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"Soooo, you thinking about marriage yet?" Izuku smirks as Eijiro chokes on air, coughing up what seems like his lungs as the greenette cackles. "I'm joking! But your reaction, definitely says that you're thinking about it."

"W-well yeah, I've thought about it! But we just started dating... he's definitely not interested in that sort of stuff right now." Eijiro sighs, fanning himself with his hand as he tries to will the thought away. "But man, he'd look so good in white..."

"Not thinking about it my butt, you'd love to marry my brother." Izuku puffs his cheeks out as Eijiro blushes lightly. "Anyways, I'm pretty sure Kacchan is thinking the same thing."

"Nope, not listening. Besides, he's the one who doesn't want us to be public. I would love to show the world just how much I love him for who he is and what he's been through. But he's scared." The redhead sighs, stopping in his tracks as Izuku raises an eyebrow. "I know I shouldn't rush him when he's not ready... but will he ever want that with me?"

"He's probably overthinking the whole situation and it didn't help that I said there will be consequences. What I meant was that there are consequences to lying. Once you two confess your love publicly, all it takes is one technology nerd to debunk my 'AI or fake people' excuses and the whole world will know it was your butt in that restaurant." Izuku simplifies cleanly as the redhead groans. "That might result in a rating drop or worse case scenario, underground work for the hero commission."

"So either way, our dreams of becoming top heroes gets a little bit further? Great. Just what I needed to hear."

"Hey, it could be worse than that: they could bar you from being heroes all together since you technically broke the law on private property." Izuku glares as Eijiro's eyes widen. "You really don't think about things before you do them, do you?"

"It wasn't my idea! All I did was ask him out and he practically begged me. He looked too good begging." Eijiro whines as Izuku rolls his eyes, mentally agreeing with the idea of the blonde teary eyed and pleading. "Why did you... you just agreed with me in your head, didn't you? You saw him beg before?"

"You really keep forgetting about the one sexual encounter I had with him. Anyways! I'm going to go find my husband, you can go grab your soon-to-be stepson!" Izuku opens the doors to the dorms, shouting loudly as he leaves the redhead to fend for himself.

"I'm not-!"

"You're getting married!?" Mina questions, rocking Katsuma gently as the redhead looks down at the bundle of blonde in her arms. "Why didn't you tell me?!"

Reaching for the baby, the pink woman passes Katsuma who gurgles happily as Eijiro kisses the boy's head gently before giving him a finger to play with. "I'm not! Midoriya's just messing by around."

"You know... I'm probably not going to be a Midoriya or even, Shocchan might not be a Todoroki and will be a Midoriya. So having two Midoriyas or Todorokis is confusing. You should really start calling me by my name, Eiji-kun." Izuku shouts from kitchen where he was showing anyone who would look the items they've purchased.

Suddenly, without much warning; the doors to the dorms fly open with an out of breath Katsuki and a calm yet happy Masaru behind him with a small camera crew. "Set up in the common room. I'll be there in a second, I just need to get someone. Sparkles, stay on the couch!"

The other blonde groans, flopping back onto the couch with his arms full of babies as he glances over at Tenya who shrugs at the request; offering to take the babies from him. Yuga takes the offer, handing them off to the engine hero.

"What in the world was that?!" Eijiro's jaw drops as he secured the baby in his arms, making sure the child wasn't upset by the loud and sudden noise of the doors hitting the wall. "Why are you so out of breath? Did you run here?!"

"Used my quirk. But I need you." Katsuki blurts as Eijiro's face blooms red with embarrassment.

"R-right now? In front of everyone? I didn't think you'd be so forward." The redhead glances over his boyfriend who stiffens before glaring into red eyes, face equally as red.

"Not like that, you fucker! Pass the baby." Katsuki rolls his eyes, taking his son from the man with one arm and grabbing Eijiro's wrist with the other.

Pushing the redhead onto the couch, he repositions the baby in his arms and gestures him to not move. Rushing over to the kitchen, he spots his daughter whose mid-conversation with her godfather and Shoto before grabbing her and Izuku's wrist; earning a giggle as he walks them over to the couch and places her on one side of the redhead and the greenette on the other who smiles goofily at her, earning more wondrous laughter. "So why are we on the couch? And why are cameras pointing at us?"

"We're all set, Kat. In three, two..." Masaru points, alerting his son to begin as the blonde sighs before smiling unsurely with rosey cheeks.

"As you all may know, I am Katsuki Bakugo. Otherwise known as the explosive hero Dynamite. Approximately 5 years ago, I was sexually assaulted by my ex-girlfriend Aimi Aoyama. Following that assault, I was taken hostage by a Slime Villain, kidnapped by the League of Villains, fought against the Paranormal Liberation front and lost my life on multiple occasions. All this to say that my life was a shit show." Katsuki begins as Eijiro glances up at the blonde in awe, wondering what's taken over his partner. "I've been to therapy for a short while now that everything has taken a bit of a backseat, focusing on my children's wellbeing. Yet I knew something was always missing despite me telling myself that I don't deserve it."


"Love. I'm human, no matter how hard I try not to be. I have emotions and they don't deserve to come second despite the amount of times I'd love to carve my own heart out. I believed they've made me weak and soft. But in reality, they make me stronger than I'll ever be without them." Katsuki takes a deep breath, looking down with determination at the redhead whose face is red as the blonde smiles at him. "The people on this couch before you are my family. My brothers, Izuku or Deku and Yuga or Naval Star. My children, Michiko and Katsuma. And the love of my life, Eijiro Kirishima, also known as Red Riot. I'm sorry for not saying how I felt before and I'm sorry for not sharing us with the world."

"D-does this m-mean...?" Eijiro whispers out as Katsuki gives a stern nod before glaring into the lens of the camera.

"I take full accountability of what happened in Sahari's. The footage was not falsified and all actions fall on me. That night was emotional for me and I could not hold back my feelings for Eijiro. However, Sahari's is to blame for that video being leaked as while we consented to having footage taken when entering the premises, we did not consent to having a private dinner recorded. So if any of you extras have problems, take that shit up with me and me only!" Katsuki hisses protectively, using one of his hands to make small explosions to get his point across. "As this is being broadcasted live, I await my punishment from the Hero Commission. Thank you."

Masaru signals for the feed to be cut before they're hacked as the camera crew pack up their equipment. The older blonde walks around the couch, patting his son's back with a smile. "I'm proud of you, son."

"Thanks..." The blonde smiles back genuinely, before being pulled down by his shirt. Caught off guard, he closes his eyes preparing for impact before something soft against his lips forces him open his eyes in shock before leaning into the kiss with all his might.

"Hate to interrupt, but this is just fantastic... isn't it?"


Who the fuck is that?! What is that?! Omg, omg, who is that?!

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~Shadow Out!🌑

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