I guess everything's going to turn out fine {Imagine}

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My family and I moved to Tulsa recently, we live between the Westside and Eastside of Tulsa. I started school a little late so I didn't get the chance to meet many people before school let out for summer vacation. I don't know my way around here very well but everything is walking distance, which is good because my family only has one car. My dad's job was what ultimately moved us out here, it sure wasn't my idea to move to this place. We've moved a lot within the last ten years of my life but my parents promised that this would finally be the last time.

I'm hopeful that this really is the last time because I hate moving all the time, I just want to live a stable life and not have to worry about getting too close to people and then turning around and leaving again. Even if I feel like the people around here have hardly noticed me, it's good in a way since no one is  trying to give me any trouble or a hard time. One thing I know for sure is that I don't fit in.

"The best way for you to make friends is to go out Y/N. What about the drive in or that diner? I see a lot of kids your age hanging out around there."
My mom thinks it's supposed to be easy to make friends but I always have to remind her how hard it is to make friends that won't last forever if we move again. I hate that she's pressuring me about it but I know she's right. A lot of the kids around here seem to be in groups, mostly the boys with boys and the girls with girls. I have trouble with the girls though since I'm more of a tomboy and I grew up in the country when I was a little girl so I'm used to not being dolled up and dressing too fancy.

(2 hrs later....)

I would've taken mom's advice about going out and meeting new people but I know how hard that will be. Being the new kid in town doesn't exactly get you props around here, you have to earn it. Just from being in school for a short amount of time before being let out for summer I was already familiar with the two sides of people that live here. The greasers on the Eastside and the socs on the Westside.

I live between both the Westside and Eastside but we lean more towards the greaser side of living. My mom stays at home with me and my little brother and my dad works to take care of us. Luckily dads got a good job and we don't struggle too bad.

The first person I ever met and talked to was a cheerleader named Cherry Valance. She's beautiful and has the prettiest red hair; every guy at school adores her. We met randomly, we shared one class together and she was very friendly to me.


*School bell rings*

{Shit... late on my first day. How embarrassing! Now I have to walk into a classroom full of people I don't know and I'm dreading the awkward silence and long stares.} I think to myself as I'm rushing to class on my first day. I finally reach the room and go straight in, doing my best to avoid the stares and silence as I rush to the back of the room and sit in the only empty chair available. I finally lift my head up and look around, a sigh of relief escaping me as I realize that no one cares about me enough right now to pay any attention my way. I roll my eyes at the girls at the front who laugh and giggle, of course I'm assuming they're laughing about me. One of them looks back at me and I'm staring back at her, my face blank with no expression and she smiles so I smile back at her right before she turns around.

[End of flashback]

I carried on the rest of that day fairly well. Cherry Valance approached me on my walk back home since I don't live too far from school. She asked me if I wanted to take a ride with her and her boyfriend but I reluctantly declined as I wasn't sure if it would be the best thing to do and I didn't live that far anyways. After a few days of getting to know her I would say we became those type of friends who only know each other at school. I see her around town here and there but we never talk, especially when she's around all of her friends from the cheer squad or her boyfriend and his friends. I don't pay her too much mind anyways.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27 ⏰

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