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Here you go smolraindroop, I hope you like it! And here we go!!!
I was nervous. And sad.

I didn't want to have to tell Soda that I was leaving to study abroad in New York.

We had been together for only 4 months. I was worried that he wouldn't want to do long distance, or that he couldn't trust me.

"Mai." Slight pause. "Mai. Hey is something bothering you?" Asked Sodapop.

"Huh?" Mai sad, looking up at Soda. "Oh. Uhm, yeah."

"Well, what is it?" Asked Sodapop.

Mai didn't know how to tell him, so afraid the news would break them.

"Listen, you can tell me." Soda said, rubbing Mai's back.

"I know I know. But it's hard for me right now! I don't know how to tell you!" Mai shouted.

Soda remained quiet as he continued to walk her to her house.

Once they reached her house she reached out for a hug. But Soda rejected it.

He just nodded and then turned around and headed home.

So that night they both went to sleep feeling a bit sad and lonely.
1 Week Later
"Hey, Soda. Going to Mai's house this early in the morning?" Ponyboy asked.

"Yeah. I wanna give her my last goodbye." Soda replied then made his way out the door.

He ran to Mai's house and stopped when he saw her come out the door with what seemed to be the last suit case that held her belongings.

"Soda." She said with a smile and then put the box into the car really quickly.

"Hey Mai." He said, making his way upto her.

Immediately he just kissed. He would miss her too much, especially her kisses.

Mai didn't pull back, she practically melted into his arms.

Soon they pulled apart and we're holding each other.

"Tell me. Is this gonna work?" Asked Mai, on the verge of tears now.

"Yeah. We'll make it work." Soda said.

They spent their last few minutes together before saying their last goodbyes then parted.

New York, here comes Mai. Tulsa, keep Sodapop strong.

After all, this is were their memories were made.
4 weeks later
Mai entered her apartment after a day of shopping and walking around town.

She shut the door and then the phone started to ring. "Hello, Mai speaking." She said as she grabbed the phone and held it upto her ear.

"Mai?" A familiar voice spoke.

"Soda?" She asked.

"Yeah. Listen, I know we haven't heard from each other in so long. But I wanted to call you... see how you were doing." He said, a bit of guilt in his voice. And sadness.

"Yeah. No, I'm doing good. How are you?" She asked.

"I've had better days. Especially when you were around." He said, sighing heavily afterwards.

"Oh. Well, I hope it gets better." Was a she could say.

"Yeah." Soda replied.

"Yup." Replied Mai.

"Well, I gotta go now." Soda said before hanging up.

"Yeah. Bye." Said Mai as he was already gone.

She put down the phone and started to think.

Maybe a surprise visit would cheer Soda up.

And that's what happened.

Mai packed a suit case and then boarded a plane back to Tulsa.
The Arrival
Upon Mai's arrival, she got a taxi to take her to the Curtis residence.

Once getting there she got her suit case from the trunk and then paid the driver.

"Want me to wait for you?" Asked the driver.

"No. I'm fine." Mai said then handed him the money.

The taxi driver drove off and Mai made her way up the porch.

She stood there for a few seconds before knocking.

Finally, she did.

"It's open!" A voice yelled out from inside the house.

Mai opened the door slowly and before she could even step foot into the house, she was in shock.

There sat Sodapop Curtis with a big smile on his face.

"Miss me!?" Asked Mai.

Soda laughed and nodded. "Of course I did."

"Well then come here!" She shouted happily but ran to him anyways.

They hugged and kissed, and cuddle the night away.

"How long are you here for?" Asked Soda as the two of them laid in bed snuggled upto each other.

"4 days." Mia said with a sigh.

"That's okay. We'll make the most of it." Soda whispered.

"Promise?" Mai asked.

"Promise." Said Soda then kissed her again.

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