Won't Talk

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"What do you extras want and where is my kid?" Bakugo grumbles, hating how they purposefully separated him from his daughter once he came back, only to be surrounded by majority of the class.

"Uraraka is playing with her right now. But before we do that, we have something serious to discuss with you." Mina starts as Kaminari slams his hands on the desk, pointing directly at the blonde.

"How could you keep your dear daughter away from her other parent? Then you surround her with police and stories about how bad she is! Why not let her get to know child before coming to that conclusion?" He huffs as Bakugo's eyes soften a bit before immediately hardening, moving Kaminari's hand from his face slowly.

Taking a deep breath, he stares straight at all of them before responding. "It's not a matter of meeting her. It's all of the crazy shit she put me through leading up to Michiko's birth."

"Crazy shit? Now you're calling her crazy. What did she even do to you that she can't meet her child?" Mina gawks at Bakugo's demeanor as he sits back, squinting at them. "Your own kid wants to know about her and both you and Deku deny her any information besides 'she's crazy' or 'she doesn't matter'."

"She doesn't matter. She abandoned the child she desperately wanted on my door step. Hell, she didn't care about what I had to say. She used her fucking quirk on me and all of a sudden, I have a baby on my door step." Bakugo scoffs, eyes widening as he thins his lips; thinking over his words.

"Used her quirk on you... what was her quirk and how did it lead to a baby...?" Mina whispers as Bakugo shakes his head, standing up; heading towards the stairs.

"Don't bother me, Michiko or Deku about any of what I said. Point of the matter: she doesn't matter and she's a fucking extra."

The room goes silent as he stomps up the stairs, eyes focusing on the greenette who blinks slowly at their gaze. "Guys, come on. Kacchan doesn't want to talk about it. Leave it alone."

"But you know what's wrong with him. Why is it a secret? Especially from his daughter?" Mina pouts as Midoriya shakes his head.

"Kacchan said all that he needs to. Don't try to be his hero. This isn't a topic that concerns you all. Thank you for caring, but we have this covered." He bows, smiling weakly as he turns to begin walking up the stairs.

"We? You're involved? Have you met Michiko's mom?" Denki questions as the greenette tears up a bit, alarming the group of students who are invested at this rate.

"She... I've met her a few times before she did what she did. We grew up together and I stopped talking to her once I realized her intentions. Kacchan didn't want to believe me... I wish he had. Would have saved us all this heartbreak." Izuku whispers as he nods, beginning to walk away. "I said more than I needed. I should really get going. My goddaughter needs help with her room."

"You're her legal godparent? How...?"

"Our moms thought it would be a good idea. And Kacchan agreed. I'll see you all later." With that, his foot falls grew heavy as he rushed up the steps.


"Daddy! Daddy! I can't find Mittens!" She whines, looking all over the room. "Help please!"

"Okay, okay. It might be in one of your drawers. Did you check?" Katsuki questions as she shakes her head no. "You have to look with your hands before you ask for help, Michi. Look."

He pulls the sock puppet out of her sock drawer and hands it to her. "Thank you! Love you!"

"Yeah, yeah..." He zones out as a timid knock on the door fills the pause in conversation. "Come in nerd."

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