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My heart was racing dramatically, I didn't know what to do, my instinct was to stay close to Tommy and the others.

A bright beam of light distracts us all, guns fire from behind us. "Get in quick!" Brenda and Jorge hang out the side window, firing the guns behind us and a smile on their faces. I can't believe that they followed us here.. thank fuck! We could've died.

Without hesitation I jump in the back, Tommy slouching himself next to me, his hand rubbing my thigh while heavy breaths exit his mouth. Jorge drives out the other side, we managed to escape those crazy.. crazy people.

"Where are you taking us?" I ask, knocking on the back window. "The last city, that's where you guys were heading right?" Brenda tells us, reloading her gun, cleaning it just before.

"Sorry" I mumble feeling bad that me and Tommy kept it from her.. we kept it from everyone to be honest, we didn't even know frypan and newt were going to be coming either.

The journey to the last city was taking a while, I begun to get very sleepy along the way, my head rested on Tommy's shoulder and my eyes slowly drift.

Tommy's POV
I see y/n's eyes close and her head laying on my shoulder. She's been through a lot and clearly hasn't had much sleep. We've been stuck in this truck for 2 hours at least, I never thought it would take this long to get to the last city. Although I must say, I would do anything for my family, and Minho is family.

As we drive down a small enclosed road, I recognise that the people here look like the people that we saw not too long ago in the tunnels. I knock on the back window, "is this it? Are we here?" I ask, my head tilted to the side waiting for a reply.

"I guess this is it, be careful of where you step though, these people are very mad at wicked" Jorge tells us, parking the car along the sidewalk.

I nudge y/n gently, feeling her flinch at my touch. "Hey it's ok, it's just.. we're here now so you need to get up" I reassure her, rubbing her shoulder carefully.

She mumbles a yes and begins to get up, hopping out the back of the car like the rest of us. I go over to her and grab her hand, leading her with me so she wouldn't get lost in the crowds. She's not very tall so she's get lost easily, I laugh to myself at the thought.

We make our way to the front of the crowd, looking straight at wicked building. "Guys we need to go now.. somethings wrong" newt comes up from behind us, whispering the last bit of his sentence in my ear so y/n wouldn't worry. I nod my head in agreement, tightening my grip on y/n hand, practically dragging her along with me.

In that moment a huge explosion erupts.. luckily we all managed to get away, hiding behind some alley.

I turn to face y/n but it all goes black.. I hear her scream as she's ripped from my hands, calling my name. My heart sunk to my stomach, I struggled and struggled to try and get out of whoever's grip had me.. but it was no use, they threw me into somewhere and shut the doors behind me.

I didn't know where I was going? I was with Brenda and newt, I was guessing that whoever had taken us had Tommy, frypan and Jorge in the other van. Well.. I could only hope anyways.

They took off our 'blindfolds' but our hands were still tied. "Listen, I don't know where you're taking me.. but these ropes are too tight, they're hurting me" i wince in pain. My first instinct was too attack when they had taken them off, but a second thought changed that, there's too many of them and they'd overpower me in a second.

A man comes over and loosens my rope, in fact he takes it off completely just as the car stops. He does the same for newt and Brenda, opening the back of the car door behind us.

"Out" he demands, watching as we all scramble out one by one. We were the first ones here, I couldn't see Tommy or anyone else and it made me feel sick. "They'll be here" newt tells me, his hand on mine. I never thought it was weird to be close with the other gladers, why would it be? They're like my family.

A couple of minutes go by and another van pulls up. It stops for a minute with no one getting out until the doors burst open. Jorge and another guard fly out the back, Jorge laying punches on him thick..

"WHERE IS SHE!! WHERE IS MY BRENDA!" He kept shouting over and over, panic lacing his tone. "I'm here! Dad I'm right here!" Brendas voice shot through him faster than a bullet, his head snapping up immediately. Not worrying about the guard, he gets up and runs over to her, giving her a hug.

As soon as I see Tommy get out the van, he makes his way over to me, throwing his arms around me and holding me tight.

It didn't last for long before we were interrupted by a guard standing in front of us all. "Who are you?" Tommy asks, stepping In front of me and shielding me with his body. I reach my hand around to grab his and he holds it tightly.

The man steps forward towards us, lifting his mask off his face and leaving us all in shock.


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