Filler chapter:)

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I woke up early today, earlier than everyone else. The morning sun was bright, very few birds about. I get up quietly, being careful not to disturb anyone from their sleep. I make my way over to somewhere a little into the distance, the sun beamed down on me as I sat in that spot, making me feel more alive.

I feel the light breeze occasionally brush past my face, my hair flying back in the wind. I start to smile.. for the first time in ages I genuinely felt a moment of happiness. I decide to get up, making my way back to the others. The sun had hit its peak, and I knew it was time to get going if we wanted to reach the right arm soon.

"You're up early princess" the name made me cringe, and he knew that it annoyed me. "Oh aren't you a lovely sight first thing in the morning, huh Minho?" I sigh, forcing a sarcastic smile on my face.

"Oh you love me really, I'm too beautiful for you to dislike me" he grins, shooting me a wink. "Sooo beautiful" I mock him, placing a hand on my chest to add a more 'dramatic effect'. "Dont get jealous just cause I look better" he pats my shoulder, giving me a sympathetic look before going back to the others.

"Hey you take that back!" I call after him.
"No way princess" he winks and starts running, almost like we were having a race to see who could get back first.

I know he was a runner, but I reckon I could still beat him, even with the head start he's had. I start to pick up my pace, jogging at first and watching as he gets tired near the end from running the whole way. I take my chance, running full speed to the finish, Minho didn't even see me as he stopped to take a breath and gather himself.

I almost topple over onto everyone but minhos arm holds me still. "I've still got it" I smile, laughing to myself that I actually beat the keeper of runners at his own game. "You cheated" he accuses me, his finger pointing at my chest. I grab his finger with a smile "you're just jealous I beat you at your own game" I wink and jump over to Thomas for safety, knowing that Minho wouldn't do anything, I stuck my tongue out at him.

"You wait" he mouths over to me, a grin on his face. I loved the way me and him get along so nicely, like brother and sister, we love eachother but he's so damn annoying.

"Morning" thomas' sleepy voice shatters my thoughts, Minho had now gone and sat with newt and frypan, both of who were now wide awake. "You're up early" Thomas says to me, his hand resting on my thigh. "Yeah, it was nice to feel the morning sun" I smile to him, placing my hand on top of his.

"We best get going, do you mind waking up the others?" He asks me, I shake my head and proceed to get to my feet. Just as I make my way over, I thought of a really good idea on how to wake up winston and Charlie, mind they'll probably hate me but it'll be worth it. I signal for Minho to come over, he might be sassy but he's the best at pranks.

"What now princ-" I cut him off by lifting a finger to my lips, signalling for him to shush. "Ohhhh" he whispers, a smirk forming onto his face. "You go for winston, I've got Charlie" I smile, pointing over at both sleeping boys, looking peaceful..too peaceful.

"3..2..1" Minho mouths to me, we both start screaming at the same time, watching as both boys scramble to their feet. Their faces were such a picture, they looked so confused to what was going on. I couldn't stop laughing, me and Minho were the only ones who seemed to find it funny. These boys, they've defo lost their sense of humour in this desert.

"Alright alright, enough fooling around, you've scared them now y/n.." newt begins, I act offended, it wasn't just me it was Minho too. Minho begins to creep away, hoping not to be seen, "and you Minho" newt glares at him, the smile being wiped off of his face almost immediately. I struggle to contain my laughters as newt gave Minho the dirtiest look ever.

"Seriously guys, we need to get going if we want to reach the right arm sooner than later" Thomas glares at us all, signalling for us to stop messing around. "Sorryyy" I smile, hoping he'd forgive me because I'm his girlfriend. "Ah ah, just because you're my girl, doesn't mean I'll let you off easy" he grins, pulling me in closer to him and hugging me as we begun to set off and find the right arm.

No matter how long it took, we were going to find them.

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