Three's Company

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Denki whistles as he strolls along the hallways of the dorms, thriving in the chaos that's been unfolding all around him like a soap opera. The common area was silent as the Bakugos and Aoyamas were nowhere to be found as everyone else scattered about in their rooms and various other places.

Suddenly, a hand grabs the yellow haired man's wrist; dragging him into a room and plopping him onto a chair. "Hey! What gives?"

"Sorry Denks, but we have an emergency." Mina grins as the man looks around the room to see the rest of the self-proclaimed Bakusquad.

"What's the emergency? And does it have anything to do with me? Because I like watching." He questions, leaning back in his chair as the pink woman nods excitedly. "It has to do with me?"

"Yep! I overheard some juicy gossip and I want to get your opinion on it." Mina bounces on her heels, taking her phone out of her pocket. "I have a text from Kyoka asking about your favorite meal. But get this! That isn't all, Shinso apparently was talking to Kendo about good date spots!"

"Huh? My favorite meal? And what does the Shinso conversation have to do with me?" Denki tilts his head, leaning forward as curiosity got the best of him.

"Can't you see?! They both like you! Are you going to pick one?" Mina claps her hands as the blonde blushes in confusion.

"Me?! Why me?! I haven't even done anything! I mean I've flirted with Jiro a few times, and I may have said something in passing about Shinso's eye bags being hot, but they actually like me? You have to be shitting me." Denki shakes his head in disbelief.

"Don't say I didn't warn you!"


"Bro, I told you I was going to ask him out and you decide to try and look for date spots? Really?" Kyoka deadpans as the insomniac shrugs his shoulders, head resting in her lap.

"What's the harm? All's fair in love and war, Kyo." Hitoshi smiles tiredly up at her as she glares at him. "Either he accepts one of us or denies both of us. Either way, someone's losing."

"Why don't we just all date? Polygamy is an option. That way no one gets hurt." Kyoka mumbles, running a hand through his hair as he raises an eyebrow at one of his closest friends.

"You'd want to share him? With me? How would this work?" The purple haired man questions, leaning up a bit as their faces get close together; causing for a light blush to take over their cheeks.

"We could... all just date each other. I-I don't know, there's research that would have to go into it. But I wouldn't mind... dating you and him." Kyoka whispers as Hitoshi hums in thought. "What do you think? Would you want to date me, too?"

"It'd be a closed relationship between us three, right?" The brainwashing male questions, earning a nod from her. "And I'd also be dating you?"

Another nod.

"Meaning I'd be able to kiss you and him?"

Third nod.

"Ok. Yeah, I'd be down for this." Hitoshi agrees as Kyoka pulls out her phone, switching to a search engine. "So, now we're going to look up polyamory shit so we can propose the idea to Denki, right?"



"Denks! Can I talk to you for a minute?" Kyoka calls out, the yellow haired man peaking his head out from the kitchen as he places his plate of grapes down.

"Sure, Kyo." He swallows a single grape before following her to her dorm room where Hitoshi sat on her bed, leaning back on his arms. "Oh, hey Hito. What's up?"

"You seem nervous. Why? We just want to talk." Hitoshi glares as the man standing lightly sweats, hands shaking as his eyes open wide. "You know."

"K-know what?" Denki stutters, internally cursing as Hitoshi points at him accusingly.

"You know that we like you. But that's ok, that's exactly what we wanted to talk to you about." He shrugs, smiling calmly as Kyoka walks over to Hitoshi and sits on his lap. "We want to date you."

"W-we? As in both of you?" Denki raises an eyebrow, not knowing how to feel about the offer. "Meaning you both are together and you want me? Since when?!"

"Oh we started dating like two hours ago? We wanted to do some research and found that being honest and opened would be the best route." Kyoka explains as she smiles lovingly. "But we really like you, Denki. So would you join us?"

"How would this work...? Is it not cheating?" He bites his lip, mind traveling to places as footsteps interrupt his thought process. Hands grab his waist as another set places in his cheeks; onyx eyes staring into amber.

"It's not cheating because we'd all be dating each other, silly. It'd take a lot of communication, but I think it'd work. Right, Hitoshi?" Kyoka questions as Hitoshi nods, caressing the electricity user's hips; sending a shock through his body as he almost melts into their hands. "So?"

"I-I..." His brain shortcircuits as Hitoshi leans over him to kiss Kyoka on the lips gently, pulling away as she presses a gentle kiss on his cheek as he nods quickly. "Yeah, ok... we can do this..."

"Good. Welcome to our throuple, Denki. Relax and get comfortable."


That's gonna be hot to write about whenever the main story gets boring. Hope you've enjoyed!

Check out my other stories like Idolize, Grin, Will of the Heart and more!

~Shadow Out!🌑

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