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The sound of my alarm woke me up around 6:45 this morning so that I got up early enough for me and my family to start our travel to Tulsa, Oklahoma.

Not only were we going to visit, but we're going to be MOVING there.
I had my things already packed.

So I got up and took a quick shower, put my hair in a side braid when I was done, washed my face, put my pajamas on then brushed my teeth and headed to the car with my belongings.

Since there was 3 of us. I rode in the car with my mom while my dad followed behind in the moving truck.

We lived in Paris, Texas. But it'd still be quite the trip.
I remember waking up about 4 hours later.

It was about 10:20.

We started to unpack everything and we didn't have a lot. Nothing too fancy.

Our house was starting to look good.

Despite the fact that we lived in a pretty beat up neighborhood. Our house from the outside and in, looked pretty great!
3 Days Later

It was summer when we moved so I don't have school.

But here... we don't have much to do.

Except for maybe, watching movies and going to the park.

Not a lot of kids were around.
I decided to go to the park today. Of course I was alone.

But I swear that I heard faint whispering, almost as if it were coming from the side of me.

I quickly looked and I saw two boys who looked about 14-15, maybe even 16.

One was dark-haired and the other was blonde.

I quickly looked away when I felt as if one of them saw me staring at them.

Of course to then tell the other and then they'd both be staring at me.

How embarrassing!

But I shrugged it off and just watched the ground.

I got so nervous and afraid when I heard footsteps coming my way.

I looked up slowly to see the same two boys I saw from afar.

Just more clearly.

"Uh.. hi?" I said softly.

"Hi there." Said the blonde.

"Hi." I said again.

"Well, uh... I'm Ponyboy and this is my friend Johnny." The blonde spoke.

I nodded and then watched as they sat beside me.

"I'm Mia. I actually just moved here about 3 days ago."

"Ah, so you see that this place isn't very much, huh?" The blonde said with a questioning look.

I shrugged. "Sure. I guess it isn't."

We started to go further into conversation and they both offered to show me around town.

I took the offer and then made my way back home to eat dinner.
The Next Day

"Where we goin'?" I asked Ponyboy.

"To town." He said.

We stood there at the bus stop for 10 straight minutes. Then I understood what they were waiting for.

It was there friend. Dallas is what they call him.

He was walking behind me with Johnny and I could here him whisper softly.

I was 15. So about the same age as Pony.

He talked the whole walk to and through town as he spoke about the buildings and such.

He was very smart and nice.

And when it finally came to the end.

I was back home.

Ponyboy had offered to walk me home so I let him.

He only lived two blocks down.

We were going to be great friends.

I already knew it. And I could feel it.
1 Year Later

"Happy birthday!" Shouted the gang.

I giggled and got ready to blow out the candles. As well as Ponyboy.

We shared the same birthday month.

His actual birthday was yesterday and mine is tomorrow.

But we're celebrating both birthdays today.
We blew on 3 and then I grabbed a bit of icing and put it on Pony's cheek.

He put some on my nose and lips and then we turned to a flash just in time for the picture. It was a Polaroid.

I asked for it so I could hang it up on my wall at home.

We had a lot of fun that day. The gang, Pony, and I.

Later that night we went back to Ponyboy's place and played cards.

Me and Pony eventually fell asleep in his room when we got done playing cards.
The Next Day

I got up and got ready to leave back to Paris to meet some family.

Ponyboy and I hugged the whole time until my dad was ready.

"I'll only be gone for 4 days, Pony." I told him when he hugged me tight.

"I know. I'm just used to having you here with me always."

"I know." I giggled and ran my fingers through his hair.

He kissed my shoulder and then we parted from our hug.

"I love you." He whispered.

"I love you too." I said and then watched as my dad brought his last bag to the car.

"Bye, babe." He said as he held my hand.

"Bye, my love." I said and kissed his lips.

He kissed back and then we parted due to the sound of a car horn.

My mom of course.

We gave one finally last hug and Ponyboy kissed me again.

I finally got in the car and we started to leave.

I waved to him while I could still see him.
Ponyboy's POV

"I'm gonna miss her pretty brown eyes and her pretty brown hair." I sighed.

"Don't worry buddy. She'll be back before you know it." Said Darry as he patted my shoulder.

We all headed inside and then began to eat. It started to feel like a slow morning.

I couldn't wait for Mia to get back.

|| I hope you like this, @Mia_Robles! I had a great time writing it and I can't wait for you to see it.


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