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Ponyboy sat alone in his room, gazing out at the sun as he bit the top of his pen.
He was writing in his journal as he had done sometimes, here and there mostly.

"Not much has happened. But school let out for summer today. And there was this new girl who had came to school just a week ago. She's awful smart and real pretty, too. I had to show her around the school her first two days, but I'm pretty sure she forgot about me. After all, she fit into the popular crowd just alright. Every guy in the school is practically in love with her. And she's british, but she doesn't look it. She's got dark, olive skin. And she actually dresses pretty weird. Then again, maybe it's just because she's a girl and she has a better sense of style than I do."
"Hey Ponyboy, wanna walk with me to work?" Asked Soda as he looked to Ponyboy while throwing on his hat.

"Sure. What else do I got to do?" Ponyboy shrugged and stood before making his way out the door with Soda.

They walked in silence for a bit before Ponyboy broke that silence.

"Hey, Soda?" He asked as he looked to his brother.

"Yeah, Ponyboy?" The brunette asked.

"Do you happen to know, Yasmin? Yasmin Colette?" Ponyboy asked with a questioning face.

Soda nodded some. "Yeah, sure. She comes around the dx with all her little friends and buys a coke and snacks most times. She's real pretty to me. I think she's 15 or 16. Why?"

He shrugged. "Just wonderin'."

"You like her or somethin'?" Soda asked, nudging his brothers side.

"No. Just askin' is all." Ponyboy snapped.

"Alright alright." Soda said.

As soon as the boys made it to the dx, Ponyboy sat outside and waited for Johnny and Dally so they could go watch a movie. Soda remained inside with Steve who had just got there 5 minutes ago.

"Hey Pony." Said Johnny as he approached Ponyboy.

Dallas followed up behind him with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Hey man. Are you guys ready for the movies?" Asked Dallas.

"Yeah." They both mumbled.

"Alright. Wait here a moment." Dallas said as he threw his cigarette down, stomping on it before making his way inside the dx.

They waited for 5 minutes and then Johnny went inside to use the bathroom real quick. Dallas was reading a magazine while he grabbed a few beers and some snacks for him and the boys to sneak in with them.

Ponyboy remained outside, using his shoe to draw in the dirt. He then saw a group of girls and a few guys make there way upto the dx. The guys stayed back and threw a football to each other. And Ponyboy watched for a moment then looked down at his shoes.

"Hey Ponyboy." Said at sweet voice from his side.

Ponyboy looked up to face Yasmin. The girl he had spoke about to his brother earlier.

"Hey, Yasmin." He said slightly enthusiastically. More dull.

"Hi. Uh, listen. I wanted to say thank you for showing me around school my first two days. It was very sweet of you." She said with a smile and then sat next to him on the stool that Johnny was sitting on.

"You're welcome, I guess. A teacher asked me if I could show you around, so, yeah." Ponyboy said with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Oh. Okay. Thanks anyways." She said with a remaining smile.

"Mhm." Ponyboy shrugged again.

They sat there in silence for a moment until Johnny and Dallas showed up.

"Ready to go? You can bring your little girlfriend along if you'd like, Ponyboy." Dallas joked.

"Knock it off, Dally." Said Johnny.

Ponyboy stood and made his way with Johnny and Dallas.

"Hey, wait!" Shouted Yasmin as she made her way upto Ponyboy. "Can I join you guys?" She asked.

"Uhm, what about your friends?" Asked Ponyboy as he looked to Yasmin.

"Forget them. I wanna hang out with you. Because I really do appreciate you for showing me around, Ponyboy." She said with a sincere voice and smiled.

"Oh alright." He shrugged.
Ponyboy, Johnny, Dallas & Yasmin left the drive in late that night. They stayed for two movies until they had run out of things to eat.

"Walk me home?" Asked Yasmin to Ponyboy. "Unless you have to be home?"

"Actually, I do. I'm sorry." Ponyboy said as he walked beside her.

"Well, to be completely honest. I don't have to be home. I mean, my parents are out celebrating their anniversary and my sister is at home babysitting." Yasmin spoke then sighed.

"Well, would you like to come over my place? It ain't much and I've probably got a full house." Ponyboy responded.

"Sure. That would be nice. Thanks." Yasmin said with a smile then kissed the blondes cheek.

Ponyboy blushed but didn't make much of it since it was dark out.

They walked in silence to his house, Dallas and Johnny ahead of them by a long ways.

Once they finally made it to his house, Yasmin smiled as she looked over the house he lived in.

"I like the place. I bet your parents have lived here for quite sometime, yeah?" She asked.

"Well... yeah. But they passed almost a year ago." Ponyboy said with a sigh.

"Oh. I'm sorry, Ponyboy." She said with a frown and pulled him into a hug.

He hugged back and they remain embraced into each others arms for a whole minute.
Once they finally made there way in, Ponyboy introduced Yasmin. He was teased the whole night which made Yasmin giggle most times.

"Cut it out." Ponyboy said as he left the kitchen and went into the livingroom and watched the tv.

The boys laughed as they remained playing poker in the kitchen. But Yasmin followed after Ponyboy and sat beside him.

"I guess it's rare for you to bring home girls and when you do, they're always this way?" She asked and he nodded.

"Yeah. I'm sorry." Ponyboy said as he looked at Yasmin.

"It's okay." She said with a smile then gazed into his eyes before raising her hand.

Ponyboy watched her then looked away.

"No. I.." She ran her fingers through his hair.

He laughed very softly then took her hands into his before he suprised her with tickles.

She giggled and slowly Ponyboy had made his way on top of her as he continued to tickle her.

They stared into each others eyes a moment only with nothing to say.

Yasmin bit her lip and then spoke.

"Kiss me." She said softly.

Ponyboy didn't say anything but moved some of her hair behind her ear.

"Kiss me, Ponyboy." She said again and he nodded.

Their lips met and they began to kiss. It was a sweet, loving kiss. And even though they had just met and didn't know much about each other, it was love at first sight. Instant love. And they both knew it would last a lifetime.

And it did.

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