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Here's a one shot for Keller03 who requested for to me to do this imagine. I hope you all enjoy this one as well as the other.

It had only been a week after the big rumble between the Greasers and Socs.

And only a week that passed since Johnny and Dallas died. And it all happened in so little time, that it doesn't even seem real. It hasn't hit me yet.

Every night I cry knowing that my brother and the love of my life are gone. And I'm so alone.

But, when I'm around Ponyboy, Sodapop, and Darry. They change that for me. They change the way I see things and make me feel good.
"How are you holding up, Arletta?" Asked Ponyboy as he sat beside me.

Since Johnny's & Dallas's death, me and Pony have become so close. Not in a relationship way. But a friendship way.

"I'm fine." I said with a slight shrug.

"Well, I can tell that you've been crying." He said as he touched my face just below my eyes.

"Yeah..." I said, pushing his hands away very gently.

"Well. If you don't want to stay at Buck's or the lot, you're welcome here." He said with a slight smile. "We'll take you in."

Darry walked into the livingroom and sat in the arm chair. But he didn't pick up his newspaper.

He always read the newspaper.

But since Johnny's and Dally's death, he didn't read much anymore.

But what I think really has him all shook up. Was the fact that he was the last one to speak to Dallas just before he died.

"Thanks, Ponyboy. I'll consider it. I mean, I don't want to be much of a bother. Especially not now with all the crying I do every night." I said with a sigh.

"No, no. Arletta, that's okay. Look, we're all trying to get through this. It's okay to cry." He said as he rubbed my shoulder.

I nodded because it was all I could do. Not another single word would come out of my mouth or else I was going to burst out in tears.

Darry still sat there, watching the door and then Sodapop walked into the livingroom.

He sat down on the other couch with a sad face.

"Well, I'm gonna go." I said to Ponyboy and then stood up and made my way out the door.

But just before I left, I took a good look at the 3 boys who remained sitting.

They were just as broken and torn as I was.

But I do believe that a part of Dallas & Johnny still live within us. And I would say to them both, "I believe a little part of you inside of me, will never die".

And then I left.

With no intention of going to Buck's because it would kill me to know that Dallas wasn't coming home. I continued to walk past Buck's place.

I passed the lot with no intention of stopping there either since I had no brother to return to.

So I made my knew home at the park.

Although I knew it wasn't the best idea to stay there, especially with Socs going around late at night. I didn't care.

So there I lay on the bench, and again I cry.

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