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I lay in bed staring at the ceiling once again.. Thomas' light snores are the only thing I could hear. Alby said that in 2 days time we will try and escape, Minho and Thomas are going back into the maze later today to see what else they can find while we prepare everyone to leave. In reality I'm scared.. I know how bad I wanted to leave at first, but now I'm worried that if we do leave, what will we do next.

I lift Thomas' arm up from around my waist, checking his wrist watch for the time '2:47am'. Everyone must be fast asleep by now, I carefully remove his arm and climb over him, onto the floor. I grab my hairbrush, a fresh towel, body wash and a 2 in one shampoo.

I slip on some shoes, tiptoeing out the door and down the stairs, making sure I don't make any noise on my way to the shower. Although it was late, I wanted to use the shower while it was still warm, all the boys always use up the water, leaving me freezing when it's my turn.

I walk behind the homestead, reaching the showers and turning them on. I place my towel and my other stuff next to me on the ground, double checking that it's not in the way of the water. I undress and step into the shower, feeling the warmish water touch my skin, the sweat and dirt washed away. I grab the body wash and begin to rub it all over myself. Cleaning everything important and whatnot, I turn around and wet my hair enough to use shampoo.

Just as I finish washing my hair, I hear a strange low growl from behind me.. as confused as I was scared, I picked up my towel, wrapping it around myself as best as I could and turning off the showers. "hello? Is someone there.. I'm in shower? It's y/n" I call out but there's no reply. My heart begins to beat rapidly inside my chest, the leaves vibrating in unison with my footsteps as I step closer towards the sound.

As soon as I see who it is, I let out a sigh of relief, although a part of me still terrified. "Ben, Jesus you scared me!" I hold my hand to my chest in an attempt to feel my heartbeat slow.. but it doesn't.

"Ben.. are you ok? What are you doing up so late" I laugh nervously, he doesn't answer but instead begins to screech. "Ben you're really scaring me, please stop" I beg him but he just smiles seconds before it drops from his face.

"Your fault" he begins. "Wh-what" i tremble? My lips quivering, I had never been so scared throughout being here. "I saw you.. all your fault" he spoke in between breaths. I take a step back.. slowly getting ready to run, even if I was in a towel.

"ALL YOUR FAULT" he growls and runs at me, I turn and start to run, run as fast as I can, no matter how much it tires me. "HELPPP! PLEASE SOMEONE HELP!" I scream out, hoping someone would wake up and hear me scream. Bens growls got closer and louder, when I saw him something wasn't right.. his eyes were bloodshot.. black blood trickling down his chin.

I try to distract myself from my thoughts, only then tripping over a massive branch in the middle of the glade, fucking builders. It doesn't take long for Ben to catch up to me, grabbing my arms and pinning them down. Fuck knows how my towel manages to stay on but luckily it does. His nails grip into my skin, making me scream even louder, my cries for help echoing in the glade.

I lift my leg as high as I can, kneeing him in the balls and giving me an extra few seconds to get to my feet, running towards the homestead for safety. 'I'm almost there, come on y/n you're almost there' I think to myself.. until I'm tackled to the ground at the entrance.
Surely if I were to scream now, everyone in the homestead would hear me. "HELP SOMEONE HEL-" Ben muffles my cries by putting his hand over my mouth. "It's your fault, all your fault and now you're going to pay" he pulls out a knife from his pocket.

Making me wince at the cold steel, digging at my throat. He starts to screech but gets cut off by a thump to the head. I'm pulled to my feet, screaming and crying.. "shhh.. shhh.. it's just me, you're ok I've got you" I calm down when I recognise the voice to be Thomas'. I look over at Ben being held down on the ground by a few of the gladers. My towel all mangled and beginning to slip, Thomas pulls off his hoodie, slipping it over my head. I guess I've never been so thankful that his clothes are oversized on me.

"What are you doing!" Newts tired voice grumbles out at Ben. The sun was beginning to rise and I hadn't got any sleep, I knew that everyone else was just as tired as me.

Alby rushes over, looking at me and then over to Ben on the ground. "Lift up his shirt" he demands the boys, who do exactly what he says, revealing a deep circled gash, black blood spilling from it and darkened veins sprouting from it. "No..no please, listen to me, I can get better I promise" Ben pleads for them to stop. "Take him to the slammer" alby tells them, watching as they drag him away, screaming for help.

Thomas takes me up into the room, pulling out some tissues and wiping my tears. "What were you doing out so late, and in a towel?" He asks me, patting the underneath of my eyes. "I- I just wanted to shower.. you all use the warm water during the day.. plus I couldn't sleep" my words still stuttering from being terrified.

He grabs some spare jogging bottoms from his draw, helping me out them on, one leg at a time. I let him dress me, staring blankly at the wall, I ask the question I was dying to know. "What happened to him" I ask. Thomas stops and looks into my eyes "he was stung.." he says, resuming to dress me.

"Stung by what...? A griever" I say.

"Yes.. and that's why we need to get out of here as soon as we can" he reassures me, pushing me back on the bed with one hand and tucking me in before climbing in next to me. "Try get some sleep ok?" He tells me. "I'm scared Tommy.. please don't leave me.. please" I beg him, he strokes my hair gently..

"I won't I promise"

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