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When I awoke I saw that Tommy had kept his promise, he was still in the room, Staring out the window at something happening outside.
I sit up carefully, my throat throbbing in pain.

"T-Tommy, what are you doing" tiredness laced in my tone. He turns to face me "everything's ok, just sit down" he comes over, resting his hand on my knee. I smile at him, his face scrunches and he leans closer, looking at my neck. I can see the angriness in his face, he gets up with his fists clenched.

I lift my hand to my neck, feeling that there was a scratch of some sort, I wince at the pain. "Tommy it's ok, I promise I'm ok" I reassure him, getting up from the bed and walking over to him.

I grab his shoulder, turning him to face me. "Tommy, look at me.. I'm ok" I smile, watching the anger leave his face. He leans in and places his lips on mine, the kiss was passionate, more than last time.
I pull apart, and he grabs me into a hug.

"He's being banished at sundown" his words catch me off guard. "Who.. Ben?, banished what does that mean?" I ask, pulling away from the hug and looking up at him. "Yes Ben, and it means they're going to banish him into the maze" he sighs, looking up at my neck once more.

"There's nothing we can do to help him, he's been stung y/n, and he hurt you" Tommy's eyes full of sadness. I nod my head at him, showing that I understood.

I get dressed and head down for breakfast, Tommy gave me his hoodie to try and attempt to cover up the marks on my neck, it wasn't working very well but it was better than nothing. I feel everyone's eyes staring at me as I step foot into the kitchen, Tommy intertwines his fingers with mine, giving my hand a little squeeze to show it's ok.

We walk over to the table with Chuck and newt, they both went silent as I sat down.
"What a nice way to start a conversation" I laugh, trying to get everyone to ease up. "Sorry, we didn't know what to say" newt scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.

"How about, how did you sleep" I smile, watching them ease up a bit. "Well how did you sleep?" Chuck asks me. "Good actually, I felt safe and that's enough to keep me sleeping" I say, looking over at tommy as he places his hand on my thigh. "Where's Minho?" I ask, looking around and noticing he wasn't at the table. "He's in the maze as planned, trying to find anything new" newts words made me feel guilty about keeping Tommy from helping.

"So it's still happening tomorrow?" I say, watching everyone's expressions.

"Yeah it's still happening, bens incident won't stop us from leaving" Chuck says, not realising it's a sensitive topic and munching down on his food. Thomas gives me a few of his eggs, insisting I eat them, giving up with trying to give them back, I eat them hungrily.

"I wonder what it's like" I say, seeing them all stare at me, trying to figure out what I mean. "I mean, the world outside of here.. I wonder what it's like to see everything else" I smile at the thought. "It must be amazing" Chuck says, smiling down at a little wooden carving.

"What's that then?" I ask him, watching as he twiddles with it in his hand. "I made it for my parents.. so I can give it to them when I see them" he beams at me. "That's lovely" I tell him, staring at the small piece.

"Right, me and y/n need our time alone, if you get me" Thomas winks at them, pulling me up from my seat. Chucks face goes bright red, "he's joking!" I call after them as Thomas drags me up the stairs. He pulls me into our room, shutting the door behind him.

"That's not true, why did you tell them that for?" I scowl at him. "Who said it wasn't true" he smirks at me, grabbing my waist and pulling me against his chest. "I say it isn't true" I tease him, watching as he bites his lip. He leans in, meeting me halfway before crashing his lips onto mine. My hands find themselves at the back of his neck, tugging softly at the hair, while his hands find themselves on other areas.. grabbing and caressing.

He begins to kiss my jaw.. making his way down to my neck. "You know.. that I... love you...right" his words in between kisses.
It's the first time I had heard him say it.. with me not answering he stops what he's doing, looking right at me with sad eyes. "Do you not love me back?" He asks, frantically searching for any expression on my face. A smile forms on my face "of course I love you" I tell him, watching as he begins to smile.

He picks me up by my legs, allowing me to wrap myself around his waist while he carried me over to the bed, placing me down gently.
I roll over so I'm on top, giving me some of the dominance and taking control. As I kiss him I feel as he gets hard beneath me, I tease him by grinding myself against it. "You're such a tease" he groans within the kiss, I bite his lip with a smile on my face. "Do something about it" I tell him, it's almost like I clicked something within him as he rolls me over and pins me down. "What about this" he says, removing my top and kissing down my body.. teasing all my sweet spots and using his tongue to his advantage. I let out a soft moan, running my hands through his hair as he got lower.

"Guys! The banishment, it's happening n-" the door burst open, I grab the quilt and attempt to cover my exposed top half. "Oh-sorry, I thought you said it was just a joke" newts face a bright red, he covers his eyes allowing me to slip on a T-shirt. "Well maybe you should knock next time" I smile sarcastically. "Sorry Tommy, sorry y/n" he was now looking at us both.

"It's alright newt, just knock next time yeah mate?" Tommy tells him, patting his shoulder and grabbing my hand, walking out the door together. "I'm scared.." I look at Tommy , his expression the same as mine.

"It'll be fine, you'll be fine" he tells me as we reach the maze doors, realising Ben isn't there.
"Alby? What's going on?" I ask running over to the crowd at the door. "The doors..they aren't closing.." he says, his eyebrows furrowing at the ancient stone walls. "What do you mean they're not closing?" I say, completely confused. "We took Ben out here, ready to banish him but we realised the doors weren't closing, we took him back to the slammer" he says, Now looking at both me and Thomas.

"Get everyone back.. everyone hide... and prepare for the worst"

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