Runaway Lovers

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For gixpad — I tried to follow the whole movie/book but I skipped some parts because then it would be super duper long :( sorry !

It was like any other day. I was walking home with my brother and his best friend, Johnny Cade, after we left the movies.

My brother Ponyboy was spending too much time checking himself out in the mirror and I couldn't help but laugh.

As we were nearing our house, I noticed a car pull up beside us. Two guys hoped out and started, or, at least they tried to attack us.
It was a bunch of no good socs on our side of town.

"Are you okay?" I asked my brother as I leaned down to make sure he was still alive.

He had a tiny cut on his neck but he seemed okay. Ponyboy got onto his feet again and slung his arm over my shoulder for support.

The best thing about the gang was that they were all there to help when they saw that we were in need. I helped Ponyboy inside and onto the couch. Dallas had made sure Johnny was okay and then everybody came inside.

After a few hours of time to cool off, we went to the kitchen for dinner when it was done. Tonight we were having steak fingers and mashed potatoes. Delicious!

"Tomorrow Dallas, Johnny, and I are going to hang out. Want to come Cor?" Ponyboy asked me.

I nodded and smiled, eating one of my steak fingers.

After I finished dinner I went to sleep.

Me and Ponyboy slept together since we shared a bed. He got one side and I got other. I faced my side and closed my eyes and went to sleep.

By morning, I got up early and showered. After my shower I brushed my teeth and then did my hair and makeup. I put on my clothes lastly and then woke up Ponyboy so he could get ready too.

We had slept it. 10:45 am. We usually never sleep this late ever. Not even during weekends.
But I allowed it since it was Saturday.

I went to the kitchen and sat down for breakfast, fixing myself a plate of food that Darry must've cooked earlier this morning.
I ate it quietly as I licked my feet under the table, the sound of the screen door opening caught my attention.

"Hey Corvette." Two-bit called out to me.

I smiled and finished swallowing before I spoke. "Hey"

Ponyboy walked into the kitchen, dressed in different clothes and hair combed. He fixed himself a plate of food too and then began to eat it.

I had finished already and threw my plate away, going to the living room and sat down on the couch next to my other brother, Sodapop.

"Morning" He mumbled to me as he poked my cheek.

"Hey Soda" I replied as I smiled at him then looked at the tv.

"Alright Cor, Ready to go?" Ponyboy asked as he entered the living room.

I nodded and got up, heading towards the front door.

"Where are you two going?" Darry asked.

I didn't even notice he was sitting in the arm chair, although, he always was there. 

"We're going to hang out with Dallas and Johnny today." Ponyboy replied and I smiled back at my eldest brother.

"Just be careful please." He mumbled.

After that, me and Ponyboy began our walk towards town. We met up with Johnny and Dallas, walking side by side as we found stuff to do before going to the movie tonight.

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