Under attack x

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"I'll kill us all" Thomas was now holding his finger over the trigger, his eyes watering and his hands shaking. I was scared.. would he really kill us all?.

Not even a second later, Brenda, vince and a few others come racing down in their cars, firing their rifles and shotguns at the soldiers. The wicked kids scramble to their feet.. the ones who weren't captured at least. We all started to fight back.. pushing our one last bit of adrenaline towards our anger against wicked.

Tommy comes over, wrapping his arms around me "I love you, I love you so much" he whispers into my ear, his voice breaking. He rushes me over behind some rocks along with a few others, taking cover from all the gunfire.

"Aren't we going to help?" I ask him, confusion lacing my tone as I spoke. "Of course we will, we just need too wait.. it's far too dangerous for you, stay here" he demands me, giving me a kiss on forehead and standing up to get ready to leave.

I sat where Thomas had asked me, doing nothing. The screams and cries along with gunfire rung throughout my ears, making it very hard to be able to shut them out. "Y/n run" the voice echoes over to me, I shoot up to my feet, turning my head round to see who it was. It was Minho..

He was running over to me.. but somehow he managed to get shot.. electric volts coerced themselves through his body. He shook for a slight moment before completely collapsing on the ground, allowing the men to drag him away and into the ship.

I know Thomas told me to stay put, but I can't watch my best friend be dragged away.. knowing I didn't even do anything too help.
So with that, I grabbed my gun..running over to Minho aid. I shoot one guard and he falls, dropping minhos arm. "Put him down" I say through gritted teeth, my voice harsh and serious.

The man just laughs, it confuses me for a second before everything goes black.. not being able to understand what happened.. I let myself be taken away.

Thomas' POV

"I fucking told her to stay put" I shout over to Brenda, who was helping me look for y/n. A sudden rush of worry floods over me as I realise they could've been taken.. wicked could've taken the one person I love most.

"Listen, she can't be far..she's a smart person, I know she won't be too far" Brenda smiles at me, retracing both mine and y/n's steps in order to find them.

I grab my gun but it's too late.. the last thing i see is y/n and Minho being dragged away and thrown onto a ship. My stomach drops and I run over to help.. "Thomas no! Just wait!" Newt screams at me, holding me back by my arms as I try to wriggle free. "No I have to save them, newt let go" I beg him, but he doesn't listen to my pleads.. instead vince comes over, helping newt take me away.

"We will get them back I promise.. you've just got to think rationally about this or you'll kill us all" vince assures me, opening the car door and signalling for me to get in.

I do what he asks, sitting quietly at the back..lost in my own thought. I hadn't seen y/n much today.. what if she's scared? Or asking for me and I'm nowhere to be seen. The thought of it makes me feel sick. And Minho? My best friend.. I know he'll look after y/n no matter what, he cares about her more than anything.

I get distracted by a slight nudge on the shoulder. "Don't overthink it Tommy, they're both strong people and they will look after eachother" newt tells me, a smile flickering on his face every so often.

But what if I'm right? What if she is scared? What if they hurt her just to get back at me..

I can't stop thinking the worse.. worrying about everything that could possibly happen.

Even worse.. what if they kill her?

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