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We'd been running for about 20 minutes before stopping at a corner in the maze. Sweat rolls down chucks face as he clutches his stomach, gasping for breath. I lay my hand on his shoulder, "you ok?, do you need water?" I ask. He shakes his head no, standing up to his feet and flickering a smile.

A line had formed in front of me, word passing down.. "Griever". Memories flash back in my mind from the time I had been in the maze all night with Thomas. They're scary, not things I want to face. Chuck grabs my hand, squeezing it tight, "we going to make it" he reassures me, almost like he could sense my fear.

"Alright listen up, yes there's a Griever, but it's nothing we haven't faced before" Thomas begins. Everyone began to ease up, clutching spears in their hands whereas I just had my pocket knife, not suitable against a griever.

"Now let's go!!" Minho shouts, all the gladers run after him, shouting and screaming at the griever. Me and Chuck begin to run, getting through an open gap before someone's spear knocks the device that Minho had given me out of chucks hand. I watch as he runs after it "Chuck be careful!" I shout, pulling out my pocket knife. "Y/n here!" Thomas chucks me another spear as I slip my knife back into my pocket. I start fighting past the grievers to get to Chuck, "help me up help me up" he shouts as I reach him.

I grab him by his backpack, seeing the griever climbing itself up the walls as I get him. "Run Chuck go!" I shout and we run towards Thomas and the others, "Thomas!!!" Chuck screams. Just as they kill the first griever, the second one comes up from behind us.

"Ready boys!! Now!" Newt hisses, all of them pushing their spears into the griever as me and Chuck reach the entrance of the griever hole. "An 8 digit code..? I don't know!" Chuck panics. I run down the steps "Thomas there's a code, 8 digits!!" He stops to turn to me before looking back at the grievers.

He shouts something to Minho who eventually repeats the code back to me. The door grumbles open, "just go! I'll be right behind you!" Thomas assures me. I give Chuck my backpack, telling him to ahead and I'll be right there. He nods his head, doing as he was told before I turn back to help the others.

Minho gets trapped underneath a griever, pushing his spear against its throat. A scream erupts from Jeffs mouth as he ran towards it, stabbing it in the head. "Jeff no, stop!!" I scream, watching as his spear gets stuck.

The griever shakes his head around, dragging Jeff along with it until it gives up and grabs Jeff. Tears stroll down my face as he's carried away.

I start to run towards Chuck, getting towards the griever hole, "COME ON NOW!!" I shout, jumping down the hole and landing on my head. I groan out in pain "why is it always my head".  Chuck helps me to my feet and we stand in a dark corridor, waiting for the others to come down.

One by one they did.. only there was less of us now than what we had started with.. Me, Chuck, newt, frypan, winston, the new greenie Charlie and Thomas. We were the only ones who made it down.

Thomas grabs hold of me, "I told you to go!" He speaks with anger, making me shrink back a little. "I-I'm sorry.. I just- I wanted to help" I stutter over my words and he pulls me into a hug. "It's ok.. I know you did, it's alright, I'm just glad we're safe" he sighs. I pull apart and scan my surroundings, the lights flickering above us as we start to walk down the corridor.

"Really?" Frypan stood under a door with the sign 'exit' above us flashing green. He lightens up the mood as we all laugh at his comment, continuing to walk. We make it into a little room, dead bodies sprawled out across the floor and glass smashed everywhere.

I grab Thomas' arm, exploring the room he comes across a machine with a handprint image showing. He places his hand down and a screen in front of us lights up.

"Hello, my name is doctor Ava Paige" the woman begun to speak, she had light blonde hair pulled back into a low bun, and she looked about mid-40s.

She carried on to talk about how she's the one who put us here, how were something special.. apart of something much bigger. Images of dead bodies, burned building and cities flashed upon the screen. She told us how we were a cure for a virus called the 'flare'.

My eyes feel like they're glued to the screen.. she says one more thing before pulling a gun on herself.. "remember , wicked is good". The sound of a gunshot made me jump back into Thomas, he wraps his arm around my waist and we all stand there silently for a moment.

"So what now.." I ask, breaking the silence within the room. "I don't know.. we get out of here I guess" Minho shrugs his shoulders, beginning to walk towards another door. We all follow him, getting stopped halfway... someone emerges from the darkness, hard to see who it was I squinted furiously.

"Gally? What are you doing here?" I say, noticing the gun wedged in his shaky hands.

"He's been stung" Minho whispers in my ear.

"Gally?" Thomas takes a step forward, trying to approach him. "Thomas don't" I call out, grabbing his shoulder only to be shaken off and ignored. "Gally we can help you.. just put the gun down ok? We're out, we're free" Thomas holds his hands up in a surrendering pose. "Free? You think we're free out there?" Tears stream down gallys face, his eyes black and bloodshot just like bens had once been.

I see Minho grip his spear out the corner of my eye, lifting it to a somewhat higher angle.. almost like he was getting ready to throw it.

"Gally please.. just put the gun down" Thomas tries one more time before Gally lifts the gun to his chest. My body starts to tremble in fear for Thomas, he's always trying to save everybody else without thinking about the consequences for himself.

"I belong to the maze... we all do" Gally fires the gun just as a spear shoots through his chest. I scream at the sound, before realising nobody got shot.. or so I thought..

"Thomas" chucks voice breaking as he dropped to his knees, Thomas catches him and lays him down gently. I huddle back into the corner, watching as the boy I loved had his heart broken into pieces.

My own heart broke for Chuck.. Gasping for air while trying to speak. "Y/n please" he whispers and everyone's gaze turns to me.

I stumble onto my feet with the help of Charlie, hobbling over to Chuck and collapsing next to him. He grabs my hand with every ounce he has, placing a small wooden carving inside and closing it. "My parents" he stutters.. "please if you find them.. give this to them" blood now appeared around his lips. "No, I said you're going to give it to them yourself remember? I promised" I cry , only to get a smile in return.

"Thank you.. thank you all, just know that I love y-" his words get cut off as his eyes become lifeless. Without knowing what to say I go to Thomas for comfort, he grabs hold of my hand, tears spilling out of both our eyes.

Within a few seconds we're blinded by a bright white light, heavy footsteps pattering down towards us. Tearing me away from Thomas.. he was also torn away from Chuck, screaming about how we couldn't leave him there.

We're thrown onto a helicopter, clutching the wooden carving close to my chest, blood splotches covering the bottom. I didn't know how to feel.. what to say or what to do..

Instead I sit quietly, my head resting on Thomas' shoulder as the people who took us began to speak.

"You're safe.. all of you, you're safe now"

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