Big Misunderstanding

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A little before the Truth Duology

"You know, for a worm... you're actually quite entertaining." Neito chuckles, calmly walking alongside the brunette who shrugs her shoulders; drinking an iced coffee. The wind gently blows as the two walk along the high line. "You are aware that since you've decided to run to me, the police will be after you as well, right?"

"You're probably the only person who understands me right now... everyone else thinks I'm a traitor and Izuku wants nothing to do with me." Ochaco scoffs, glancing at the periwinkle eyed blonde. "Why did you join the villains anyways? I thought you wanted to be a pro hero."

"I do, don't get me wrong. My quirk was seen as something of a joke my whole life. No one would give me the time of day and I earned myself the name of Mimic. My uncle, you know Yuga's dad, he was close to my mom at the time and recommended that I train my quirk under some friends of his. I wasn't aware they were villains until I saw what they did to Yuga for the first time. They were ruthless and heartless, I was sick to my stomach."

"Then why didn't you help him? Surely there were quirks you could have used to save him." Ochaco questions, raising an eyebrow at Neito who stares at her sadly.

"I... I couldn't do that. Even if I tried, there are multiple villains in the league. Putting myself in a situation against all of those mangy mutts would have me in the same situation as Yuga. My quirk was already a joke, at least I didn't become a quirkless pet for them to use." Neito sighs, pushing his hands into his pockets. "I thought that maybe if I got more respect, I could convince them to leave my baby cousin alone..."

"Neito..." Ochaco places a hand on his forearm, squeezing it gently to comfort him as he hums. "I'm sure Yuga appreciates your efforts."

"Let's hope he lives to hear about them."


A bomb sets off, detonating the walls of the building. Ochaco coughing as heroes surround the cafeteria of the warehouse. Villains attempt to fight back as heroes quickly subdue them. "Make this easy for yourselves and surrender!"

Vlad King makes eye contact with Ochaco, pointing at a few heroes to capture them for interrogation. Knowing that there's no point, she surrenders and leads Neito to do the same.

After a quick and awkward ride to the police station, the two are placed in the same cell as they patiently await questioning.



"You both are aware of your crimes, yes?" Detective Tsukauchi asks as Ochaco rolls her eyes.

"I haven't committed any crimes. I was hanging out with a friend." She smiles gently at Neito who flushes red in embarrassment. "We haven't done anything wrong."

"You blackmailed Izuku Midoriya and Katsuki Bakugo. He's involved with the League of Villains as an informant. Those are crimes." Naomasa states, watching as the two make eye contact. "Tell me everything and the punishment will be less severe."

"I was only giving information to lessen the punishment for Yuga. My aspiration is to become a pro hero, but I couldn't even save the people I love most. Just tell me that he's okay." Neito pleads, staring into the eyes of the Polygraph quirk user.

"Well since you've told the truth, I can tell you that he's doing alright and getting the rest he deserves." Naomasa nods, writing down in his notes. "As for you, Uraraka-San. Your motives?"

"I... I was selfish and quite possibly not thinking clearly. I just really wanted Izuku to love me and for us to have more fun together. It seemed like we drifted away and that I was nothing more than someone who watches over him. I was trying to force him into being with me that I was blinded. I haven't interacted with the League outside of Neito. He hasn't even wanted me to come to the base, but since he knew you were looking for him; we had no choice. I'm sorry for blackmailing Izuku and Bakugo." She hangs her head, shaking likely in her seat. "W-whatever punishments you think are s-suited, feel free to enact them."

"Well you both are to be supervised until your graduation. You're on house arrest until your internships take place. Seeing as you both haven't committed much else than misdemeanor crimes, no real jail time is needed as you have shown remorse and guilt." Naomasa explains, standing up from his seat as Ochaco's head snaps up to look at the detective before turning her head to the blonde who's in shock. "Just don't go trying to be heroes without backup, especially when it comes to elaborate groups like the LoV."

"We promise that we won't!"

"Then you both are free to leave. Your phones are being held in evidence, however, due to your crimes."


"I'm so glad that we aren't in jail right now!" Ochaco stretches her arms above her head as Neito chuckles at the girl's antics. "But now I have to apologize for getting involved..."

"It's my fault for hanging around you. You're probably the only person who hasn't seen me as a joke or copycat." Neito smiles gently at her as she grins back at him, causing for his face to flush. "Um, actually... I got something for you."

"When did you have the time to...?" Ochaco questions as he hands her a small box. Opening the box, she sees a golden chain with a small 'N' handing from it. On the letter, the word love is carefully inscribed on it. "Neito..."

"I don't know if you're fully over what has happened between you and the green kid from 1-A... but I think you're special. You're better than those losers in every way and being around you these past few days has shown me that I should take chances. You've inspired me to be a better hero. I love that about you. So will you go on a d-date with me?" Neito questions as tears peak her eyes; watching as she glances over him to see if there's a catch. Chuckling, he shakes his head. "No catch. No charge. Just a date. If you don't like me, we don't have to talk afterwards."

Contemplating her options, she realizes that she's probably never going to be over Izuku and that idea is okay with her. She wipes her tears off her cheeks as she gives him a closed eyed smile. "Why not!"


"Ochaco, how could you...?" Mina cries, seeing her best friend enter with Neito who looks at the ground in shame. "Why aren't you in jail right now?"

Poking out her foot, she shakes it lightly as the metal clinks around. "I'm on house arrest for what I did. I wasn't a traitor, I just got roped in by accident. I realize how stupid I was and I'm sorry. Did I miss anything?"

Mina allows for tears to rush down her face as she jumps onto the brunette, crying in relief as Ochaco pats her back comfortingly. "A lot has happened! Yuga was raped on national television, he's pregnant with twins and the entire League is captured!"

"He's... pregnant?" Neito whispers out, shaking in fear as the 1-A students glance over to him in confusion. "He's pregnant?! How the hell is he pregnant?!"

"Neito? What are you screaming about?" Yuga yawns, looking over the side of the couch as he snuggled into his starry blanket. "Actually, why are you her-?!"

Arms quickly wrap around the blonde on the couch as his breath hitches. Taking a hand, Yuga awkwardly pats his older cousin on the back as Neito buried his nose in his neck. "I'm so sorry... I just wanted to protect you, I didn't mean for it to get this bad. How far along are you?"

"Two, nearly three months... haven't had morning sickness or anything. I also don't know who the father is... it could be both of them or just Shigaraki or just Dabi. I'm having twins." Yuga explains as Neito pulls back to stare his cousin in the eyes. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're so strong, Yuga... how aren't you freaking out?"

"I've cried all day today, that's why I was napping. I didn't want to be alone either... so they all agreed to watch over me." Yuga hums, chuckling at his confused family member. "Have you met Michiko yet? She's a charming little girl."

"I haven't... is it okay if I do?"

"She's your family, CopyCat. Say fucking hi to your second cousin." Katsuki rolls his eyes, pushing his daughter towards the blonde who smiles gently at her. "This is Michiko."

"Hi Michiko..."


Things are wrapping up~! Next chapter is the promised KiriBaku dump. I can't promise it'll be worth the wait, but I'll let you read and determine that yourselves.

~Shadow Out!🌑

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