Sodapop (Requested)

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This here imagine is for beanscobain. I hope you enjoy it and I'm so sorry it took forever! Thanks for waiting!
9:30 at night
I couldn't stop giggling. I was such a ticklish person and Soda knew it.

He got me every time.

"Soda! Stooop!" I shouted as he continued to tickle me.

He laughed and stopped, falling on top of me.

Such a lazy boy. My lazy boy.

Only joking though.

"You're so cute. I got you good."

"Shut up." I said as I rolled onto my side, making him fall off of me.

He laughed again.

We were face to face now and I felt we were going to kiss.

But we didn't.

It was still just something we hadn't done in our 5 months of dating.
The Next Morning

Soda cooked breakfast today which would mean green eggs and ham.

Only joking. Weeell, sorta.

"Looks good Soda." I teased.

He stuck his tongue out at me.

The gang soon arrived and we were all sitting around the table, enjoying breakfast.

Afterwards I sat around.

Me and Sodapop decided to be lazy since it was summer and Soda was off for a day or two.
"Knock it off, Soda." I said between giggles as he was tickling me again.

He stopped and laid his forehead on mine. "I love you."

"Aw, I love you too." I said with a smile.

It happened again. The same moment from yesterday.

But it didn't happen.
2 hours later

I woke up and felt something slightly heavy weighing me down.

But it was just Soda laying his head on my chest.

"Get up." I said to him as I poked his back.

He didn't budge and when he did wake up after getting annoyed of my poking, he wrapped his arms around my waist and held me.

I smiled big.

Soda was back at work and I would visit him and bring him his lunch.

I got ready and packed him a lunch before leaving to take it to him.

I walked along the street by myself until I finally reached the dx.

When I did I noticed the whole gang there.

I walked upto Soda and handed him his lunch.

We then exchanged a hug and the gang teased.

"They still haven't kissed!" "Kiss already!" "Such softies."

I blushed and he pulled me inside.

I watched him work behind the cashier counter as he cleaned off the counter.

We talked and he ate his lunch while we did so.

Once his lunch break was over I headed out and Soda followed behind.

Steve took care of the person who wanted something done with their car.

I was just leaving after me and Soda exchanged another hug.

The gang watched but didn't make any comments.

Out of nowhere my face just went blur and I was shocked and surprised.

The gang cheered and then I finally could move.

Even though it was just a quick peck, it was still something.

I blushed and still no words came out of my mouth.

I just started walking and bit my lip.

The gang paid no more attention after a while.

I was just crossing the street until I heard a shout.

Then I saw Sodapop run over and upto me.

Before I could say anything I was being kissed.

This time more deeply and passionately.

We parted after a short time.

I smiled big and he smiled too.

"You're too cute. I love you." Sodapop said.

I smiled all over. "I love you, too."

We kissed again and it was just as nice as the first.

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