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"Thomas, calm down just tell us what's going on?" I wake up to muffled voices around the room. I sit up slowly, blinking furiously for the blur to clear. "What's going on?" I yawn, standing to my feet more stable now that I had gotten some rest. "Thomas is going mental" Minho sighs, pointing at a very worried Tommy.

"Slow down Tommy, just tell us!" Newt shouts, Tommy stops what he's doing and turns to face us. "ITS WICKED! It's always been wicked!" He panics, frantically tying a bedsheet on the door handle, preventing anyone from getting in.

"They're coming.. and they're coming now, we need to go, come on" Thomas ushers us through the vent under the bed. Without hesitation, I did what he asked.. I knew Tommy wouldn't ask us to do anything that would put us in danger. If he's so sure that they're coming then I trust him.

We make it through the vent, Thomas gets down first, and then the others, leaving me till last. "I'll catch you" Tommy whispers, extending both his arms out ready to catch me when I jump.

I jump down and he catches me like he promised. "Thank you" I blush, inches away from his face. "Right let's go" he smiles, grabbing my hand and running with the others down a dark hallway. Just as we open another door, we bump into someone. Thomas shields us all with his arm, stopping us from crashing into the masked soldier. Tommy headbutts him, taking his gun and shooting him with it.

An electric ball shot out, attaching itself to the mans chest and electrocuting him onto the floor. Thomas signals for us to go ahead while he swipes the mans keycard.

We make it too a narrow corridor, the door to the exit at the end. We leg it down to the bottom, Thomas excessively swipes the card through the slot, the same thing being said each time.. 'access denied'.

"Thomas" a loud voice calls from the bottom of the corridor, his words bouncing off the walls and back down to us. We all turn around to see janson, soldiers surrounded him.

"Unlock this door janson" Thomas raises his gun towards him, edging himself closer. "You don't want me to do that, you might've survived the maze, but it's nothing compared to what's out there..the cranks"

"Yeah well we'd rather take our chances out there" Thomas tells him, now metres apart between them both. Just As it was all about to go down, the door opens behind us, revealing aris and winston.. I wondered where those two had got too.

"Hi" aris gives a small wave at us, I flash a smile of relief before exiting out the door with everyone else. "Thomas come on!" I shout, he turns back to see the door open. He immediately starts firing his gun, watching as janson and his soldiers dodge every single one.

"Come on Thomas! Quick!" I beg him as his gun runs out. He throws his gun towards them, legging it towards the half closed door, metres away from shutting completely.

In the last second, Thomas manages to slide himself under the door, seconds before it shuts. Janson slams himself against it, "you little shit" he grunts as Thomas sticks up both of his middle fingers. A smirk forms on my face.. that's my boy.

We run into the desert, it's warm out so being in shorts doesnt bother me. I struggle to get up the hill in front of me, Thomas grabs my hand, pulling me up the last bit. "Shh.. get down" he says to us all, laying on his stomach, peering over the top of the hill.

Men with sniffer dogs begin to come out of where we just were, flashlights flickering in their hands. "Right go go go!" Thomas ushers us down the other side, running as fast as we can in the sand.

We spend half the night running, hiding in different places until we stop at one last space. "Everyone rest up here tonight, we get going early in the morning" Tommy says, patting some of the boys on the back as they crash onto the floor out of exhaustion.

Tommy sits down next to me, resting up against the wall. "Lay your head down" he smiles, lightly slapping his chest. I lay down against him, cuddling up closer in attempt to keep warm. "I'm scared Tommy.. what if they find us?" I whisper, being quiet in case I wake anyone up. "I won't let them hurt you.. I won't let them hurt any of us.. now, try get some sleep" he starts to stroke my hair.

Across from me laid Charlie, sleeping peacefully with the moon beaming down on his face, making him stand out a little more. I'm glad that he understands a little better now, and I'm glad that he's getting along with everyone better than he did before.

I intertwine my fingers with Thomas', closing my eyes and letting the darkness consume me.

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