Ponyboy (Requested)

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Hey guys! Here's a short imagine for Riley_Winston who requested for me to do another Ponyboy imagine. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it for Riley.
July 1st

"It's almost 4th of July you guys!" Riley stated as she walked through the door of the Curtis house.

Following behind her was Ponyboy and Dallas. One of them, her brother. The other, her boyfriend.

She pushed back some of her blonde hair back behind her ear and then sat onto the couch next to Two-bit.

"Hey there, girly. How was school?" Asked Two-bit as he continued to watch Mickey-Mouse.

"Uh, I'm not in school Two-bit." Replied Riley with a weird look.

"What do you mean?" Asked Two-bit before he started to laugh at himself. "Right. It's summer. My bad."

"Yup. And that's okay." She giggled and looked over to her left side to look at Ponyboy.

"Hey babe." Ponyboy said as he placed his hand on hers.

She smiled and didn't respond.

"What?" He asked as he looked at her, trying not to smile.

She nodded her head. "You're so cute."

He smiled and looked to the TV then back to Riley.

"So are you." He said with a smile as big as hers.

"Alright. Knock it off." Dallas stated as he walked into the livingroom from being in the kitchen, chatting and playing cards with Soda and Steve. "Are you ready to go, Riles?" A nickname Dallas had called his little sister since she was 3.

He was about 4 years older than her. And she was his only family since his mom had died of sickness when she was just 4, and his dad didn't give one shit about the both of them. But the only thing Dallas remembered of his dad was that he had moved on, married another woman, and had 2 more children. One who was about 12, the other 16.

Riley was 14. And Dally was 18.

"Yeah. Let's go." Said Riley as she stood up and made her way over to her brother who at this time was by the door.

"Bye Pony. Bye Two-bit." She said as she looked to the two blondes that remained on the couch.

"Bye love." Said Ponyboy.

Two-bit just waved.

Dallas was out of the house by now outside smoking a cigarette as he waited for his sister.

They both walked back in silence for a short while until Dallas chatted up his sister with questions about her relationship with Ponyboy. And all she could do was respond with a huge smile on her face.

They reached buck's place by then and headed straight for bed. Riley slept in Dally's room like she usually did while Dallas himself laid out on the couch downstairs.
July 4th

The big day had finally rolled around.

It was 4th of July and Riley dressed up in her American flag shirt with her blue shorts, and her American flag bandana that wrapped around her head.

She slipped on her white vans and then made her way downstairs.

To her suprise, Dallas was dressed in blue jeans, a red button up long-sleeve shirt, and some white converse.

"Wow, Dallas. You look... great!" Riley stated as she reached the last step of the stairs.

He looked over at his baby sister and smiled very slightly. "Thanks, Riles."

Riley smiled and then made her way over to the kitchen to grab her bag from off the table.

She grabbed her glasses on the way out and then headed to Ponyboy's house.
Ponyboy, Riley, Dallas, Johnny, along with Steve and Soda, all made their way to the 4th of July festival.

They had a very good time out together. The night was filled with laughter, dancing, fireworks popping, and delicious food.

Then they laid out on the grass as they listened to the live bands that were playing that night.

"This has been one of the best days of my life." Riley said as she looked at Ponyboy.

"Sure has. I have my girl with me, my friends and brother." Ponyboy smiled.

"Yup. And I don't ever want it to end." Riley said as she laid back.

Ponyboy laid back beside her and smiled in her direction. And this made Riley smile and everything else became invisible to them.

They were in this moment. A moment of love and silence. And then they kissed.

Boy what a kiss it was, too.

But it was a loving kiss and they smiled as they pulled apart.
Around 12 am they all decided it was time to head back home.

Riley had asked Dallas if she could stay with Pony that night. And he agreed because he wanted his sister to be happy. And plus, she was in love.

"My boys." Riley said with a smile as she walked back with her arms linked with Ponyboy's and Dallas's arm.

They both smiled and Dallas chuckled.

"Alright. I'm heading to buck's." Said Dallas as he released his arm from Riley's.

"Be careful, alright? And don't get into too much trouble. Curtis, I expect you to keep her safe. Hear me?" He stated more to Ponyboy.

Ponyboy only nodded.

Riley pushed Dallas a bit then turned to Ponyboy.

"I love you." She said in a giggly tone as they made their way to his place.

"I love you too, my dear."
That morning - 7:30 am

Ponyboy and Riley woke up to each others faces, both smiling away as they looked to one another.

They didn't say a word because they didn't have to. Their smiles could tell all.

They kissed again. And it was just like last night's kiss.

It was great.

From this moment on, Ponyboy and Riley knew that their friendship and relationship was going to last forever. It was going to be everlasting.

Even if something were to happen, they would work it out together.

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