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Sitting down with a cup of dark roast, Katsuki sighs as he and Yuga watch their infants blabber to each other in a play-pen the class got for them to share. The magenta eyed blonde glances over to the male next to him, sipping his lavender honey tea. "You know... the hickey Kiri left is fading rather quickly."

"How the fuck... he left a hickey on me?!" Katsuki pulls out his phone, positioning it to see the fading purple mark on his neck. "What the hell?!"

"Don't worry, no one else noticed. I'm just observant." Yuga sips his tea, looking at his kids; watching as his black haired son rolls onto his back, getting tackled by his blonde daughter. "Nanami, stop that! Get off of your brother!"

"Heh, you sound like a stressed mom." Katsuki snorts as Yuga sends a glare to his brother figure, placing his cup down to lean forward and fix the twins. "Speaking of moms, mine is supposed to be coming over. Said something about wanting to start a baby clothing line. She asked if you want your twins in it. She'll pay per hour."

"I'd I say yes, but I'm finding myself not needing the extra money nowadays." Yuga shrugs. "I don't really want my kids to live in the spotlight. I get enough of that for the three of us, you know? And not in the good way."

"Fair enough. I'll let her know." Katsuki shrugs, tapping away on his phone. "But how are you not needing extra money? You're a single dad, there's no way the school is giving you enough; I'm not even getting enough."

"Um, Tenya. Surprisingly, he's offered to help me out." Yuga's face heats up a bit as he recalls the kiss to his hand from the day before. "We're good friends now..."

"Good friends my ass, I know love struck when I see that shit. You like him." Katsuki chuckles, taking a long sip from his mug as his fellow blonde shakes his head. "You can't lie to me."


"What are you two talking about?" A voice interrupts their conversation, causing for them both to turn towards the kitchen to see the engine hero.

"N-nothing, Tenya. Just about our families and what we did yesterday." Yuga grins nervously, hoping the blonde next to him doesn't add on anything.

"Yeah, yeah." Katsuki places his phone down, grabbing the remote and turning the television on to the news.

Not even a second after the morning broadcast, a familiar moan distorts the television causing for the blonde to freeze with his hand on the volume button. "Yeah, I hope you enjoy this, Dynamite. You don't sound so strong now, do you?"

Whispers and stuttered cursing fill the room as students slowly filter in; confused as to the noises they're hearing. Footsteps pad the floor as a panicked Eijiro rushes into the room, freezing as he looks at the screen; mouth dropping opened as he sees a video of him rawdogging Katsuki in the restaurant from last night. "K-Kat... what-?"

"Yuko..." A whisper escapes his lips before an explosion erupts from his hands, destroying the remote. "That bitch. She's going to pay!"

"Woah, calm down! We don't need to resort to violence, right? We can just sue her! Y-yeah, sue..."

"We can't sue, idiot. We'd lose. Public lewdness and indecent exposure. Those are misdemeanors, we'd get arrested." Katsuki hisses, pulling at his hair. "How the fuck did we not see those cameras?!"

"If that's the meeting room, there aren't supposed to be cameras." A stoic voice interrupts, causing heads to turn towards the dual haired man. "My mother and I eat there once a week. Not once has there been a camera. Besides, there's only one angle showing from the video. If we didn't hear you two admit it just now, we would've thought the people in it were complete strangers."

A hardcore flush fills the cheeks of both participants who realize Shoto is completely right. Their heads were pointed towards the lone window in the room, meaning all anyone say were Eijiro's ass, red hair and Katsuki's legs.

"Kacchan, in public? Really? I'm proud that you got over your fear of intimacy, but in public?" Izuku chuckles in disbelief, taking the remote from his childhood friend; turning the television off as his goddaughter was awake and standing in the doorway, rubbing her eyes. "You two together now?"

"Y-yeah. I asked him yesterday." Eijiro sweatdrops, biting his lip. "I doubt we said anything to incriminate us. The only way she knew who we were was because of Katsuki's connections."

"If we say nothing, the media will slander Bakugo; whether he's in uniform or not. If we say something, this woman, you two speak of, will get louder in hopes of ruining all of 1-A. Meaning we have to get ahead of this." Momo interjects, the class agreeing with her as she pulls out her phone and dials a number. "I'm calling a press conference for the whole class, seeing as this is now all of our business. We have two, for lack of better words, ex-victims, an ex-League associate and children running around. That on top of fornication in a restaurant is way more than enough to draw attention."

"As long as we have our stories straight, we should be in the clear. Those of us who aren't in the limelight will be on duty during the conference to ensure nothing gets in or out." Tenya instructs as majority of the class nods before a hand grabs his, causing him to look down with a slight blush.

"You are aware that we were seen in public yesterday and had a public argument, yes? You're going to have to come for my segment of the conference..."

"Of course."

"Kat... what do we say about that? They have cameras in the restaurant elsewhere. They probably have full face views of us entering and walking to the room." Eijiro whispers to his boyfriend who turns his head to look at the redhead before reaching his arms out. The redhead leans into the arms, Katsuki squeezing him tightly while trying to ground himself.

"We tell them we had a regular meeting about hero assignments and that someone used their quirk to fabricate the video... if they ask about our relationship, we tell them that we are friends." Katsuki whispers back, the redhead pulls back from the hug to look at him in disbelief.

"But I love you... I don't want to hide." Eijiro reaches out as the blonde stands up; wrapping his arms around himself as he closes his eyes to avoid stares he knows he's getting. "Kat, please. We can talk about this-!?"

"What the fuck is there to talk about?! I'm trying to protect my family, we're hiding this."

"I... I thought I was your family, too..."

"Yeah? Well, you're not. Wake up, my children come first." Katsuki scoffs, holding back tears as he shakes his head; walking towards the stairs as he grabs his daughter. "Deku, grab Katsuma."

"Izuku..." Eijiro glances at the greenette who silently grabs the baby, making his way towards the blonde. "Please!?"

"I'm sorry..."


Uh oh. Riffs in paradise.

~Shadow Out!🌑

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