Day one greenie

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So this story might not be as good as my other one, the first few chapters won't be too good but it'll slightly get better, I have to make it different from the first one I wrote, but I hope you enjoy:) , make sure to check out my other mazerunner books too! And my new Harry Potter book coming out! Xx

My eyes flutter open, my ears pick up on the lurching sound of upwards movement, and the strain of metal chains, scraping across the floor. I scramble my way to my feet, rubbing my eyes to try and adjust to my surroundings.

When most people wake up in the morning, they're greeted by morning light, the sun beaming down through the materialised curtains, or the open blinds. But not me.. I can't see anything, it's so dark that even when I hold my hand in front of my face all I see is darkness.

I scan my surroundings, nothing really stands out apart from the outline of crates, stacked upon eachother, hard to see what was inside. As the lurching movement continues I lay myself flat against the wall to avoid stumbling over.

I finally gather myself and get lost in thought.

My name.. I can't remember my name

Where am I?

Who am I?

where is it I'm going?

Questions flood my mind, but my thoughts are shattered as the box comes to a halt, knocking me to the ground. I crawl into the back corner, placing my head in my knees, trying to hide from whatever was coming next.

My heart beats rapidly inside my chest, adrenaline pumping it's way around my body, making my breathing heavy. I immediately put my arm above my eyes, trying to shield out the scorching sun, blinding me from the outside as the box doors open.

Squinting furiously, my eyes adjust to the crowd of people hovering above me.

Boys..they're all boys.. where are the girls?

I find it strange how everyone I can see are all male, maybe the girls are somewhere in the back?. My eyes scan the crowd, even the far corners.. no girls.

"Hey Thomas, why don't you greet the new greenie this time? Show us how it's done"

My gaze falls upon a dark skinned man talking to one of the boys.

Greenie.. what the fuck is a greenie?

The boy jumps in, meeting his eyes with mine. My eyes study his expression, he was smiling, it was clear he was trying to be friendly.

"Hey.. no need to be scared, I'm Thomas.. do you remember your name?" He asks in a quiet tone, careful not to frighten me. I shake my head vigorously at his question before he helps me to my feet and out of the box.

Chatters of excitement begin to break out across the boys. I only catch onto a few things like "she's gorgeous" or "how old is she", I feel my cheeks start to glow a bright red and I feel embarrassed.

"Alright everyone, give the girl some space and get back to your jobs" a British accent calls out to the boys and they start to leave.

My eyes skim the surroundings, first over to the rickety buildings, then over to the cage-like  holes built into the floor, I wonder what they are for..and lastly over to the 4 stone walls surrounding this place, over a hundred feet tall with vines growing halfway, stopping before they reached the top.

I see that they're open and a rush of adrenaline shoots through me, urging me to try my luck. But how lucky could I really be.. I decide to take my chances and start running as fast as I can towards the open doors.
I hear the boys start to laugh, comments coming out of their mouths like "shes fast!" And "she'll fall over".

The laughing dies down until it completely stops as they realise I haven't stopped, nor have I tripped up. "Get her go!!" Someone yells and I listen to the running footsteps making their way towards me. I snap my head back to see that same boy who helped me out of the box, running towards me. He's fast, but not as fast as me, a small smile tugs at my lips as I reach the doors, running through the corridor.

I make a left and then a right, stopping for a brief second to see that no one was behind me. I laugh to myself before stopping completely to catch my breath, wrong move.

I'm caught off guard as a pair of hands grab my waist, picking me up and throwing me over their shoulder. I take a minute to process what had happened before furiously kicking and thrashing about for them to let me go.

"I'm serious, drop me now" I growl, but the boy just laughs and grips on tighter until we make it out of those doors again. He drops me to my feet and I'm greeted by a very angry man..the same one who was barking orders no more than 15 minutes ago.

"You know, Thomas tried the exact same thing as you last month, except he face planted before he even made it close to the doors" a laugh erupts from behind me, it came from a buffed up Asian boy who was now standing with me and the other 3.

"I'm Minho" the boy says, a smirk tugging at his lips when he spoke to me. "That's Thomas" he points to the boy who came and grabbed me out of the maze, i scowl at him before turning my attention back to the 2 boys in front of me.

"Your name?" A British accent asks me, I stop for a minute before it clicks , my name is y/n. I must've remembered when Thomas came and grabbed me from that place.

"Yours first?" I ask, he just sighs "I'm newt, and this is alby" he points to the angry man in front of me, his expression not having been changed since last time I looked at him.

"Y/n" I say, my arms folded across my chest.
"She's sassy like you minho" Thomas laughs from behind me before grabbing my shoulder and giving it a little squeeze. His touch sent shivers down my spine, something about him.. his touch.. his voice.. it all seemed weirdly familiar, almost like I had met him before but I couldn't put my finger on what it was exactly.

"No ones as sassy as me" Minho replies, swishing his hair around before making a dramatic exit, Thomas following behind.

I roll my eyes and can't help but let out a little laugh. My attention was now completely on alby, that same look on his face. "See, really you should be punished" he sighs, seriousness lacing his tone when he spoke to me.

"But considering you're new, and don't know the rules I'll let it pass" he gives me a reassuring smile. "Right well, I bet you're hungry?" Alby asks me, my eyes light up at the sound of food, I had been so distracted that I didn't realise how hungry I actually was.

I give him a slight nod and he gestures for me to walk with him.

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