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This one is for allyssa36 and I hope you liked it! Let's get started!
9 am

(This is not how I expect to start my first day on break. Back in Tulsa with nothing to do.

Hmmm.) Said Zoey to herself in her head.

"Hey!" Someone shouted from in front of Zoey, who wasn't paying attention.

"Hey, watch out!" Said the voice again.

"In coming!" Yelled another.


3 boys made their way over to Zoey, checking to see if the girl was still alive.

"Jesus!" Said Zoey with her hand to her head.

"Boy, we're sorry." Said the dark haired boy.

"I called out to you like twice." Said a much smaller male with blonde hair.

"Look, it's not her fault. She wasn't looking. Must be tired still, huh?" Said a very taller man, who looked much older than the other two.

At first, Zoey was confused. But then realizing she was hit by their football, she got very defense.

"Okay, that was not cool. I'm not tired. I was talking to myself." Said Zoey to the three boys.

"She's fine!" Shouted the brunette.

"Thank god." Said the blonde before getting up, following the brunette inside the house in front of Zoey's view.

"Sorry about them." Said the older one.

"Oh, I'm fine now. Thanks." Zoey said before getting up.

"Well, alright. I'm Darry."

This made Zoey think.

"Wait. Darry?"

He nodded.

"Yeah. You're the guy who dropped out of college to support your brothers. Right?" She asked.

"Yeah. That's me." He said very glum.

"Oh. Well... I'm sorry about your parents. And they seem to be happy with you." Zoey said to cheer him up.

"Yeah. Uhm, so. Sorry about your head." He said.

"Oh, no. I'm sorry for not paying attention." Zoey said.

"Hey, that's okay." He said with a shrug.

"Alright. Well. It was nice seeing you." Zoey said awkwardly.

"Alright. Bye bye." Darry said before turning away to go inside.

And so did Zoey.
Darry's POV

"Did she hit you, Dare." Soda teased as Darry got inside.

"No. But she did remember me. College kid. Must've been a freshman when I was there."

"Oh. Well..." Soda was lost for words.

"College friend?" Ponyboy added.

Darry nodded. "Yeah."

For the rest of the day the boys stayed inside and watched TV for a while until eating dinner, and then finally went to bed.

And as for Zoey, she was already asleep due to her head.
2 weeks later

"Is Zoey coming over?" Asked Pony.

"No. I'm taking her out on a date. Dallas is babysitting." Darry said, fixing the collar of his shirt.

"Dallas!?" Ponyboy groaned.

"Yeah. Soda and Steve are going out. But Two-bit is coming over, too. And Johnny." Darry added.


And then, a knock at the door. In came Dallas, Johnny, and Two-bit.

The boys teased Darry and watched as he made his way out.

And finally made his way to Zoey's house.
A very nervous Darrel Curtis made his way upto Zoey's front door.

He rang the door bell and it opened up after a few seconds.

"Hello. Wow, you look.. good." Said Zoey.

"Thanks. You as well." Said Darrel.

He couldn't help but stare deeply at her due to the way the dress complimented her body.

She looked beautiful.

"Ready to go?" Darry asked.

"Yeah." Said Zoey then walked to the car with Darry.

The took off to the dingo. Not the best place, but it was better than the movie food.

They laughed and talked the night away. And eventually they did go to the movies.

They enjoyed a nice romantic movie together before Darry took Zoey home.
12 am

"I had a great time." Said Zoey as Darry walked her upto the door.

"Me too." Said Darry with a smile.

This made Zoey smile and then she kissed him.

"What was that for?" Asked Darry.

"This is how the movie ends. Our movie." She said.

"No... it's just started." Darry said and then pulled her in for another kiss.

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