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Dally's POV

"Wait seriously!?" She said and then covered her mouth. I couldn't help but stare at her. She was so beautiful, her cheeks bright pink, embarrassed by last nights events. She was dancing with her stupid boyfriend who I despised so much. But damn, she was wild. I wanted her so bad. Last nights party was wild.

I got up and sighed, stretching my arms out and then walked towards the front door to leave and go to Bucks place.

"See ya.." One of the guys called out.

I ignored it and then was caught off guard as a pair of arms wrapped around my waist. "Bye Winston" She said and kissed my cheek.

I continued my walk to Bucks with Johnny at my side. But I kept thinking about her.


My alarm went off at 7:00 - meaning that I had to get up and make my way to Sodapop's house soon with my brother Steve. We usually picked up Soda on our way to work but this time we were stopping by to eat breakfast before we all headed to work together.

Me and Steve were so alike. He's my older brother by a few minutes, twins! He's taller though.

I threw on my work clothes, pulling my hair into a sleek ponytail and then threw on my cap. I fixed my jeans over my socks then tied my laces before heading downstairs to meet up with Steve.

"Ready?" He asked and I nodded, heading out the door with him. We hopped in the truck and drove to Soda's house.

I got out as soon as we parked and ran inside, instantly running toward the kitchen. I scared Ponyboy when I poked his sides, managing to make Johnny and Two-bit laugh, and also Darry. Steve was a slow poke and walked in a couple of minutes later, along with his best friend, Sodapop Curtis. That boy was handsome and I guess you could say he was my best friend too.

We all sat down and ate our breakfast. I finished up pretty fast and then went to the living room. The front screen door opened and I smiled when I looked over to see it was my boyfriend Andy. He greeted me with a kiss and I wrapped my arms around his neck, happily sinking in to his touch.

I had to leave for work at 7:45 with the boys to make it by 8. I spent my time with Andy, just talking and cuddling him.

I noticed the front screen door open again, this time it was Dallas. He was so mysterious and yet so captivating. He made me nervous and I tried not to act shy around him.

He glared at Andy and gave me a soft smile before he passed us and went to the kitchen.

I looked at the time and then frowned. "Time to go soon" I mumbled.

Andy gave me a kiss on the forehead and then got up. "Okay, see ya later baby. I'll come pick you up after work so we can hang out at my place if I get off early enough." He said.

I nodded and watched him leave. Lately Andy had been real distant but I didn't think much of it. All I know is, I haven't felt the same love from him that I used to. He cheated on me once and honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if he was. But I'm so stupid and foolish enough to take him back.

I sighed and let my body sink back against the couch. I closed my eyes for a moment and then felt a presence near me.

"What's wrong?" The dark voice asked. I peeked my eyes open and saw Dallas sitting next to me.

"Nothing, I have to go to work soon." I said and sat up.

Dallas didn't say anything at first but I could feel him staring at my lips. It was awkward but I also really liked it. We were so close to each other.

"Um." I mumbled, leaning away.

"I don't like him. I got a gut feeling about him that's telling me he's no good for you." He told me.

Obviously I assumed he was talking about Andy. I nodded and crossed my legs, biting my lip. "Mmm, you don't even know him."

"Yeah? Well, your loss baby. I'm just looking out for you." Dallas said with a little shrug and then looked away from me.

I tilted my head a little and realized that he was right. Andy was obviously cheating and I knew this. I found another girls lipstick in his room a few days ago, along with a pair of earrings that weren't mine. Like seriously. Who could honestly forget to take their things? If you're going to do something, at least do it smartly.

I sighed and looked at the time. 7:35, ugh. I had to leave soon. But now I felt like shit and I knew today was going to be long.

"Dallas.." I mumbled.

He looked at me again and I looked away, too nervous to ask him my question. I guess he noticed cause he grabbed my face to make me look back at him.

"I'm sorry, forget it." I said and pulled back.

"You're too good for him." He mumbled.

I frowned and looked down at my hands. I didn't deserve this. I shrugged and then looked up, realizing now that Dallas Winston actually cared. He cared about me - wait.. he liked me!
I smiled and then climbed in his lap, straddling him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Woah" He said as he was taken back by my actions.

"You're right. He doesn't deserve me, he's a cheater anyways. I want to be treated right. To find someone who actually cares." I said.

He pressed his forehead against mine and we both smiled. "I would never do that to you."

"I know" I said and leaned in to kiss him.

It felt right. Like he was the one. And how could I be so blind this whole time? I should've left the first time. But now everything seems right.

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