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Heads snap towards the door, spotting a silver haired woman in a pantsuit with three black haired men. "I need to talk with Dynamite."

The blonde in question smirks, looking over the small group with interest as he pulls further out of Eijiro's grasp; patting his lover on the shoulders as he sparks his hand. "What do you want, Sahari? Trying to get your ass kicked?"

"Far from that, I just have... some things I'd love for you to see." Yuko grins maliciously, extending a hand out as her silver eyes shift to yellow. The television turns on and a shaky camera points into a window.

Wet noises fill the room before Izuku quickly grabs Michiko from her spot on the couch, covering her eyes as Katsuki's terrified face appears on screen; flushed red with tears as boobs bounce slightly off frame. "Come on, cum. I know you want to. S-shit, r-right there. Ah~!"

The camera shakes a bit, remaining pointed on the blonde whose nose scrunches with disgust. The camera looks down to see the mess, showing juices leaking from her hole that sloshes around the base of his pelvis.

The voice pants as the camera points back at the immobile blonde, who's frozen in fear. "Aw, don't look at me like that... you'll make me sad, Kitty. Now I know that you want to cum."

Katsuki stares at the screen blankly, turning off the television without much to say as he turns his attention back to Yuko who grins. "You liked that? I have one more I think you'd enjoy."

"Let me guess: the video of me and Izuku jacking off. I honestly don't give a fuck, you do know that right?" He monotonously told her as she looks at him in disbelief. "I've relived my rape in my head for years. Without needing a dumbass video, I could feel the pain and hatred I've felt for Aimi each time I've closed my eyes. So I'll ask you straight up: what's your endgame?"

"M-my endgame?" Yuko gulps as she looks over the entire room of heroes looking at her and her little group. "My endgame... is to show the world how unreliable heroes truly are. You already took one step to completing that."

"Yeah, but guess what? I also just took a step to ending it. You're running low on videos. I know you are. I'm going to take a wild guess on what else you have stored and you're going to confirm it or die." Katsuki smiled gently, scaring the crap out of the woman as he takes a step forward. "You have a video of me cutting myself for the first time, one of probably Chargebolt's night of fun, perhaps a bit of Cellophane and Pinky's tape? You see, I know my friends more than anyone. They don't even need to tell me if what I'm saying is true, I know it is. If you've been playing stalker for a while, you'd want to get your hands on anything you possibly could, hm?"

"H-how'd you...?"

"I know my friends because they are trustworthy heroes. You're just a bored and sick fuck who wants to be involved. How'd you get involved with the League anyways? Shigaraki wouldn't want a weakling like yourself to bring about a new era of society. So what? You have sex with one of the members or you bribed your way in?" Katsuki's smile turns into a wicked grin as tears peak her eyes. "Oh? You're crying? Pathetic. What were you expecting when you decided to mess with the best of the best? At least Aimi had some character. You're just a disgusting human being."

"I-I'm doing this for her!"

"She never loved you. She never will love you. She will die all alone in Tartarus, repaying for her crimes against me and the world. You were nothing but a pawn in her messed up game of checkers. Wasn't even included in any of the plans. Poor you." Katsuki takes a step closer to her face, smiling in it as he blows on her nose. "You lose, Princess. But at least you'll be able to pick up your consolation prize, yeah?"

"C-consolation prize?! W-what are you-!?" She yelps as  she's yanked back by both arms, chains clanking as she's cuffed. Turning her head, she pales as she spots Shota, Endevor and Hawks holding her other members as Hound Dog holds her. "T-this isn't over!"

"I think it is. At least for you. But feel free to give us the names of the other members of your little posse. We'd love to chat with them." Katsuki waves as they're escorted off the premises, his smile turning into a grimace as he looks down. That video, despite the face he put on, brought back so many terrible memories.

A hand claps his shoulder, bringing him out of his mind as he looks up to see his father there with a sad smile. "Hey, I'll take the kids for the night, yeah? Me and your mother want for you to relax for today. You did good, my hero. You did good."

The blonde nods as Masaru ruffles his hair before turning towards the other students around the room. "Ok. So I'm collecting the children for the night. That includes the twins. You all need to talk about what just happened without the distractions and clear the air. You are heroes first and foremost. Protect each other. I'll see you guys later."

"How the hell did he know we had a sex tape?!"


I promise the next chapter will be longer. This one needed to be short for my plan to work out.

~Shadow Out!🌑

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