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I was woken by a firm hand shaking my shoulder. "Y/n, come on you've got to get up" , Tommy's tone was soft, gentle. I clamber onto my feet, thomas' hand reaching to help me up.

"What's going on?" I ask, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "We need to get moving" Tommy sighs, hoisting a backpack over his shoulders.
We walk for what seems like hours, Tommy and newt were up front, frypan, Minho and winston behind them, and I was walking with Charlie. "So, how are you doing?" Charlie asks me, trying to make conversation. "Well.. how good Can a runaway teen be feeling" I smile sarcastically. "Yeah youre right" he laughs to himself, wincing a little as he does so.

"You're still in pain?, do you need to stop?" I ask, worry lacing my tone. "No, no I'm fine don't be stupid, we need to keep going" he smiles, clutching the side of his stomach.
Everyone in front of us stops suddenly, "be quiet, listen" Thomas repeatedly says to us, lifting his head up towards the sky.

"Shit.. shit, EVERYONE HIDE!!" Thomas shouts back to us. Panicking, I look around frantically, finding a perfect narrow spot under the rocks.
We all hover underneath it together, huddling as close as we can and watching as two plane ships soar above us in the sky.

Once they pass, we all stand up "they're never going to stop looking for us are they?" Minho asks, looking around at everyone in worry. "I don't think so" Tommy replies, gesturing for us to carry on walking with him.

By nightfall we reach an abandoned building, it looked more like a mall but either way it was still abandoned.

"Come on guys, we're just going inside for a little while, it's not like there's going to be zombies inside waiting for us" Minho laughs, shaking his hands like jazz hands and winking at us all.

I climb over the broken glass, it seemed the easiest way in and everyone else already went over that way. My hand starts to slip off the wood I was climbing on, making me fall a little and glass shards go through my fingers. "Ah fuck" i wince. "You ok?" Charlie comes rushing over, helping me up and onto the ground, I brush off my clothes, flashing him a smile.

"I'm good, where's tommy?" I ask, looking around for the others. "Just over here" he points to a small table down in the middle of the mall. "So Tommy, want to tell us where we're actually going?" Newt asks him as I step over, slipping my hand into Thomas'.

"When me and aris climbed through the vent shafts, we heard janson talking to ava about the right arm.." Thomas says, causing us all to look at eachother confusingly. "Who's the right arm?" I speak up, squeezing Tommy's hand. "The right arm save wicked kids.. they protect them, up in the mountains" aris finishes off Tommy's sentence, searching our face for any expression.

"People.. in the mountains? Mountain people?" Newt asks, sarcasm lacing his tone. I let out a slight laugh, slyly covering it up with a cough.
"Uhum.. sorry" i mutter.

"For now, let's just explore this place.. see what we can find" Tommy smiles, grabbing my hand and walking off towards another spot in the building. We come across boxes full of things.. pictures, cameras, even a full box of clothes. I rummage around effortlessly, finding myself a long sleeved jumper and some shorts, suitable enough for the desert.

Thomas' hands snake themselves around my waist. "You know, you look so beautiful.." he says, I could practically feel the smile on his face. He pulls back my hair, kissing my neck passionately. "Now is not the time for this Thomas" I bite my lower lip In pleasure.

"Oh really, I don't see anyone else around" he tells me, pulling me to face towards him, his hands moving up my body. "I'm serious Tommy" I laugh as he pressing his lips against mine, his hands ruffling themselves in my hair. I pull away for a slight second, something catching my eye.. "oh.. what's this?" I ask, stepping closer towards a switch on the wall. I reach my hand out to grab it "no don't touch that!" Thomas warns me but I had already clicked it.

The lights flicker continuously before switching on completely, a whirring noise flows through the building. I immediately retract my hand, rapidly looking around to see if anything was going to come.

I let out a sigh of relief.. Tommy does the same.. seconds too soon. A low growling noise rumbles down from behind us. I look at Tommy before we both turn around slowly, coming face to face with a zombie looking person.

"I swear to god, if Minho has jinxed this.. I will kill him" I whisper Hoarsely, taking several step back, grabbing Thomas' hand. "Don't talk.. just run" Tommy replies.

We both start running down the corridor, the zombie running after us, it was like I was in dawn of the freaking dead. We see the others crowding down the hall "GO RUN GO!" Me and Thomas shout in sync, watching as they look at us and begin to grab their things, beginning to run.

"Are those zombies?" Frypan asks, not far in front of us. "No theyre fucking unicorns" I shout back to him, obviously being sarcastic.
"Minho I will kill you" I scream, the growls getting louder, it was clear that several of those things were now chasing us.

"Janson called them cranks? Do you remember" Charlie says back to us , clearly he was paying attention to that crazy man, cause I wasn't. "Just shut up and find a way out" Tommy screams, holding my hand even tighter, guiding me to safety.

"Shit" he mumbles as we get cut off, me and Thomas going up the elevator as the others turn a corner. "Just go!" Tommy says to me, kicking one of the cranks backwards off the elevator, clearing the space for me to come up.

We meet up with the others on the top floor, reaching a red door with the sign exit above. We go to open it but it's deadlocked. "Get that door open" Tommy orders frypan, who continuously barges into it, feeling it budge just a little every second. "Go help, I'll hold them off" winston tells us, raising his gun to the cranks, firing a few shots.

We all help frypan with the door, it budges open just enough for us to slide through, one by one. Winston being last, the cranks catch up to him, grabbing half of his body and trying to drag him inside. "Help me please" winston cries out, I rush over grabbing his arms, the others do the same, pulling him out just in time for us to begin running again..

We run and run and run.. just until we are further enough away for those cranks to not find us.

Out the corner of my eye I see another spot in the desert, protected enough for us to sleep for the night. "Guys over there" I say, gesturing towards the spot in the distance. "Good shout y/n" newt smiles, placing his hand on my shoulder and giving it a squeeze.

"Yeah good one" Minho winks, putting his thumbs up at me. They all walk over, leaving me with Thomas.

"I'm scared Tommy.. I don't want to die.. I don't want to be caught.. I- I don't want to lose any of you guys.." tears fill my eyes. I don't know what overcame me to feel this way.

He grabs my face closely to his "listen to me.. we will survive this.. we will make it ok? All of us" he reassures me, pulling me closer to his chest and stroking my hair before grabbing my hand and taking me toward the others.

"Now, let's get some sleep"

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