♡ (for @Kalyla123)

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I hope you enjoy this... @kalyla123 this is especially for you. Enjoy.

"Congratulations — and now, Mr. Curtis, you may kiss your bride."

I smiled wide as my husband kissed me. I was finally a Curtis and it felt so damn good.

I got lucky with Sodapop, to this day I'm still grateful we bumped into each other at the diner I used to work at.

I was so happy and everything seemed perfect.. and then.

"Wake up.. hey.." I heard a voice call to me.

I suddenly woke up and looked up at Soda who was smiling wide.

"Hey sleepy head, finally got you to wake up" He said as he kissed me.

I kissed him and then sat up, rubbing my eyes.

Damn. It was just a dream.

I sighed and pouted out my bottom lip. Soda noticed and frowned. "What's wrong, baby?" He asked and I told him about the dream I woke up from.

"Wow We got married!?" He said and I nodded.

I got up and got ready for work, knowing it was going to be a slow day. Usually Tuesdays are just as slow as Mondays.

I rolled out of bed and grabbed my work clothes then went to the bathroom and showered. Once I was done showering, I blow dried my hair and then brushed it back, putting it into a ponytail. My hair was already naturally curly and I loved the way it made my ponytail look. I put on some light makeup and then grabbed my shoes from the room, walking to the living room and sat on the couch and slipped them on.

"Cutie" Sodapop said as he came over and sat beside me.

He pulled me into his side once I was done tying my laces and I smiled and kissed his cheek. I got up and so did he. We went outside and got into his truck. Soda was so sweet. He took me to work on his off days and when he couldn't, I'd just walk. Which I didn't mind.

"See ya later" Soda said.
"Bring me lunch?" I asked with a quirky smile.
He nodded and smiled. "Of course"

I went inside and clocked in then went straight to work. I was at the register today. I sat on my stool and rung up customers as the hours flew by. Well, it had only been a few minutes actually. But it's 9:30 am now. I still have until 4:30 and then I'm outta here.

I continued to watch the clock and ring up costumers as minutes flew by.

Once 2:30 came around I was able to take my break. I took a 30 minute break and Soda brought me lunch and he ate with me. He told me about his day even though it was still early. I got distracted by a couple from afar who seemed to be happy, like us, but I noticed they were married. It reminded me of the dream I had earlier. I sighed and then paid all my attention to Soda, nodding my head and eating.

"Looks like your 30 minutes is almost up babe, I'm going to get out of here. I'll pick you up later sweetheart." He said and threw or trash away. I nodded and gave him a hug.

I went back to work and by the time 4:30 rolled around, I had already finished cleaning my area and clocked out.

I went to grab a drink and suddenly, I felt someone behind me.


I laughed and turned around, but to my surprise, it wasn't Sodapop.

"Oh hey Pony"
"Hi" He mumbled as he looked over at Veronica, a coworker of mine.
"Still got your eye on her? Just go talk to her" I said and nudged him, putting a straw into my drink.

"I don't know, anyways, c'mon!" Pony it said as he grabbed my hand and led me outside.

Sodapop was in the truck and I smiled as I climbed in.

"Hey babe" I said with a smile.
"Missed you" He said.

Ponyboy got in after me and we rode back to their house.

Once we were there and parked, Ponyboy hopped out and ran inside.

I started to get out but got pulled back by Sodapop. "Hold on" He said.

I turned to look at him and furrowed my brows. He huffed and then grabbed my hands.

"This morning your dream about us being married or getting married. I know you want that, and I'm not saying you won't, but we're still so young. I mean, you're 17 and I'm 18." I nodded and smiled, happy to know he was thinking about it like I was.

I felt so happy. It's nice to know that me and Soda have a shot at life together.

The rest of the night, we enjoyed a nice dinner prepared by Darry. All the guys came over, and I invited Veronica for Ponyboy. Haha.

"C'mon!" Sodapop said as he dragged me to the room. I followed and plopped down onto the bed once we were inside. He closed the door and smiled, tackling me down against the bed.

"Geez, be careful." I said.

He was hovering over me and leaned down to gently kiss my neck. I smiled and felt ticklish from his breath hitting my neck.

We fell asleep later that night and I was still so happy.  I'd always be happy. Married or not.

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