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It's been about a week since the new baby has been at home, and I've never seen Dallas so infatuated with someone except for our other daughter. However, since the new baby has arrived, our first baby girl has had a bit of a problem with having a new sister. But of course, it's because she wants attention and is upset that her daddy isn't playing with her like he used to. She loves Dallas. And I try my best to play with her and make her happy, but I guess it's just not working out for the both of us. I'm still having a hard time moving around easily and fast enough to play with her. And I'm still so sleepy with the baby waking up about 4 times at night. And then the stress that comes along with being a mommy again, and bills, and work, etc.

"Dallas." "Dallas, hun." I tried my best to get his attention as he held the baby in his arms and made silly faces at her to get her to smile. "Dallas, baby."

Dallas finally turned around to look at me and raised his brows. "Yeah, babe. What's up?" He asked.

"Have you forgot about this one?" I asked as I nodded down to our 2 -almost 3- year old daughter.

She was sitting all by herself, playing with her blocks.

Not only was she jealous about the new baby, but she was very jealous of the presents the new baby got.

"No. I'll play with here in a minute, babe." Dallas said.

Soon a minute turned into ten minutes, then an hour, and finally until it was time to go to bed.

"C'mon, baby. Mommy will take you to bed." I said as I picked her up and carried her to her room.

I laid with her for a while just until she fell asleep and then made my way into my room, watching from the doorway as Dallas was rocking the baby to sleep.

I smiled and then made my way over to him and kissed his forehead before taking the baby into my own arms and laid her down in her crib then kissed her forehead.

"What was that for?" Dallas asked.

I turned around and crossed my arms over my chest. "You just don't listen, do you?"

"What do you mean?" Dallas said as he unbuttoned his shirt and then laid across the bed with his jeans unbuttoned too.

"Well, earlier I asked if you could play with our daughter. Don't you remember you've got an older daughter who you used to play with?" I asked sort of pissed off.

"Babe. Look. I heard you but I can't help wanting to be around the baby. She's our baby girl too!" He said.

"Yeah. We'll let's not forget about her, how about that? All I'm asking is that you play with her or something. Y'know, you can play with them both. It'll be good for her to get used to the baby." I added before changing into my pajamas.

"Alright." Dallas said and then turned away and went to bed.

I shrugged it off and then laid in bed next to him.
The Next Day
The next morning I woke up to the smell of breakfast.

I walked into the kitchen to see Dallas feeding the baby a bottle while our oldest daughter was eating cut up pieces of pancakes and fruit in her high chair.

"Babe. When I say play with her. I don't mean feed her and then leave her on her own. Actually play with her." I said kind of frustrated.

I immediately went upto him and took the baby into my arms and went to feed her over on the couch.

I rocked her until she fell back to sleep since she had woke up pretty early this morning and didn't go back to bed.

Dallas obviously got the memo that I wasn't having it and he went over to our little girl and fed her some of her food.

I smiled and then watched as she was so happy to have her daddy with her and to feed her. However, the moment didn't last very long.

He went for the baby and I let him have her.

I went back to our daughter in the high chair and fed her some more.

And then afterwards I took her into my room and we laid down together and watched cartoons all day.
The Next Day
I woke up to some more smells of breakfast and it was Dallas.

Surprisingly he didn't have the baby with him and she was still in her crib. But Dallas had made breakfast for me and our oldest daughter.

"Look at that, hun. Look what daddy made us, my love." I said to her as she sat up and moved her hair out of her face.

She got all happy and excited to eat. This made me happy and Dallas too.

He smiled and then crawled into bed with us. He held her in his lap and fed her some food and I ate a bit too before grabbing the baby and held her in my arms.

That morning we spent time as a family and Dallas played with our daughter and watched cartoons with the rest of us.

It couldn't get any better and I was glad that Dallas was hanging out with his little girl again. And boy did she love it.

And she even grew closer to the new baby.

Nothing could make things better than this.

|| Hope you enjoyed this, @irodeo. Sorry for any mistakes.

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