"Am i dead?"

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I couldn't believe what I was seeing.. gally? Alive? But.. I? I watched him die. We were all confused..and hurt.. but Tommy? He was full of anger. "Nice to see you again greenie" gally smiles at me before his face drops as a large punch lands on his jaw, knocking him to the floor as Thomas crawls on top of him.

He raises his fist again, only to be stopped by newt. "He-he .. he killed Chuck" Thomas says quietly, the pain clearly heard in his voice. "I know..I know mate I was there.. just think about this please, it's not worth it" newt tells him, grabbing his fist and lowering it for him.

Thomas sighs, lowering his arm completely and standing up to brush himself off. Gally scrambles his way off of the floor, "anyone else?" He asks, looking around at us all. "Fry? Newt?.. y/n what about you?" He asks me quietly.

Sadness begins to feel me, it was more sadness then anger to be honest. I didn't want to start anymore problems as I knew if I'd punched gally, it would get Tommy started again.

I just shook my head slowly, lowering my gaze to the ground to avoid facing Gallys eyes. "We watched you die" newt says exasperated, "no you LEFT me to die, these guys found me, found out I was immune and saved me" gally replies, looking at all the masked guards.

A part of me was still mad at him for killing Chuck, but another part knew that it wasn't him in there.. he was stung and it messed with his head. I don't know how to feel, it's all confusing more than anything else.

"Now, why are you guys here?" Gally asks us, looking at everyone for an answer. Tommy begins to speak but I interrupt him, "Minho.." I begin, "wicked took him, we tracked him here.. to the last city" I explain.

Gallys eyes widen, "well- I- I can help you" he says. We look at him confused, "help us how?" Newt says, his eyebrows furrowing at the boy.

"Well let's say I may or may not be able to get you over the wall, I have an idea, follow me" he gestures for us to follow. I start to pick up my feet when Tommy stops me.

"We're not going anywhere with you until you explain" he says sternly, I could see he was still angry. "Listen I know you're angry, but just trust me.. I can explain along the way while I take you to him" gally replies, not letting us ask what he meant by 'him' as he walks away.

We have no other choice but too follow him, "keep close" Tommy tells me, his hand interlocks with mine, squeezing it gently.

As we reach in front of a door, gally stops "don't ask any questions, let me do the talking" he says, creaking open the door in front of us. We step in after him, seeing a man in the far corner of the room watering his plants.

"Guests you've brought is it gally?" The mans voice was hoarse, almost like he hadn't spoke. For days, or he was yearning for water. "Yeah well I-" gally didn't get to finish as Tommy started speaking.

"Gally said you could help us get over the wall and into wicked" I see thomas step forward as he lets go of my hand. Gally glares over at Thomas, annoyed that he ignored the instructions just moments before.
I keep to myself and let the boys do the talking, I didn't really want too butt in and say something wrong. It didn't take long for something to be sorted out.., me, newt and Tommy were going with gally to continue with the plan, the deal was that Brenda, Jorge, and fry needed to stay in order to know we were gonna come back.

The man wanted the cure.. Tommy promised it too him, so that's what we were doing. While walking out the building, Tommy and newt were talking with eachother so that left me with gally.

We were walking along a train track, wanting to get up the ladder on the other side before the train came. "I know what I did... I mean I don't remember but I know" gally starts, I immediately know what he's on about.

"Mhm" I mumble, not ready to discuss it yet. "I know you're all mad.. but you don't understand the pain I feel every time I close my eyes, I see Chuck.. his lifeless body and Thomas holding him, knowing i did that is more pain than I'll ever be able to live with" he starts to go a bit more quiet.

I felt so guilty, I knew it wasn't him that did it.. he didn't even know what he was doing, a part of me felt bad for him.

I began to speak but was distracted by a loud horn in the distance.. the train.

"Quick guys come on!!" Gally yells, causing us all too run towards the ladder.. the ladder that seemed so close but yet so far. I watch as newt overtakes me, along with Thomas, only for me to trip over my own feet and crash onto the trails.

The train coming closer and closer..

"Y/n no!!" Tommy yells, beginning to run towards me to help me up as the train is moments away from passing us.

I watch gally push him towards the wall before running over to help me, his body pushing me onto the ground.

My ears ring.. my vision blurry

Am I dead?

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