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Sitting in silence, Katsuki leans onto his legs; staring at the ground as his mother tries to distract his daughter from talking to him. His mind, trapped on the fact that his son is essentially knocked out.

On one hand, he's proud of his kid for getting a quirk; a strong one, too. But on the other hand, it was his deranged, sociopathic ex-girlfriend's quirk that was amplified by his own; used to create that very child he was proud of. Sad to say, but he was disgusted.

With himself? Oh, absolutely. Even with the monthly therapy sessions, he can still remember how she felt wrapped around him. With his daughter? Maybe? That was the current thought floating around in his head.

A hand gets placed on his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts as he quickly flinches away before turning his head to see his brother figure. A small smile graced his lips as Izuku bites his own. "What?"

"Kiri is asking if he should come over. Iida, too." Izuku states, showing the blonde his text messages as Katsuki hums. "Are you ok, Kacchan?"

"Sure, I'm just great." The blonde turns back around, placing his head in his hands as his shoulders slump. "My daughter knocked my baby out with my rapist's quirk. Life is amazing right now, thanks."

"Kacchan, it's not your rapist's quirk. And it's definitely not yours. It's Michi's. No wonder you're so torn up, you're not thinking properly." Izuku shakes his head, typing out a response to the redhead and bluenette.

Without warning, Izuku drops his phone with a yelp as a video begins to play loudly. "Heh, you should have seen this one coming, Naval Star."

The video was a bit old compared to the restaurant exposure and the background lighting was horrible. The camera pointed at a blue haired man who grinned from ear to ear with a whip in hand. With each crack, another voice; a younger voice screamed for help.

"Shut the fuck up, Uzai. You're lucky I won't fuck you, not today at least." The voice sighs, slowing down his whipping so that the man could breathe. "That was a lesson, you don't deserve a reward. Now apologize for your insolence."

"I-I'm sorry, S-Tomura! I-I didn't mean to-mean to t-talk d-during the meeting! I-I wasn't thinking, I-I'm so sorry!" The voice cries out shakily, heaving with each word as the voice, now identified as Tomura chuckles with glee.

"Excellent, you wench. Maybe I can give you a prize after all..." The clinking of a belt coming undone was more than enough for Izuku to pick back up his phone and hit the power button.

"What. The. Fuck?" Katsuki looks incredulously at the now off phone as Izuku shakes his head in disbelief. "What the fuck was that?!"

Heads turn towards Yuga who remains speechless, knees pulled up to his chest as his back moves rapidly. Slowly, his breathing becomes audible as he retches; vomit hitting the floor as tears stream down his cheeks. His body shivers as his eyes remain closed shut.

Mitsuki steps around the vomit with a grimace, placing the back of her hand to his forehead as she removes it in a rush. "Shit! His head is burning up. Recovery Girl, do you have an ice pack and a thermometer?"

The healing heroine nods, pulling both out of her bag as she hands them to the blonde older woman who nods in appreciation. "Izuku, can you lay him on his side? I don't think he can hear us right now."

The greenette hops into action, gently laying the blonde down on his back; placing a pillow to support his neck as Mitsuki lays the ice pack on his forehead. A sigh of relief escapes Yuga's lips as the cold rushes over him, the thermometer being slipped into his mouth right as it happens.

Waiting a few seconds, it beeps as Mitsuki takes it out of his mouth; wincing as she reads the numbers. "39.2 degrees Celsius... he has a fever."

"It's stress-induced, caused by the panic attack he just had. He was already on the verge of panicking from before when Katsuma wasn't waking up; the video was the last straw." Katsuki mumbles, sighing as he stands up; stretching his arms above his head. "That's it."

"Wait, where are you going?" Mitsuki questions as her son turns to look at her, then down at Yuga who's still shaking and then to Izuku who's pleading with his eyes.

"I'm going to kick someone's ass." The blonde turns again, bumping immediately into a chest as he stumbles backward; catching himself before he falls to the floor.

"You're not going anywhere." A voice cuts in as the blonde glares up at his boyfriend who stands in front of him with crossed arms. "Sorry, Kat. But you're not thinking logically."

"We already tried fucking logic! Look at where that got us?!" The blonde shouts, flailing his arms about as Eijiro cringes as he looks around the room. "Fucking Yuga has a fever because of that bitch, I just want to talk to her."

"We both know that you don't mean talk when you say it like that." Eijiro deadpans as the blonde pouts angrily; earning a pinch to his cheek as he sways it away. "You need to be here for your son and daughter. Speaking of which, why is Michi in the corner sulking?"

"P-papa... D-daddy d-doesn't like me a-antaymore." She sniffles, poking the corner with her finger as she uses the back of her hand to wipe her tears. "H-he w-won't t-tolk t-to me...."

"Katsuki, are you ignoring your daughter? Why?" Eijiro glares at the blonde who bites his lip and looks away. "Speak or I'll make you speak."

Rather than taking the threat for what it was, dirty scenarios took over the blonde's mind as he shakes his head before sighing; deciding to not fully repeat what he said to Izuku. "She has her mother's quirk."

"She has venom?"

"Well, not fully. She had one of the toxins from her mom's quirk and she has explosion." Izuku chimes in, giving context to the blonde's statement as the redhead nods.

"So it's her own unique quirk, not a carbon copy? Have they named it yet?" Eijiro asks as both men shake their heads. "Yeah, so it's not her mother's quirk. I'm going to ask again: why are you ignoring your daughter?"

Katsuki sighs in frustration, knowing deep down that he's wrong about his thought process. "She reminds me of her mother. She looks more and more like her with each passing day and it terrifies me, is that what you want me to say?"

"Yes, thank you for admitting that. Now look at her." Eijiro gestures towards the girl who peaks over her shoulder to look at her dad. "I see your nose, your skin, your dimples. I see your hair shade, your eye shape, and your lips. She might share some things with her but she's you. So cut the crap and be her dad when she needs you."

Katsuki nods, running a hand through his hair as he bends down to extend his arms out with a tentative smile. "Michiko, I'm sorry. Can you forgive me?"

"Not... mad?" She whispers, looking at her dad questioning if he's trying to trap her before punishing her.

"No, I'm not mad. I'm sorry, are you hungry? You've had a long day today and you haven't had your nap yet..." The blonde asks as she yawns on cue, getting up to waddle over to him before hugging him tightly.

"It otay daddy, I wove you."

"I love you more..."


This is gonna end in about 9-ish chapters and then the final book will begin! I really love this story.

I do have two story ideas to be my next success: a TodoDeku book with elements of BakuDeku or a KiriBaku book with BakuOcha/KiriDeku angst.

Let me know what you think! (The KiriBaku book is basically a mini story I already published in MiniStories, it's called Burst!)

~Shadow Out!🌑

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