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Here is a long waited imagine for Gleefreak2016. Thank you for being incredibly patient and I'm sorry for not having it done earlier.

A stormy day

"Looks like we'll be spending today inside." Two-bit said as he looked out the window.

"Aw, no fair! We were supposed to go out to the movies tonight!" I wined.

"Oh c'mon, Mel. We can always watch Mickey-Mouse." He said and then smiled in my direction.

"Oh you. What am I going to do with you." I said jokingly.

He came back over to the couch and sat beside me.

We were at my house and my parents were out of town, my sister and brother weren't home because they were too busy doing their own things.

But hey! That's a-okay with me.

I've got Two-bit!

"Well, we can always make it a fun day." Two-bit said.

I nodded and then kissed his cheek. "That is true."

It was silent for a moment then I spoke up.

"So what do you suggest we do?" I asked.

"We can dance, cook, play cards, throw a party, etc..." He suggested.

"We can paint, draw, watch TV, etc..." I suggested.

"Yeah. That too." He said with a laugh.

And we did just as we said we could do.

From dancing to cooking, to painting and watching TV.

Eventually we fell asleep. And I guess my brother and sister came home very late because I woke up to loud noise in the kitchen.

I yelled at them to keep it down and then went back to bed.

"Good morning, Princess." Two-bit said as he woke me up with breakfast.

I smiled and ate it so fast. Boy I must've been hungry!

But we shared it while we watched TV in my room.

As 12 rolled around, we took a walk out.

We made our way to the park and swung about on the swings.

It was so much fun!

We later made it back home and we went up to my room and chilled.

Watched more TV, did a little kissing, did a little painting and drawing.

And then we fell asleep together like the night before.

Things were going so great and I'm glad that Two-bit and I can make something out of everything.

Whether it's raining, snowing, or really hot! We still make it fun.

Talk about the best boyfriend ever.

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