Ponyboy Imagine (Requested)

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This is an imagine for aarielll who came to me for a request just like others have done. So, I hope I did good with this one. Enjoy!

It was the first week of summer and Ponyboy and I walked back to my place, hand in hand.

He was such a gentleman and liked to walk me home all the time. Which I didn't mind. Not one bit.

The sun was out, but it wasn't too hot.

"No more school." Stated Ponyboy.

I was a bit drawn back and a little shocked at his words.

I mean, Ponyboy was a good kid. Did well at school. And after all, school was the best place to avoid Socs.

"Yeah. It's officially summer." I said with a smile.

"And I get to spend it with you." He said as he looked to me with a smirk.

"That's right." I said and smiled shyly.
A few minutes later we made it to my house.

But I only went in to grab a bag of clothes and such other things so I could spend the night at his place for a few days.

After all, it was summer.
That Night

"Tired?" Asked Ponyboy as we watched TV with the other guys.

I nodded. "Yeah..."

Eventually I guess I had fell asleep and either Ponyboy or Soda took me to the room and laid me down.

Which was real sweet of them. Or however did it.

Because all I remember was waking up in their room.
I got up and went straight to the kitchen after brushing my teeth.

I couldn't resist the smell of bacon, eggs, toast and coffee.
Later That Day

We all got ready and dressed up to go to the carnival downtown.

Normally, we don't do carnivals or festivals.

But we thought it would be fun and it sounded like a nice idea. Just to be able to get out of the house for a bit.

So we drove to the carnival in Darry's truck.

"This is going to be fun." I said as I looked to Ponyboy.

We had been holding hands forever. All day, practically.

When we finally got there, it was all bright and the smell of food was in the air.

I couldn't wait to get a funnel cake, a candy apple, and much more.
Midnight- 2 pm

Me and Ponyboy rode many rides with Darry following behind. Only because we were the two youngest.

Darry had made fun of us the whole night since we were holding hands and kissing a bit. Practically because of the fact that we were dating.

However, Johnny, Soda, Dally, Steve and Two-bit, all rode many different and more scarier rides.

And later we went home. Around 2 pm I believe.

Suprisingly we weren't tired at all.

But the gang left me and Ponyboy alone, giving us time alone to make out a bit before I had to be back home the next day.

Eventually we did fall asleep as we cuddled and watched a bit of TV.

Following the next morning, Ponyboy had walked me home and we said our farewells then kissed before he left back to his place.

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