Pony. // Just friends?

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It's hard to live with someone I like, but it's even harder knowing that they don't like me back. I hate this, it sucks. I can't get rid of these feelings. Why does this have to happen to me?

I groaned really loud as I was woken up. I pressed the pillow over my eyes and held it tightly over my head. Someone was tickling my feet now.

"Stop!" I mumbled.

"C'mon, babe. Get up. It's summer!"

"Yes. Which means I should be sleeping in everyday now." I huffed as I let the pillow go and shoved it off my face.

"You're such a lazy ass."

I sat up and stretched my arms and legs out, yawning at the same time.

"We're going to the park in a couple of minutes. Wanted to wake you up to see if you wanted to come with."

"Sure. Give me fifteen minutes to get ready." I reply, getting up and grabbing a change of clothes then headed to the bathroom to change and do my hair. I put on some light makeup after brushing my teeth.

Once I'm done, I walked out to the living room. There was Ponyboy and Johnny, smiling directly at me once I appeared. "Ready?" I asked as I made my way out the door.

We walked together but Johnny and Ponyboy made some small talk conversation. Rose, Johnny's girlfriend, snuck up behind us as we were walking to the park.

"Hey, Y/N." She said as she walked by my side.

I smiled and said "Hi" back and then we made small talk conversation as well.

Finally, Rose teased me about my crush on Ponyboy.

"I mean, you guys live together and share the same room. You're practically boyfriend and girlfriend already. Only, he doesn't know it yet." She mumbled to me.

I tell her to hush and as soon as we reach the park, we rush to the swings before the boy's can get to them. They trail off somewhere else when they realize they've been beaten, probably over to the monkey bars or the slide.

"Well, you should tell him how you feel. Soon. I see him getting a little too close to Emma. And y'know, you're way more prettier than her. Not that.. she's not pretty. But I think Ponyboy is really crushing on her." Rose tells me.

I shrug. "I don't know. Maybe he really doesn't see me that way? Like I do."

"You're so beautiful though, Y/N. I think he knows that." Rose says and then we both look over towards the monkey bars and watch Ponyboy and Johnny climbing to the top of them and then taking a seat atop of the bars. I'm afraid for them. It's like a gust of wind could knock them down. But I shouldn't think the worst.

Ponyboy's POV

Me and Johnny sat up on top of the monkey bars, staring off to the swing set. Y/N and Rose, Johnny's girlfriend, are sitting and talking. Not even swinging. Rose is a wonderful gal. I met her at the diner, she used to work there. Some part of her reminded me of Johnny, which is why I introduced them to each other. Y/N lives with me. I've known her since 6th grade. She moved in with me and my brothers when we were in 9th grade. Her parents were struggling with her younger sister, Ellie, who unfortunately has to deal with a super horrible condition that makes her break out into hives all the time. Just by touching anything or eating certain things, or even breathing in certain things. So Y/N's parents allowed her to live with us because in order to get her sister some help, they had to move to seek better professional help.

She stills sees her parents when she can. Last summer, me and her went to California to visit her parents. It was different but I enjoyed it. We stayed up late and went to the beach most of the time we were there. I still prefer home more than any other place. I know Y/N does too. That's why we're best friends. We're alike in so many ways. She's always been there for me and I'll always be there for her.

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