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Yuga smiles and waves as Izuku and Katsuki leave the dorms, both parties conversing about what topics the dinner could possibly bring; ignoring the waving blonde. Lowering his hand, the smile falters as he turns towards the playpen and little girl who grins up at him. "I guess it's just us for tonight. What do you want to do, my dear?"

"Can I watch t'b?" She asks, tilting her head to the side. Yuga looks at the wall clock, seeing that it's only 6'o clock.

"Sure, I'll put on an old All Might movie; ok? You like those, right? I'll grab it out the bag." Yuga hums, walking over to the bag as he grabs the film.

Tenya enters the living room from the kitchen, covered in flour as he scrolls through his phone; pausing as he watches Yuga bend over to reach into the bag for the movie. His face heats up gently as he's flustered. A light tug to his pants causes him to look down to see Michiko staring at him. "Hi there, do you need anything Michiko?"

"Why were you staring at Yuga-oji's ass?!" She shouts at the top of her lungs, causing Yuga to freeze and for Tenya to panic.

"Where on Earth did you learn that language from, young lady?!" Tenya freaks, looking at Yuga who turns to stare at him. "I w-wasn't looking at you like that, I promise!"

"Michiko... mind your language, please. Your dad really needs to watch what he says around you, my goodness." Yuga chuckles weakly, ignoring what the girl said. "Let me put this on for you and then I'll be in the kitchen with Tenya, ok?"

"Otay!" She grins, bouncing up and down as she waits for her uncle to put on the film; clapping as the opening plays.

"Tenya, come with me."

The two men walk into the kitchen, making sure the girl remains in their sight. "S-sorry again about that. I wasn't watching you in that way, I don't want to seem ungentlemanly."

"I'm used to looks by now, Tenya. I don't mind if you look." Yuga rolls his eyes, crossing his arms as the ravenette rubs his neck.

"You shouldn't have to be used to it. You shouldn't be used to it. I don't ever want to make you uncomfortable, so please call me out on anything I do to make you feel unsafe or weird." Tenya whispers, reaching out to cup the blonde's upper arm.

Yuga looks down at the hand, raising an eyebrow as Tenya sternly stares at him. "Doesn't change the fact that I'm used to it, but ok. I'll let you know."

"Good. Now about what I needed to talk to you about." Tenya sighs, letting go of Yuga's bicep; using that hand to run through his hair. "About what was said yesterday...."

"Wait, when? A lot of things were said and honestly, it's kind of a blur when I'm raising kids." Yuga chuckles, leaning against the cabinet.

"Oh um, well I guess you didn't say it. But I overheard Katsuki something about you being in love?" Tenya questions as Yuga's jaw drops. "I know, I shouldn't have been eavesdropping."

"O-oh, he was just teasing me. That's all..." Yuga bites his lip as Tenya chuckles, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I think it's good that you're finding yourself and liking people. It's nice to see you relaxed." Tenya grins, shrugging. "But do let me know if you need a... what's it called, a wingman? I can give a give word to whoever you're liking about your feelings."

"Thanks, but that won't be necessary... I-!" A loud crash comes from the living area, effectively shocking the two men who rush without thinking.

A loud wail erupts from the blonde girl as she holds her arm away from her body. Soot covers her knees and arms as tears rapidly leak from her eyes. "Oji! Helb me!"

"What is happening, mi amor?!" Yuga questions, rushing over to her as she shakes heavily. Lightly grabbing her wrist, he looks her over in confusion. "Why are you covered in soot? How are you covered in soot? What happened?"

"I-I don't know! I w-was watching A-All Might do his punch and I just w-wan to d-do it too! So, I tried and fell... but then something came out my hand and it was scary!" She sniffles, as her uncle caresses her cheek; chuckling a little as the girl and Tenya look at him in confusion.

"Tenya, can you call Aizawa and then Katsuki, please?" Yuga questions as the ravenette man pulls out his phone, dialing the numbers. "Michiko, we're going to wipe off your knees and hands, ok? And make sure to not do anything, alright?"

The girl nods, feeling herself get picked up as Tenya remains on the phone. "W-wait, what do I tell them?"

"... Michiko's quirk came in."


The child has a quirk! We'll explore that more later, but we're about to have a series of side ships appear.

Next chapter will be the dinner, there's some interesting things happening there; but after that, we're exploring ShinKamiJiro and maybe some MinaSero.

Oh! Also if you want BakuDeku, I have a new story called Idolize out! There's going to be a lot of smut over there, just saying.

~Shadow Out!🌑

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