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*Author's Note: Enjoy :) Spicy ahead!

"Where the fuck are you taking me?" The blonde questions, arms crossed as he follows the redhead closely.

"I thought I told you?" Eijiro quirks up an eyebrow as the blonde huffs, shaking his head.

"No, you told me to put on this ridiculous outfit and then dragged me 20 blocks." Katsuki deadpans, pulling on his black necktie.

The blonde was currently wearing a white button up that snuggly cradled his muscular build, black dress pants that hugged his glutes and the aforementioned black tie; plain black dress shoes on each foot. The redhead had a similar look, although a maroon color for the white.

"It's not ridiculous. We won't get in if we're not dressed like this." Eijiro explains as he suddenly stops walking, causing the blonde to smack right into his back.

"Hey! What's the... deal? Is this...?" The blonde glances at the building warily, suddenly feeling dread.

"Yep! It's Sahari! I managed to get us a VIP room and everything, pretty exciting, eh?" Eijiro grins as the blonde nods slowly, silently hating he didn't push for the destination; believing that all that mattered was that he was with the redhead.

Walking through the held opened door, the blonde glances around the familiar building as he takes notes of the changes. "Hi, welcome. Did you have reservations?"

"Yes, under Kirishima Eijiro for two." The redhead nodded, placing a hand around his date's waist; causing the blonde to freeze up.

"Ah yes, for 6. Right this way, sirs." The brunette hostess grabs two menus and brings them towards a room in the back of the restaurant. "Would you like anything to drink? We have a lovely selection tonight."

"Can we get a bottle of your best champagne? Maybe some shrimp as an appetizer as well?" Eijiro questions, handing the drink menu back to the host who bows. "Thank you."

"How did you manage to score a VIP room?" Katsuki raises an eyebrow, squinting at the male across from him. "This place is high end."

"We're heroes, Kat. You expected me to not use the perks that come with the title? We save lives and make lives easier for people, it's only natural they'd want to assist in making our lives just as easy." Eijiro shrugs, taking a sip of his complimentary water. "Besides, it's not like I'm not paying them. They have my card on file and there's automatic gratuity."

"Fair enough." The blonde mumbles before looking at the menu, seeing words that make no sense to him. "I'm just going to get mapu tofu."

"Spicy, just like you. I'll probably get a steak, some rice and asparagus. There's no need to be so cheap, it's on me; so get whatever else you want. I want to take care of you." Eijiro smiles, reaching across the table with his palm up; waiting on the blonde to grab it.

Hesitantly, Katsuki reaches for the hand before their server with silver hair comes up to them with a malicious smile. "Ah, if it isn't my favorite customer, Bakugo."

Taking his hand back quickly, the blonde snarls at the woman. "Sad to see you couldn't get a better job."

"Oh how funny you are. Always great to see you." A chuckle came from between pink lips; grey eyes glistening. "So, what can I get you and your boy toy?"

"Woah, I thought you've never been here?" Eijiro questions, signaling between the two. "How do y'all know each other?"

"What do you mean? Bakugo was dating my best friend before she up and disappeared on me. Ignored me and removed me from her life." The woman spat, hatred laced in her throat. "He used to come here with her all the time back in the day."

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