didn't go far as I was in a relationship with Ochaco and was saving my first time for her. We... jerked off together."

He grimaced as the class stared at him in awe. Disgust remained on his face as he used a hand to pinch his nose. "You did what?!"

"Not my finest moment, but he was going through something. I couldn't exactly say no and he was... offering to get me off. I told him that we couldn't, but I was already tense from stress." Izuku shrugs, pocketing his hands. "Not like I got anywhere with Ochaco anyways. Sorry for talking about your girl like that, Iida."

"We're... we're not dating?" Tenya quirks an eyebrow as Izuku glares at the blue haired male who waves his hands. "She asked me to hang out with her a few times. I knew she was with you, so I wanted to confirm that it was alright to do so. We have not engaged in any romanticism."

"What? But she said..." Izuku turns to look at Ochaco who pouts up at him. "Why did you dump me if you weren't getting with Iida? You said you loved him and everything..."

"I don't love him! I just wanted your attention and can you blame me? You kept putting me off or coming up with excuses. I crave excitement. And Izuku? I really do like you! I still do." Ochaco smiles weakly, hoping to get her point across as she reaches out to touch his arm. "Is there anyway that I could-!"

"You broke up with me to gain my attention? My feelings aren't for you to meddle with. And frankly, I don't think there's any possible way for you to fix this other than leaving me alone." Izuku hisses, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms. "You need to evaluate your actions. They clearly aren't lining up with your intentions."

"Izuku, please-!"

"Midoriya. That's my name. So use it." He spits, putting his hand up to silence her as tears peak the corners of her eyes. "You don't deserve the right of calling me by my first name, Uraraka. Once you're done, you can stop with the half assed apologies and try again."

Huffing, she turns and sprints out the doors; humiliated as her ex watches her storm out the building. "That was rough, Mido... are you going to be alright?"

"I've shed my tears and frankly, I'm over her. What she did was not okay and I don't enjoy being toyed with." Izuku shrugs, waving off the whole situation. "As for Monama, where did he get those clips from... we weren't in college when that happened. Meaning, we didn't know him..."

"He's my cousin. He probably got it from Aimi. You should probably question where she got it from. Did the occurrence happen at one of your houses?" Yuga questions as Izuku's eyes widen as he nods slowly.

"At... At Kacchan's house. She probably was by the window. I had a feeling someone was watching us, but Kacchan said not to worry about it..." Izuku mumbles before realizing something. "Monama said he had more things on us. Why are they targeting me?! I thought this was about Kacchan's money?"

"I might be fucking wealthy, but it isn't just about my money." A voice interrupts the classes' questions. "She's trying to destroy my support system. Starting with the people closest to me, which includes you, Old Hag, Old Man and all of 1-A."

"Kacchan... are you okay now?" Izuku questions as the blonde rolls his eyes, a certain red head behind him with a wide smile.

"As good as I can be. Forgot to take that fucking medicine earlier. Didn't know that it was gonna turn me into a goddamn crybaby." He rolls his red irises. Pulling out his phone, he clicks his tongue on the roof of his mouth. "She has audio clips from the last 6 years. Starting with how she fucking planned to seduce me to what me and Eijiro spoke about three days ago."

"What did you guys talk about...?" Mina questions, tilting her head as the red head in question flushed red in embarrassment before answering.

"I confessed and told him to figure himself out before trying to give me an answer." Eijiro murmurs as the self-proclaimed Bakusquad cheered. "He didn't say anything! Don't cheer yet!"

"Why would she need that?" Toru ponders as Katsuki rolls his eyes.

"She's still in love with me. Look, I'm aware of what I fucking said when I was cracking due to Copycat. We all know that the bitch raped me. I was conscious, she was psycho. Nothing I can do about it, I know that. She wants to see me crack. She craves attention and wants to be in the spotlight. Having my kids will do that for her. 'Random girl has a kid with Katsuki Bakugo!' She could make bank on my name alone. She physically wants me to herself. What better way than through marriage and conception." Katsuki leans against a wall, clicking a few things on his phone. "She's starting with Deku. She knew he had feelings for me, hell. The whole world would have known, nerd followed me around like crazy. I rejected him because of how I treated him in the past. It would have been a toxic ass relationship, especially after what the whore put me through. Next would be my parents. Turning them against me using more audio clips and photos, most likely. Inko would be another target, but I'm not as close to her and she doesn't really like me all that much because of how I treated Deku. Lastly would be you all... which won't take much effort."

"Why would you say that?" Denki questions, tilting his head as the rest of the room mumbles their agreements.

"Save for the idiots I call my friends and Deku, you all might think I'm a bit villainous. Hell, you all forget that I was kidnapped back in freshman year of high school. I have feelings and emotions, I chose for them to be hidden and I come across as a douchebag because of it. I'm only going to say this once: I'm sorry and I'll need your help." The blonde licks his lips as he turns to the class, showing his earnest emotions of fear and concern. "... Help me protect Michiko..."


Eh I don't know if I should write a full explanation of BakuDeku exclusion... let's just say for now that they have a more brotherly relationship.

~Shadow Out!🌑

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