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I went home very sad rather than pissed off and embarrassed at Two-bit for that little argument he pulled over during conversation at lunch earlier.

Especially since it was in front of the guys, and other people.

But it wasn't the first time we argued and fought. However, it was very different this time.

Here's how it all started.
That morning everything seemed to be fine. And me and Two-bit were very happy.

But for some reason he had acted so strange since that morning.

"Are you okay?" I asked and he nodded with a not so sure look.

I tried not to bug him so much about how he was acting or seemed to act. But I couldn't help asking either.

And this was pissing him off. I just knew it.

I was making everything worse.

Our fights tend to stay around stupid topics, the typical boyfriend-girlfriend arguments.

But not the jealousy kind.

Very stupid ones.

"I'm fine! God. Why do you keep asking." Is what he said.

That's when I know that I crossed the line.

So he left and I didn't see him until lunch. Late lunch since it was about 5:00 o'clock anyways.

The gang all got together at the dingo and ate together in the same booth.

My sister came with Dallas, who's also her boyfriend.

I wish me and Two-bit were like them where we didn't fight so much.

So we got together and I thought Two-bit had calmed down by then.

I asked him how his day was and he told me it was fine. Very little at the most.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

That's when he broke.

"YES! MY GOD YES! It's all you've asked since I woke up. I said it once and I'll repeat. YES. I'm okay!" He shouted.

I looked at him but felt my face get red.

To my surprise, he didn't leave. But I did.

But I sat there for a short moment before getting up.

Slowly and with my head hidden, I walked out of the diner.

I passed the window where they were sitting and Two-bit looked at me.

I continued to walk off and this time I went over to the lot.

Later I found out that Two-bit left not too long after I did.

We couldn't find him and I started to get worried. God knows what could have happened to him. If anything.

"God. We're never gonna find him." Said my sister.

"Don't say that!" I shouted, already stressed out and frustrated enough.

Everyone went home except for me.

I somehow found myself back at the dingo, sitting at the bench outside and would've guessed that it was midnight or 2 am.

I shrugged it all off and sighed.

Soon the silence was broken by footsteps.

I looked up to a tall figure. But I knew this figure.

"Two-bit?" I said softly.

"Hey, Jordan." He said and then took a seat next to me.

It was silent for a whole minute and then he began to spoke.

He began with a sincere apology and then proceeded to hugging me and then we kissed.

He was so worried he messed everything up since we had been fighting a lot lately and that's why he ran.

But I'm just so happy that he came back.

|| This one is for @markosmate, sorry for the wait by the way. Hope it's what you asked for! And hope you enjoyed!

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