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It took hours for Thomas to finally wake up, gally had put us both into the slammer as he had convinced everyone that everything was our fault. I watch Thomas sit up, wincing at the pain coming from his chest where I had given him the serum. "Hey it's alright, you're ok" I reassure him, edging myself closer to his lap. "Where are we" he asks, looking round at the familiar bars above us. "The slammer" I reply, giving him a little smile before huddling into his chest.

Minho and newt approach us carefully, crouching down at the entrance. "You alright Tommy" newt asks, looking to see if he was better from before. "I've got a headache but I'm ok" he tells him, "why are we in here" he asks them both. "Gally has convinced everyone that you two are at fault, he gave us a choice.. stay with him or join you both for banishment at sundown" a worried look crosses Minhos face.

"I saw it.. I saw us both, it's our fault y/n, we did this to them.. I remember everything" Tommy tells me, sadness filled his face.
He looks up At the boys , apologising with just his eyes. "Whatever you guys did, whatever you guys were.. it happened before the maze and it's not who you are now, as alby would say, it doesn't matter what you did then.. but what you do Now" newt tells us.

Something clicked in Tommy as he looks at me, then at both boys..

"I've got a plan."
Sundown arrives quicker than I had hoped, all I could do was pray that Thomas' plan would work, that we would actually get out of here. Chuck and Minho had spent the evening gathering supplies, weapons and everything else we needed. "Ready y/n.. it'll be ok, I love you" Thomas tells me, grabbing my face and pressing his lips against mine. I kiss him back with passion, not knowing wether it would be our last.

Four boys come over, two for me and two for Tommy. They drag us out the slammer, tightly gripping onto my wrists, causing me to struggle a little.

Midway walking, the plan starts as Tommy faints in their grasp, making them drag him across the glade and loosening their grip.
As we get towards the entrance of the maze, both boys drop Thomas to the floor, coming over to me with a pole and tying my wrists to it. "Listen up everyone, you may think what we're doing is wrong.. but I'm doing this to protect us.. to protect our home" gally begins to tell the gladers. "I don't know man, this doesn't seem right" Jeff tells him, edging closer.

"You really think banishing us is going to solve anything? That the grievers are going to stop coming? You're wrong" I spit. "Oh..this isn't a banishment" Gally begins, making me furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "It's a offering" he smiles at me.

The boys tie my wrists even tighter to the pole, "wait please stop gally" I beg, but he turns the other way. Not even a second later, Thomas gets to his knees, elbowing Someone in the balls. Newt begins to attack the guys holding me hostage, while frypan cuts me free.
Gally turns and pulls out his knife but he was t quick enough before Minho pulls his and puts it to his throat.

I pull a knife from my boot, holding it out in front of me, Thomas held a spear. "I know you're scared.. I'm even scared, but I would rather risk my life escaping than spend the rest of it in here" Thomas says. "This is your last chance everyone, you can come with us" I finish off.

A few gladers step up and join us, leaving Gally and the rest of the builders behind. "You can come with us Gally" Thomas tries to convince him. "Good luck against the grievers" is the only thing Gally says back.

"Y/n you stay with Chuck, and take this with you" Minho chucks me a small looking device, the number seven glowing red across it. I nod my head, giving it to Chuck and grabbing his hand.

"Is everyone ready?" Thomas shouts, cheers erupt from all of us. "Then let's go!" Minho yells, and we start to run into the maze, ready to fight anything and anyone that gets in our way..

Stopping our chance to freedom.

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