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"Everyone ready? She's coming! She's here!" Where the only noises coming from the dark.

"On 3, we yell surprise. Now shh.."

"1... 2.. 3!"


Hold up
Let's take it back so that way I can introduce myself.

My name is Gail. Gail Curtis.

I'm 15. And I have black hair with blonde highlights. And I'm also short.

But hey? That's okay!

Especially when you live in a house full of boys!

No biggie. **I'm being sarcastic

Well, here's my story. Enjoy!
[The story takes place at the point before Johnny and Dallas ever die. They do not die in this story. Now let me introduce you to Gail and her story. And what it's like to live in her shoes.]

It was a typical day and I sat at home with my 3 brothers watching TV.

Darry had it on the news. BORING!

I sighed and groaned quietly since we had nothing to do.

It was Friday night and there I was sitting at home.

And then Mr. Winston came flyin' in.

"Party at Buck's place tonight if any of you are interested."

"So why are you here?" Asked Sodapop.

"To inform you, smarty." Dallas responded.

It went quiet.

I didn't want to say anything although I was dying to go. But me and Ponyboy were just too young for Buck's parties.

Says Darry.

To my surprise. He allowed us to go.

And I did of course. As well as Ponyboy.

But that was only to hang with Johnny.

Here was my beginning experience of FUN.
The Next Day

"I'm so sore." I groaned in bed to Ponyboy.

"You danced like a wild child last night." He said while running a hand through his hair.

"Ugh. My head hurts."

I got up to use the bathroom and then hoped in the shower.

Once I got out I heard the arrival of Steve and Two-bit.

I quickly changed then washed face, brushed my teeth and then put my hair up.

Pony got in next and I headed for breakfast in the kitchen.

Pancakes, sausage, and eggs! YUM!

"Thanks, Dar." I said with a smile.

"Eat up. We've got a big day."

"Huh?" I said as I took a bite of my sausage.

"You heard the man, Gail. We're going out together. You probably don't remember because you went as a baby." Replied Sodapop

"Oh. Okay." I shrugged.

"If I didn't know. Pony couldn't have known." I said to myself.

I shrugged it off and continued to eat breakfast.

Finally the whole gang was together.

And soon we'd make our way to wherever this place is.
"C'mon, guys. It's 9:20." Said Darry as he looked to the clock.

We all headed out and I stayed quiet.

After about 25 minutes of walking, we were here.

It was a carnival! OMG!!!

I got super excited and happy that we were there.

Sodapop, Steve & Two-bit ran off together.

Johnny, me, & Pony stayed together. And Darry remained on his own.

I felt bad. So I offered to join him.

"Wanna go play some games?" I asked.


I got him to play tons of games with me and I think he really enjoyed himself.
As it got dark. We stayed for just an hour more.

Me and Darry practically did everything at the park.

"We should probably go find the others."

"Sure thing. But there comes Pony and Johnny." I said as I pointed in thier direction.

Darry looked and nodded.

"I'll be back then."

He went off to find Two-bit, Soda, Steve and Dally.

We started walking back when the gang was all together.

It took us a good 30 minutes to walk back.

I crashed when we finally reached the livingroom.


Sunday already!?

I groaned and rolled over. Surprised that I didn't fall.

I stayed in bed most of the day. Too tired and exhausted to do anything.

And I started to dread having to go back to school tomorrow.


|| Here's a short story/imagine for TheShyGamerGirl. I hope you like it! And I'm glad I got it up today. Enjoy!

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