For Rachel

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@musiclover4239 I'm so sorry this is long overdue! I hope you enjoy it though.

I've always been told by my good friend Tim Shepherd to watch out for myself. He was always looking after me though. He was like a big brother to me.

If there was anyone he despised more than Dallas Winston, it was Darrel Curtis.

I used to be friends with Sodapop, that was before I knew Timmy. I actually worked down at the diner and that's how I met Soda. We became really close and I used to go to his house all the time and hang out with his little brother.

I think I've always had a crush on Darry.

But then things changed.

I remember I had went to a party with Sodapop and that's when I first met Dallas. I remember he was flirting with me but at the time I was just 17 years old and he was 19.
I knew Soda had been with some girl he met there and I wandered around and bumped into Dally.
We shared a 10 minute conversation before he offered to walk me home.

I let him and when I got home, I thought he'd just leave but then he kissed me. I didn't expect it and I let him kiss me until I pushed him away. I was just so young but I knew I didn't want to be taken advantage of.
And that's when Tim came into the picture.

He told Dallas to leave me alone, made him leave. I couldn't have been more thankful of him that night.

When I first met Tim, he was really nice. Quiet though. We started hanging out more and more and that's when I stopped hanging out with Soda.

I disappeared for a while and took a trip with Tim to Arizona for the summer. We stayed down there for a couple of months, I ended up finishing my senior year of high school out there.

I was a foster child. I didn't have a mom and a dad, besides my foster mother who was never really fond of me. So running away or being rescued I guess you could say - by Tim, was a blessing.

But now I'm 20 years old. I've been back in Tulsa for a little while. Everything seemed so different.

It's been 3 years...

"Morning sleeping beauty" Tim said to me as I walked into the kitchen.

"I appreciate breakfast. I'm starving." I said and then yawned, taking a seat opposite of Tim.

"Make sure you eat it all and drink your orange juice. That way you have energy." He said as he took a bite of a piece of bacon.

I smiled and drank a sip of my orange juice then began eating.

"So I'm going out today.. going to run a few errands and I'll be back later. Probably around dinner time. I'll pick something up." Tim mentioned while he ate his food.

I nodded and bit my lip. "I think I'm going to go out too. I want to look for a job now that we're back in Tulsa. And I want to go to college but I need the money first." I mumbled.

He seemed hesitant but he nodded anyways, sitting back in his seat. "Just be careful, yeah? Take your switchblade with you."

I nodded and smiled, watching him as he got up and slipped on his leather jacket. He kissed my cheek and then headed towards the door.

"Love you, Rach. Be careful please. I'll see you later." He said to me before leaving.

I was so happy. I put our plates in the sink and then ran upstairs and went to change.
Once I was finished changing and doing my hair, I raced downstairs and grabbed my bag and jacket, making sure I had my switchblade with me too.

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