Darry Imagine

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You and Darry had been best friends and became lovers after high school. Darry couldn't afford going to college after the accident with his parents. You didn't go either since you lived with your aunt and uncle and they had 3 children of their own and could only afford to send the oldest two.

You had overheard your aunt and uncle saying something about moving. They then gathered everyone at the table for dinner and talked about it. You then realized you ran out the house as tears welled up in your eyes. You headed for the Curtis' house and the door flung open as you got there.

It was Sodapop.

"Hey Y/N." He said, smiling.

You didn't look up but he then noticed something was wrong. He brought you inside and called Darry. He was working late tonight but when he heard you were crying and really sad, he drove to his house and had you right in his arms.

"What's wrong, Y/N?" Darry asked.

You hid your face into his shirt and sighed. You felt bad about not answering him and you'd gotten tear stains on his shirt, so the least you could do was tell him.

"It's my aunt and uncle." You told him.

You lifted your face from his chest and looked over to see Sodapop whispering to Ponyboy.

Darry let go of you and gave you a look saying 'are you going to tell me?' and you nodded at him.

He went to the kitchen and made dinner.

You saw Ponyboy staring at you and you sat beside him.

"Hey Y/N." He said.

"Hey Pony."

He pulled you into a hug unexpectedly and that made you smile a little.

"I'm sorry that you're sad and I wish I could make you be happy. You know Darry would like that too. He loves you so much and so do me and Sodapop. You're the best thing that's happened to him in a long time. What's wrong?" He asked over your shoulder then pulled away and looked at you with his beautiful, piercing greenish-grey eyes.

"I'm moving away." You told him.

He hugged you tight once again.

"You can't go, Y/N. Darry needs you, he loves you! Please don't go. Please don't break Darry's heart. Y/N, I need you. You're my best friend. Now that Dallas and Johnny are gone, you're the only one that's as close to me as they where. Please, Y/N... don't leave."

You had tears in your eyes and wiped them away quickly so Pony didn't see you crying.

"I don't wanna leave Pony. I don't want to break my own heart leaving, and leave Darry brokenhearted."

He smiled a little as he pulled away.

You told Darry at the dinner table and he flipped. He didn't want you to go and that made him angry. You both got into a huge argument, screaming at each other. Sodapop left before that. You'd both forgotten that Pony even existed until you heard him at the door of Darry's bedroom.

There you and Darry were, getting a lecture about love and being told off by a 14, almost 15 year old.

"You two are meant for each other. Stop fighting. It's disgusting." Ponyboy said.

You ended up not going to Carolina with your aunt and uncle. You lived with Darry and his brothers, happily ever after. Thanks to Ponyboy.
This sucks to me, but here ya guys go. Hopefully you'll like it more than I do. Soooo, I'm lovin' tha weather we're having lately. Warm and sunny. I'm in the library rn. Soooo, now class. Bye! -J ♡

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