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This one is for Outsider_and_etc, sorry for the long wait.
Johnny's POV

Here name is Luna,
15 with a beautiful face and long, soft blonde hair.

And boy am I glad I know her. And also very glad to be her boyfriend.
Luna's POV
"Johnny!" Shouted Luna.

"Luna!" Shouted Johnny.

They both ran into each others arms after a long time away from each other.

Luna was on a trip visiting some of her family since she had just moved to Tulsa and had only been there for about 4 months so far.

They gave each other little kisses all over each of their face, smiling big afterwards as they pulled away to look at each other.

"I missed you, LuLu." Said Johnny as he held her close.

"I miss you too, my love." Said Luna in return.

They were so in love, and this was good for their relationship since Luna was having a bit of a hard time with the Socs making fun of her all the time.

Luna has heterochromia, she was born with it after all and she hasn't stopped being bullied because of it.

But heterochromia is beautiful. It's not something to be ashamed of.

"Hey greaser, tell your girl she forgot to take out one of her contact lenses!" A soc shouted.

They were in between sides of towns, where the train station was.

"Ignore them." He whispered to her.

And so she did just because she was so happy to be with Johnny again.

They went to Luna's house to rest after Luna's long trip back.

It was 9:45 by the time they went to bed.
The Next Day

Luna and Johnny took a morning walk and then stopped to eat breakfast at the dingo.

Afterwards they finished their walk and then went to the park.

"This is nice. And boy am I full." Luna said.

"Me too, babe." Johnny said.

They were having a blast. And sadly, it didn't last very long.

"Hey greaser, you've got that ugly cut on your face. And your girlfriends got the weird eyes. No wonder why you're a perfect match." Said one of the 3 socs.

"Haha. Yeah. Looks like you both forgot to hop onto the circus wagon." Said another.

They all laughed and at this point, Luna was hurt. But Johnny, he was angry.

"You know what!? Heterochromia isn't something to make fun about! It's actually nice. It's nice that she's different! And you know what, this cut on my face means a lot to me. It reminds me of my fight. My fight of saving myself. So you can all go screw yourselves. Go mess with someone else!" Shouted Johnny.

This shocked the Socs. Johnny wasn't the type to speak up like this and they knew it. Nobody thought this day would come.

Everyone thought Johnny would let everyone walk all over him for the rest of his life.

But obviously, Johnny didn't approve.

"Babe. C'mon. Don't waste your time on them. But that was very brave of you." Luna said.

"Well, they've been making fun of you too much and I don't want you to feel bad about yourself anymore." Added Johnny.

"No. I don't think they'll be doing that any longer. So, thank you." Said Luna before giving him a kiss.

He kissed her back and then smiled as they pulled back to look at each other.

"You know... those are the first thing I fell in love with." Said Johnny.

"That scar is the first thing that made me fall in love with you." Said Luna.

"Yeah? That's why we're made for each other." Said Johnny.

Luna smiled. And so did Johnny.

And then they kissed.


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