New greenie

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Thomas drops me down to the floor, careful to make sure that I don't fall completely. I look up at him, a smile on his face.. something I hadn't seen in months. In that moment the door burst open, a wide eyed Chuck gawking at us.

"Oh..I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt, but it's important.. the box.. it's coming back up" he says, staring at mine and Thomas' intertwined fingers. Chuck proceeds to leave the room, jogging down the stairs heavily, me and Thomas shortly follow, making it out onto the glade with the others.

"Well who is it" I laugh, rushing past all the boys and making my way in front of the box.
"Y/n, why don't you greet the greenie this time.., show him it's ok" alby smiles and points towards the closed doors. I look up at Thomas, he gives me a small nod, his way of telling me it's ok. "Yeah sure" I reply, stepping closer and reaching down to open the box.

A frail boy lay in the corner, he looked around our age, maybe a little younger but definitely older than Chuck. I jump down into the box, crouching so I was eye level with him, he lifts his head up to look at me.

"Where.. where am I?" Was his first question. "This is home.. the glade, it's our home" I smile at my own words, noticing that this is the first time I've felt like I am home. I notice him shift back into the corner as gally hovers above us.

"Hey.. hey it's ok, we're just going to help you out of here alright? You're safe now" I tell him, giving him my hand to take and helping out the box with the others assisting.

He stands up straight, he stares at everyone before looking straight over at the stone walls. Being in his place once before I decide to tell him it's not worth the risk. "You'll be caught before you even get a chance to make it inside, trust me.. not worth the trouble" I whisper to him, causing him to let out a little smile.

One by one people left to go back to work before dinner, leaving just me, alby, newt, Thomas and the new boy standing together.
"Do you remember your name?" Alby asks him.

I watch the colour drain from his face as he struggled to remember anything. I remember feeling frustrated towards the lack of memory I once had too.

"It'll come back to you in a few days" I blurt, not wanting him to panic anymore. "This is y/n, she was the greenie before you" alby points to me and I give a wave. "I'm alby, I lead this place" he shakes the boys hand. "And these two shanks, are Thomas and newt" both boys shake his hand and we watch as alby takes him to get some food, just like he did for me on my first day.

"Well.. he seems lovely" I beam at both boys. "Yeah, he also seems like trouble" Thomas grunts, staring as the boy disappears into the homestead. "Oh Tommy, you're not jealous are you" I wink at him, playfully nudging his arm and walking away.

"Umm me? Jealous, excuse me" he retorts after me, I turn to face him, grinning ear to ear. "You sound a little jealous" I say, using my fingers to show how jealous he sounded.

"You'll regret saying that" he laughs, and begins to charge towards me. I squeal and run away "Tommy stop!! Please don't do it" I scream out between laughters. I run as fast as I can around the glade, knowing I'm faster than him definitely helped with motivation.

My breaths rapid and my legs hurting, I stop for just a second, whipping my head round to see he wasn't there. I laugh to myself the fact he couldn't catch me, but there was one thing I had forgotten about.. I may be faster than Tommy but he was smarter. A pair of hands grab my waist, throwing me over their shoulder. "Didnt think it was going to be that easy to get away from me did you?" He asks, and I just knew he had a grin on his face.

"Put me down Tommy!" I shriek at him, he drops me to the floor, landing on top of me. "Don't do it, pleaseeee" I beg him but he doesn't listen, instead he smiles at me before starting to tickle me. Half screaming and half laughing, I wriggle my way out of his grip, getting onto my feet.

"Take it back, I'm not jealous" he says to me, scared he was going to tickle me again I do as I'm told and take it back, "fine you're not jealous" I laugh. He pulls me into a hug, stroking my hair.

When dinner came around I wasn't as hungry as I was earlier on, I ate my beans and a slice of toast before going upstairs and into my room. Feeling very fatigue, I get out some of thomas' pyjamas, considering I still didn't have my own. I put them on and begin to brush my hair.

After detangling my knots, I begin to put the brush down, getting interrupted by Thomas pulling away my hair and kissing my neck. I bite my lip, tilting my head back at a better angle. I turn to face him, a big smile on his face because he knew how much he got to me.

He leans down, kissing me gently, grabbing my body closer to him and running his fingers through my hair. I pull away "did you even lock the door" I ask. He sighs and walks over to the door, locking it before coming back over to me. "Now where were we" he says.

He kisses me again, without breaking it we make it to the bed.. he lays me down carefully, climbing on top. My hands run down his body, feeling how toned he was before lifting his t shirt over his head. He looks into my eyes "you sure you want this?". "Yes.. I'm sure" I breathe out, unable to contain myself I kiss him again.

As we sit up, he pulls me onto his lap, pulling off my T-shirt and kissing my collarbone. I lean back letting out a soft moan as he moves his mouth down towards my breasts. We roll back over so he was on top again, taking down his trousers before mine. He spreads my legs apart, looking back up at me for consent, I nod my head and watch as he lines himself up with my entrance.

He pushes himself in slowly, letting me adjust to his size before he fastens the pace, he looks me in the eyes, listening to my moans. His breathing gets heavier and heavier,
Y/n...fuck.." he groans out my name, which only makes me feel even more good. I grip my nails into his back, for sure leaving marks. He buries his head in the crook of my neck, kissing softly and leaving a few rough marks.

I feel myself reaching my climax and decide to tell him "almost..- I'm nearly finished" the words come out breathless, finding it difficult to do anything other than moan in pleasure. "Me too.." he moans back, seems like he found it easier to form a sentence than me. I pull him even closer to me, moaning in his ear as I came.. he finishes seconds after me.

He lays there for a second before pulling out, leaving my legs twitching, and making him laugh. "Are you ok..?" He asks me, searching my face for any sign of regret. "I'm ok, I'm good I promise" I smile , giving him a quick kiss on the lips before getting up and putting my clothes back on.

I slip into bed next to Thomas, his arm wrapping around me. He cuddles in closer, letting out a deep breath. "What are we Tommy" I ask him. "Well.. what do you want to be?" He replies, intertwining his hand with mine.

"Yours" I say, dreading what he'd reply with.

"You are mine.." he says, and I smile to myself.

"Your girlfriend" I say.

"Of course" was the last thing I heard him say before letting the darkness consume me..

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