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"Quite some dash you made there, I was certain you'd fall over" alby tells me, walking a little in front, guiding me to get some food. "So did I to be honest" I let out a little laugh. It was quiet for a few minutes before he started to speak again.

"Most of us haven't seen a girl in months, even years, you'll need to be careful" alby explains to me.
Fear rushes over me, the thought of being taken advantage of runs around in my mind, alby must've noticed as he stops at a halt, gripping both my shoulders.

"I won't let anyone hurt you, there will always be someone with you, even when you sleep, there's nothing to worry about" albys words soothe me a little. Knowing that someone would be there too look after me and protect me from anything that happens makes feel a sense of comfort.

We come forward to a rickety building, looking like it was standing on its last legs. Alby steps inside, hesitating.. I do the same. The warm smell of food wafts in the air, teasing my senses. "This is the homestead, as you can see there's also an kitchen" he says and I follow him over to a little hut, my eyes examining the objects around me. "This is frypan, we gave him that nickname when he discovered his love for cooking" he points to a young boy standing inside the hut, a smile on his face and welcoming eyes. I give him a little wave, returning the smile.

"Sit at the table over There, I'll bring your food for you" alby tells me, pointing at a small
Wooden table near the far back. I do as I'm told and sit at the back, waiting patiently for alby to come over. He places a plate in front of me containing, eggs, a few bits of bacon, and 2 slices of bread. I take no time in scoffing down the entire lot, watching as no one batters an eyelid at my animal-like behaviour.

I wipe my mouth and mutter a small sorry, seeing alby place a glass of water beside me. My mouth yearning for some I take the glass , downing it all in one go. "I see you enjoyed your lunch" he laughs and picks up my plate, bringing it towards the kitchen before sitting back down in front of me. "How do you feel about bunking up with someone" albys voice catching my attention pretty quickly.

I look at him with uncertainty "oh..umm I don't know what If-" he cuts me off "someone trustworthy, someone we all trust to look after you" he smiles, trying to relax me.

As I try and answer him frypans voice calls out to us "time to feed the lions" he chuckles, nodding over at the crowd of boys forming at the homestead door. "You can go sit in the kitchen until it's over if you'd like" alby suggests. I flash a smile and head over towards the kitchen, entering through the side door.

I sit down on a chair behind frypan, the boys start to pile in, heading towards the kitchen.
I listen to fry make conversation with the hungry gladers, handing out plates as he did so. " doing better now?" My head snaps round to see Thomas leaning on the doorframe of the kitchen door, a plate of food in his hands. "I'm doing fine thank you" my answer blunt and my arms folded across my Chest. "I see you're still mad about the whole maze thing" he laughs, the word 'maze' standing out to me the most. What did he mean maze? What maze..

Before I get the chance to ask he walks away towards the table that I had once sat at, joining alby, newt and Minho. Some of the gladers try to talk to me, I answer the ones who talk with respect, I ignore the others who don't, rolling my eyes at them.

After an exhausting 15 minutes, the boys begin to get up and leave, piling out the doors. The chatters escape the room along with them. I take a deep breath, mentally preparing myself for what I was about to do. I thank frypan one last time for my food before making my way over to albys table.

I sit down next to Thomas, my leg brushing against his as I did so. Heat rises to my cheek as he brushes his leg against mine again. I bite my lower lip in an attempt to distract myself, facing alby and newt. "Just in time y/n, we've discussed your sleeping arrangements" newt smiles, finishing the last of his dinner.

"And what might that be" I ask, curious to see what they'd discussed. "You'll be bunking up with this shank" alby nods at Thomas, making him choke on his food. "Is that such a good idea" I laugh nervously, twiddling with my thumbs in my lap. "I would trust that shank with my life, I know he can look after you" alby pats Thomas on the shoulder before getting up to leave with newt.

I sit staring blankly at my lap as Minho starts laughing. "What's so funny" I glare at him, the biggest smile on his face. "Nothing just.. your faces , definitely a picture right now" he roars with laughter, acting like it was the funniest thing he had seen. "Zip it slinthead" Thomas grumbles.

"Alright alright I'm going" Minho winks at us as he leaves the room.

Thomas turns to face me

"Well then.. I guess we're bunkmates"

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