Dallas Winston // SHORT IMAGINE

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 Y/N is my special person. She's the first girl that has made me become a better person. She's sweet, caring, and overall just super wonderful. I love her because she handles my attitude like I handle hers. 

Today is her birthday actually, and I'm going to surprise her with a special gift. She's going to love it.

"Hey Ponyboy, want to come with me to get Y/N's present?" 

"Sure thing, let me grab my shoes." He said, reaching down for his dirty white shoes. I smirked and then looked over at Johnny. "You coming too?" I asked. 

Johnny nods, smiling as he pulls out a cigarette from his pocket. I follow him outside and join him for a cigarette, waiting for Ponyboy to finish tying his shoes and meet us outside. 

I know they both look up to me. It gives me another reason to get my act together. To be a better me. 

"Hey Dal, what'd you get for Y/N?" Johnny asks me. I smiled and lean over to whisper. "It's a bracelet. A charm bracelet. She was eyeing a few weeks ago when I took her to the shops downtown. One of those nice shops, we didn't stay long though." 

Johnny smiled and Ponyboy finally came outside. I wrapped my arm around their necks and shoulders then dragged them along with me as we made our way downtown. I was so happy because I had been saving up all my money for this bracelet. 

It took us a while to get downtown but when we finally got to the shop where Y/N saw the bracelet, I told the boys to not touch anything so no one suspected anything from us. After all, it was worse enough people treated us so badly since we were greasers.

I got up to the front and asked the lady to see the same bracelet. "Aren't you that kid from before? A few weeks ago, yeah. I remember you. Are those your brothers with you?" She asks as her and I look back at Johnny and Ponyboy. 

I look back at her and nod. "They're something like that." I mumble and then smile. 

"I'm trying to get that bracelet for my girlfriend. I saved up all my money for it and now I'm here." I said to her. 

"Here it is." The jeweler said as she held up the bracelet. I looked at it, eyeing the charms that decorated the bracelet. It was nice as it was the first time I saw it. 

I nodded and pulled out my wallet, taking the money out and handed it to the jeweler. Her name was Sally. She was a sweet old lady, dressed nice, and seemed like she had been working here for a very long time. Maybe it was a family owned business. 

"Listen, darling. You seem like a nice young man. And I can tell you really like this girl. I'll go ahead and give you this bracelet for 100 dollars instead of 250. I am a sucker for love." She smiled at me as she took the money and then wrapped up the bracelet for me.

I looked back at Ponyboy and Johnny, watching as they waited for me by the door. Once the bracelet was all wrapped up, I took and the bag and thanks Sally for everything. She smiled at me and patted my cheek. As I headed up to the front, Ponyboy and Johnny opened the door and we all headed back to our neck of the woods. 

"Tonight's the big night that you're going to give her the bracelet?" Johnny asked. 

I nodded and looked at him, smiling. "Yeah, man. It's going to be great."

We headed back to the Curtis house and then I left to go back to my place. I was still living at Buck's house but I wanted to make sure that Ponyboy and Johnny got home safely before I left. Once I got into the house, I headed up to my room and shut the door behind me. I was going to take a small nap and then get up with enough time to get ready to go meet everyone down at the dinner and surprise Y/N with her bracelet. 

I get up about 5:35 and then go to the bathroom to take a quick shower. By the time I'm done showering and getting ready, it's about 6:10 and I'm heading out the door. I tell Buck that I'll be back later even though I know I'll be seeing him tonight. I head to Ponyboy's house and walk inside when I get there. I immediately run into Darry. 

"How have you been Dallas?" He asks as his eyes peek out from behind his newspaper. 

"I've been doing alright, yourself?" I ask him. 

We never really talked much, but when we did, we kept it dull. 

"I'm doing well." He mumbled. 

I walk over and sit on the couch, looking over at Darry again. "Can I ask you something?"

He nods, looking a bit off-guard as he sets his newspaper down to look at me. 

"How come you don't go out? And you haven't met anyone. I mean, just because you feel like you need to be here for your brothers, I feel like you still deserve to be happy." 

He rubs his chin and then begins talking. "I don't know, Dal. I just feel like I have to be here for Ponyboy and Soda and guide them. I want them to have a parental roll instead of a more brotherly role so that they don't do anything irresponsible and have knowledge of what's right and what's wrong. And that being a greaser doesn't mean they will ever amount to anything." 

I nodded and listened, sympathetic to what he was saying. "I understand. I just wondered. I mean, you're not that much older than me so you still have time to find someone. But I get it, you're looking out for your little brothers." 

He nods and smiles. "And all the rest of you as well. You're like a brother to me too, Dallas. Even if we don't talk much." 

I smile and nod, looking over towards the hallway where Sodapop and Steve wander from. They're goofing around over something, I roll my eyes at them. 

Once everyone is ready, we head to over to the diner. That's where we're eating, but then later, all of us are going to Buck's for the real party. 

I see Y/N through the window of the diner, she's already there with some of her friends. The boys and I head inside and I walk directly over to her and pull her in for a hug. She giggles and I laugh, pecking her against her cheek. "Hi babe." She says with her cute little voice. 

"Happy birthday." I mumble, holding her waist as we talk. She smiles up at me and I smile down at her, just this moment is perfect enough for me to surprise her with the bracelet. 

I start to pull it out of my pocket, but before I'm able to show her, she takes us to our booth with is actually a big round table booth where she and I, and the others sit. 

We all enjoy each other's company, sitting and chatting while munching on our food. Once everyone is done and we're all full, we get up and go. We're running out of the diner. so much adrenaline and energy rushing through our bodies as we all run to Buck's place where the party is already starting. 

Before we go inside, I pull Y/N to the side for a moment so that I could show her the bracelet. "C'mon Dallas, let's go inside!" She exclaims. 

I grin and shake my head. "Hold up, I got something for you." She smiles at me and nods. "You didn't have to get me anything." 

"Well I had to." I say, pulling out the wrapped gift. As she starts to unwrap it, I see her eyes light up when she finally sees what it is. "The bracelet from weeks ago!?" 

I smiled and nod, happy that she's happy. She slips it on and then jumps up, wrapping her legs around my waist and kisses my face all over. "Thank you, thank you, thank you..." She repeats on and on. 

Nothing is better than this moment right here. I am truly happy and so is she. 

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