Y/N's birthday imagine

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I groaned as I sat up and rubbed my eyes, turning to look at my alarm clock. It was 6:00 in the morning, time to get ready for school!

Knock knock

I looked towards the door and smiled when I saw my father and little brother. They brought me breakfast in bed and joined me for a while until I got up to get ready for school.

I walked to school since it wasn't far from home and dad took my little brother to school and then headed to work.

At School

"Happy birthday!" Said my best friend Isabella as she clung to my side.

She and I had been friends since 3rd grade, I couldn't imagine my life without her. Isabella was considered one of the popular girls around school, someone all the socs hung out with even though she wasn't a soc. She wasn't a greaser either. Isabella was someone different.

I darted to first period once the late bell rang, making it in time to my seat. I blew a sigh of relief and sat my backpack down. First period was history and today we had a test. The good thing about this class is that history is my favorite subject, so I knew I'd ace this test.

Bell rings

I made my way to 2nd period, meeting up with Isabella since we both had gym class this period. We changed into our work out clothes and started running laps.

"So, it's your birthday. How does it feel to be 17 years old?" She asked me.

I shook my head and smiled. "It's okay. Like any other day, everything feels the same." I shrugged.

"My brother is friends with this really cool guy named Dallas Winston. He's going to a party tonight and I told him to let me come or I'd snitch to our dad that he was the one who scratched up dads motorcycle." She grinned.

"You took the blame?" I said with a confused expression on my face.

"What can I say? Daddy's little girl got away with it... being grounded for a week wasn't so bad." She laughed and I laughed too.

"You're so bad sometimes." I mumbled.

"You think your dad would let you come?" She asked and I shook my head.

"No. I think he wanted to go eat dinner tonight." I frowned.

"Sneak out?" Isabella said as she nudged my side.

"I'll try."

Bell rings again.

I made my way to Art class, running so fast that I stumbled just before I could reach the door.

The teacher told me to go get a tardy pass and I groaned as I headed to the kiosk.



"What class?"


I grumbled as the lady gave me a pass to class. I turned around and headed back towards the classroom.

I looked down at my feet and grew frustrated. It was my first tardy pass ever. As soon as I looked up, I stumbled backwards as I had accidentally bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry" I muttered.

As I looked up, my eyes instantly met his. He had lovely green eyes and sleek blonde hair. It finally hit me after a minute who it was I bumped into.

"You okay?" He asked as he snapped his fingers at me to get my attention.

"Huh? Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bump into. I wasn't looking and I got distracted cause I was tardy and it's my time and I'm just frustrated and I-"

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