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@CrazyCartoonGurl15, this one's for you! I hope you like it!

"Alyssa! Hey!" Shouted her friend Laila. "Hey shorty!"

"Hey, Lails." Alyssa said, throwing her arm around Laila.

"I was so happy for this Friday to come. Movie night!" Said Laila.

"Yeah. Let's get going." Said Alyssa.

And with that, the two girls walked to the drive in movies.

Soon after arriving they searched for their movie. And once finding the right movie, they sat down in the two front seats that were empty. Thankfully.

From behind them, they could hear a guy talking to his other friend about them.

Alyssa ignored it, but Laila listened.

"Hey there." A voice said as a hand reached out to Laila. "I'm Dallas."

Laila turned around and gave him a look.

"Hey hey, no need to do that, babe." Dallas said.

Finally, Alyssa turned around. She noticed the kid sitting beside Dallas.

"Hi." She said softly.

He didn't look at first, but then he lifted his head to look at her.

"Uhm.. hello." He said.

"Your friend. Is he like this to a lot of girls." Alyssa asked.

"Well, Dallas is what you might consider a "player", but, he's my buddy." Johnny said.

"Ah. Okay." Alyssa said and shrugged.

"We're also greasers. So I hope we didn't upset you girls, we don't want a problems." Said Johnny.

"No. Not at all." Said Alyssa with a smile.

"Oh. Good." Johnny said with relief.

Just before the movie started, Alyssa offered to buy food for the four of them. The girls had become real good friends with Dally and Johnny after the long conversations they had.

Dallas gave his order and so did Laila, handing over some money of her own to help out Laila.

"Alright. I'll be back." Said Alyssa before standing up and making her way out of the aisle.

"Hey. Wait!" Called out Johnny, catching Alyssa's attention.

She turned around and there was Johnny, making his way over to her.

"You might need help carrying the food and drinks. Mind if I come along?" Asked Johnny.

"Not at all." She said with a smile.

They two made their way upto the snack bar and Johnny held open the door for Alyssa.

She made her way inside and stood in line.

As the line moved along, Johnny and Alyssa gathered up a few sodas and popcorn.

They finally got to the end of the line and Alyssa paid.

Johnny held open the door again as they made their way out.

"Thanks for the food." Said Johnny.

"No problem." Said Johnny.

Johnny and Alyssa, Laila and Dallas enjoyed the movie while eating their food.

After the movie was over, Johnny and Alyssa notice two people were missing.

It was Dallas and Laila.

"Where did they go!?" Asked Alyssa.

"Hmm. I don't know." Johnny said.
"Gee, I'll pay you back for the food. They barely ate any!" He added.

"No. That's okay." Alyssa said.

"Well, the least I could do is walk you home." Johnny said.

"Yeah. Sure. I'd like that." Alyssa said.

The two then made their way to Alyssa's house, Alyssa directing them.

Once they finally did reach her house, she turned to Johnny.

"Thanks." She said with a smile.

"You're welcome." Johnny said, returning a smile.

Alyssa then reached out and kissed his scar before going inside.

And then Johnny left to the lot.

That night all he thought about while looking up at the stars was the girl he met at the drive-ins. Alyssa Luna.
Weeks later

"Alyssa! Alyssa!" Yelled Laila.

She didn't look too happy, trying her best to continue to run upto Alyssa.

"Woah! Laila, what's up!?" Alyssa asked.

"Just read this. I gotta go." Laila said, handing over the news paper and then immediately ran off.

So Alyssa did. She read about a church fire. But a familiar name got to her.

Johnny Cade.

She read about him getting hurt by trying to save some children in the church.

She gathered the mail from the mailbox and then ran inside.

She dropped the mail onto the floor and ran to her room.

She changed into the clothes she wore that same day she met Johnny. And although it wasn't the ideal thing to wear, she didn't care.

Tight blue jeans, a black crop top, and her converse. Just like the ones Johnny had.

She told her mom and her mom took her to the hospital that Johnny was at.

At first they refused to let her in, but they did after she begged.

Her mom waited for her while she went to see Johnny.

After finding his room and entering it.

She watched the almost lifeless body of Johnny's that was severely burned.

He opened his eyes at the sound of the door shutting.

Alyssa tried not to cry, smiling as best as she could when he smiled at her.

"Hey, Alyssa." Johnny said.

"H-hey." She said, moving closer to him.

She tried not to make him talk too much incase it hurt him.

But so many things ran through her mind.

And finally she just let it all out. She bawled her eyes out.

"Oh, Johnny. You're a true hero. And I admire you for that." She said.

He smiled and finally before his last few breaths he spoke out.

"Kiss me." He said.

Alyssa slowly let her head fall towards his, their lips interlocking with each other's.

And that was their last moment together, one that meant real love and friendship.

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