"Fucking traitor"

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They had taken me and Minho to the last standing city for wicked base. They had also taken aris and Sonya.. they'd taken half of the kids that had been saved at the right arm. I don't know how to feel.. I refused to co operate so they had punched me a few times in my face.. I fought back as hard as I could but in the end i gave up. They made Minho watch, I told him it was ok, and not to move and get himself hurt. He looked so broken and so hurt and that just hurt me even more.

"Charlie, take y/n and Minho to their rooms, ensure to lock the door behind you" janson tells Charlie. My face scrunches up at those words, I still couldn't believe Charlie would betray us like this.. just give us over like we were nothing when we were supposed to be his family. Two guards come and grab Minho whereas Charlie grabs both of my arms, pinning them behind my back.

"Fucking traitor" i mutter under my breath as he walks me towards the cell door, Minho behind us. "What did you say?" He asks me, turning me around to face him. "I said, you're a fucking traitor" I say, forcing a smile onto my face. His expression fills with anger, he twists my arm around and pins my arms tighter against my back as he pushes me against the wall. I cry out in pain as my bruised face and body collide against the brick, my arms throbbing. "Stop just stop!" Minho yells, his voice breaking.. all he had seen since we got here was me getting hurt all the time.

Charlie removes my hair from my face, tucking it behind my ear and moving his mouth closer. "I'm looking out for you" he whispers "you should know that" his words made me cringe, something about him had changed, almost like he was being controlled to do this.

He finally let go of my arms, shoving me into a room and pushing Minho in with me, locking the doors behind him. I slouch myself against the wall, slowly sliding down with my head in my hands. "What is it with you and always opening your mouth" Minho smiles a little, trying to lighten the mood as he sits next to me.

"I'm scared.. I miss Tommy.. I miss everyone, I don't wanna be here" I say, my voice quiet and cracking. Minho wraps his arm around me, pulling me closer into his chest, even though we were stuck here, it was nice to be stuck with someone who's like a brother. "I know you're scared..I'm scared too but they'll find us, they'd never leave us here" he reassures me, rubbing my shoulder comfortingly.

I close my eyes in attempt to forget everything that's going on, I didn't want anything to happen while I slept but I was so tired..the darkness just consumes me.

Tommy's POV
Me, newt, Brenda and a few others were sat in a room at the 'right arm' although most of the place was destroyed, we were still here after a lot of us were taken. "So what's the plan" newt sighs, slamming his hands down on the table and looking at us all for any ideas. "We save them?" Brenda looks at us questionably. "Obviously, but how? How we do we save them, it's already been 3 months and we've still got nothing" vince says, an angry look on his face that he couldn't figure out how to save anyone.

"We've still got nothing" Brenda laughs nervously, it's like her words clicked something in me. "EXACTLY! WE HAVE NOTHING! While we're sat here, fuck knows what's going on out there!? How do we know they're not being beaten? How do we know that no ones been killed?" I shout, anger has been bubbling up inside me for so long and it's finally just come out.. although everyone's faces made it look like what I said was the worse thing in the world.

"Sorry.. I'm just frustrated" i mutter, starting to pace around the room.

"I've got it!" Frypan exclaims.

"I know how to save them!"

It's been another 2 months since we were taken.. 5 months in total and still no one had come to save us. A lot has gone on.. they had split me and Minho up because of the amount of times we had tried to escape.. every time they were always one step ahead of us.

But each time It was me who would take the beatings.. and it was Minho who had to watch. One time he tried to help but they pistol whipped him and pinned his head to the floor and forced him to watch. It was painful but I would rather it be me instead of anyone else..

I was now sat on my bed, handcuffed to the rails so I couldn't escape again. Charlie comes in to uncuff me for breakfast. He slowly paces towards me.. scared that I'll flip out again, but I was so tired that I didn't feel like fighting back, my body was bruised and my face was bloody and almost unrecognisable.

"Howre you feeling" he asks me, crouching down onto his knees in front of me and starting to unlock the cuffs. I ignore him completely, I didn't feel like talking. He grabs me face and turns me towards him "don't ignore me, I haven't done anything wrong" he pouts out his bottom lip, a smirk growing on his face.

He unlocks me completely, not letting me stand and examining my bruises. "Does it hurt?" He asks me, slightly skimming his fingers over my black eye. I move my head back and out of his touch, he gets the hint and just stands to his feet without any argument. "Come on, it's breakfast, minhos waiting for you" he smiles, placing a hand on my back and pushing me out of the room slowly.

I needed to get out of here.. we all did.

And I would make sure we would, even if I died trying.

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