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Memory after memory plays itself in my head, images flashing in pieces. It's like my mind was awake but my body wasn't. Sort of like sleep paralysis, it was terrifying. All I could do was lay there and listen to everyone's voices over me, watching the memories flash themselves in my mind...feeling more real than anything else.

"I won't forget you.. and I promise you won't forget me either" the voice was clearly speaking to me, although their face being blurred made it harder for me to figure out who they were. "Remember our special word?" Infact I remembered the word very clearly.. it was after our favourite flowers, I don't know how I could remember but I just could.. even after my memories being erased. "Tulips" I say.

The memory begins to fade..
I open my eyes gently, blinking a few times to clear the blur. I turn to my left to see Thomas peacefully sleeping, and to my right was Minho, sitting up and eating some food.

I sit up carefully, wincing at the sharp pains on my forehead. I bring my hand up to touch, realising I had stitches. "You're awake" Minhos muffled voice says to me, I couldn't hear him too well with the sandwich he had stuffed in his mouth. "Yeah, where am I?" I ask him, watching as he swallows his mouthful before answering. "The medjack hut" he replies, taking another bite. I just nod my head at him, looking at my surroundings.

"How long have I been asleep?" I turn facing Minho, watching as he places his finished plate on the side. "Not too long, about a day at most" he smiles, looking over at Thomas who was still sleeping. "Where's everyone else?" I say, searching the room for anyone other than us three. "In the homestead, discussing your punishment for going into the maze, stupid decision by the way, but I owe you for saving my life" he gets up from the bed, stumbling a little and grabbing onto the railing for support.

"Ok maybe I shouldn't get up" he winces.

A few minutes go by and alby comes in, along with a couple of other boys. "Ahh I see you're Awake" he smiles at me, coming over and sitting at the end of my bed. I sit up completely, propping my back against the pillows behind me. Everyone looked semi happy to see I was awake, they were all huddled in a corner of the room. "You know we have to punish you this time right?" Alby pats my leg apologetically. "Yeah I know" I say in return.

"What's..what's going on" Thomas' slurs come from beside me. I see that he's awake leaning over, I grab his hand, giving it a little squeeze to let him know it's ok. "It's ok Tommy mate, you're in the medjack hut, you're ok" newt goes over to reassure him while alby was still sat with me. "1 day in the slammer, with no dinner" alby tells me, beginning to get up from the bed.

Alby and the others leave the room, Chuck comes in a few moments later. "You're ok, you're all ok thank the lord" he breathes out, giving us all an individual hug. "Of course we're ok, we're alive arent we" I laugh at his worried face, ruffling his hair.

"I'll leave you guys too it" he smiles, walking out and closing the door behind him.

"You guys are not smart, risking your lives to save me" Minho shakes his head jokingly. "Wouldn't be the first time now would it"  Thomas says, making them both laugh but leaving me confused.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask curiously.

"It's a long story, a story to be told another time" Minho tells me, getting up from the bed more stabilised than before. "I need a shower, I smell almost as disgusting as I feel, I've missed out on maintaining my beauty in the maze" he winks at us both, leaving the hut with a slight hobble.

An awkward silence fills the air for a few minutes before Thomas speaks up. "It felt so real.." he chokes back a bit on his words, tears filling his eyes. "Tommy.. what's wrong, what felt real" sympathy lacing my tone, I get up steadily and sit on the end of Tommy's bed.

"The dream..I don't know, it was more like a memory" he gestures his hands around while he spoke. He started to tell me about this memory, how he couldn't see who it was but he knew it was a familiar person, The same way I felt in my dream..

And that's when he says it, the word I had heard once before "tulips". I let go of his hand, pulling my own close to my chest. "Y/n.. what's wrong?" He asks me, looking as my lip begins to quiver. "Your dream..it's the same dream..the same one" I stutter on my words, watching as he sits closer to me.

"Favourite flowers.. I remember, tulips?" My words not making much sense to even form a sentence. Too distracted by my own thoughts, I hadn't even recognised alby standing at the door. "Sorry to disturb you, but it's time for your punishment y/n" he speaks softly.

I go to wipe away my tears but Thomas beats me to it, wiping them for me. "It's ok.. everything will work out just fine" he smiles at me but I could see the confusion behind his eyes.

I get up, dragging my feet across the floor to make it to alby. He helps me stand properly, shutting the door behind us he takes me towards the slammer.

"Just one night" he assures me, leaving me alone on the cold stone floor.

All by myself.

This was just a filler chapter, I know the chapters are not too good atm but they're going to get better, hope you enjoy:) xx

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