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Dallas had been bugging you to go to one of Buck's parties with him but you always made an excuse for not being able to go. Things like: Ponyboy is helping me with homework, or I was going to talk with Johnny at the lot tonight, sometimes you told him that you where going to teach Darry how to cook something other than Spaghetti.

You sat on the Curtis' couch next to Two-bit and Ponyboy.

Dallas and Johnny walked inside.

Ponyboy and Johnny had plans to go to the nightly double.

You couldn't make an excuse much since everyone would be gone.

Darry was working. Soda and Steve weren't off yet and they where going to Buck's party tonight. And Two-bit, his idea of hanging out would be to get drunk and mess with girls.

"So, (y/n), Coming to Buck's with me tonight?" Dallas asked.

You shrugged. "I don't know Dallas. With you? I was thinking about going with Ponyboy and Johnny."

He rolled his eyes and went outside to smoke a cigarette.

"Hey, (y/n)?" Pony said.

You turned to him. "Yeah?"

"Why don't you just go? Dallas has waited forever to take you to Buck's. Maybe he's in love." He said, playfully poking your side.

"No way on earth is that /possible/ for Dallas Winston to be /in love/ Ponyboy."

You suddenly felt yourself stand up and go outside.

Dallas looked over at you and offered you a cigarette You never smoked. Darry always told you to never smoke. Everyone did. Two-bit said that you're too young to be smoking. Ponyboy said you're too pretty to do that, even Soda would say that. Steve always teased you about not smoking but he still told you to never smoke. Johnny never said much, but when it came to smoking he always told you to ignore it.

"Do you want something?" Dallas asked, cocking a brow.

"I wanted to talk about Buck's party tonight." You said.

"Don't worry 'bout it. I'm going with another girl. One that doesn't make up her mind when it's too late." He said.

You where about to say something until he added on.

"Now you're wanting to go? Seriously? Where were you then, (y/n)?" He asked. "I shouldn't waste my time on a boring broad like you. You never do anything."

You felt your hand come across his face. Tears appeared in your eyes but you bit your lip to keep from crying.

"You little-" Dallas was cut off and being pulled back now by Soda and Steve.

They told you to go inside while they calmed down Dallas and made him leave.

You walked inside silently and sat next to Two and Pony again.

You tried not to cry but you sniffed.

"You alright? What happened out there?" Pony asked.

You just shrugged and he wrapped his arms around you and you rested your head on his shoulder.

You woke up on the couch. You saw Soda walking around, looking for his jacket. Darry sat in the arm chair, reading the news.

You sat up. "Hey Sleeping Beauty." Soda said.

"Where's everyone?" You asked.

"Pony and Johnny went to the movies and we're going to Buck's."

You looked over at Darry and he continued reading.

You decide to get ready and go to the party with Soda and Steve.

Once you got there, some guys stared at you.

You stayed with Soda and then Dallas came up to you.

"I'll be over here." Soda said disappearing somewhere.

Dallas began to apologize and told you that he didn't mean anything.

You knew that Dallas did things like this. He'd always say something he didn't mean and do stuff he knew wasn't right.

The whole night he stayed with you and when you walked back to the Curtis' house you smiled brightly the whole way back when Dallas asked you to be his back at the party.

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