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I'm placed into a separate from Charlie, a few doctors were in here, inserting needles into my arms and tubes into the back of my neck. "You'll feel a little pinch" the woman smiles at me, holding down both of my arms so I couldn't move while she put a needle into my side.

The pain I felt afterwards was awful, it was agony, I tried to be quiet like they told me but I couldn't.. the scream I let out was ear piercing , I'm certain that everyone in the building heard it.
After a while the pain stopped, leaving me tired.. and weak but with all my memories.
I knew Thomas before the maze.. he was right about us doing this.. we worked with wicked and knowing I did this hurt a lot more.

We were together in a relationship.. it's why we were so attracted to eachother when I came up in the box.. it was familiar to us both. I now know what she meant about the flare virus.. I knew why we were here.

I'm snapped out of thought by Thomas' loud shouts, I get up carefully, whimpering at the pain. I stumble out of the room and closer towards where the shouts where coming from.

I see Thomas being held back by our friends, "WHY WONT YOU LET ME SEE HER" he screams, his voice breaking in pain. I rush over as quickly as I can, almost falling to my knees.
"Hey! Hey Tommy I'm right here ok!" I shout over his cries, stumbling into his arms.

I grab his face to make him focus on me better, "I'm ok, see? I'm right here" I reassure him. He pulls me close towards him, engulfing me into a hug and stroking my hair. "Take them back to their rooms" janson orders one of the guards, who immediately grab us and lead us towards our room.

They put me in the room with Thomas as he refused to go in without me there. Charlie comes in a few minutes later, his face pale and bags under his eyes. It's safe to say I don't think he had a pleasant experience either.

Thomas takes me to one of the bunks, sitting me down on the bottom and himself next to me. "What did they do to you? Are you ok?" He says, examining for any bruises. "I'm fine Tommy, I promise" i whimper as he touches the mark on my side. He jumps back at bit at my response, lifting the side of my T-shirt up slowly.

Revealing the dark bruise forming around a little needle point, his eyes adjust more carefully. "Did they do this to you" he says in anger, looking up at me blankly and waiting for me to answer him. "It's ok.. they gave me them back" I smile weakly. "Gave you what?" He asks confusingly. "My memories.. I remember us Tommy, I remember everything" my eyes now watering, tears threatening to spill.

"I know why we're here" I tell him, seeing as he furrows his eyebrows in confusion, it was clear to see that he didn't know what I was on about. "Did you say you know why we're here?" Newt says, stepping forward towards me. The others do the same.. all except for Charlie who sat on his bunk, staring blankly at a wall. 

"Wicked seems to think that we're a cure.. something about our blood being able to help with the flare virus" I say, looking at all of their expressions. "But that's over now, we're safe remember?" I reassure them. Not 100% certain that they believe me, I watch as they proceed to go back to what they were all doing.

Tommy gets up, leaving me on the bunk by myself as he gets up to go to newt. "I need to know" I hear him whisper in a hushed tone.
"Know what Tommy? That we're safe? Because we are, they've given us clean clothes, fresh food, hot showers" newt replies, his tone hostile. "Some of us haven't had that in a long time.. some of us a lot longer than others" he switches his gaze between me and Tommy, his words obviously aimed at us.

Before Thomas could reply, a loud bang erupts from under the bed. A boy climbs out, standing to his feet and looking at us all. "Hey everyone.." he smiles, giving a little wave.
"You ready Thomas?" He says, beginning to go back under the bed and into the vent. "I'm just behind you aris" he tells him, giving me one apologetic look before turning his attention back to newt. "I need to know newt.. I need to know for sure.. look after her ok?" He nods his head and disappears under the bed after aris.

Confused by what's just happened I get onto my feet, struggling to maintain my balance. I grab onto the bed railing as newt rushes to my side, along with the others. "Where do you think you're going?" Newt asks me, holding onto my shoulders to keep me upright. "I'm going after him, someone has to keep him out of trouble" I hiss, glaring at them all.

"Listen, you're in no state to be giving us that attitude, leave that sass to me" Minho winks, sitting me back down on the bed. I roll my eyes at his remark, that boy always knew how to get under my skin, but that's why I loved him.. why I loved them all.. They're my family.

"I can't just sit here and do nothing" I protest at them. "Actually, that's exactly what we're going to do, Tommy knows what he's doing" fry smiles at me, they all had now formed a little circle around my bed.

"Does he though? Or is he just going to make it worse?" Charlie finally speaks up, earning everyone's attention. "You're wrong, he always knows what he's doing, he's always protecting us, that's all he does!" I groan out in pain as my words are harsh. "You don't get it do you y/n? I'm trying to protect you myself" Charlie says, his words soft when he spoke to me.

Everyone was just as confused as me, "why do you need to keep her safe? She's got us?" Fry asks. "Because she doesn't know what he's done" Charlie retorts, looking straight back at me. I knew exactly what he was on about, I had saw it all myself when my memories came back.. I may have helped wicked.. but the face these boys will remember is Tommy's.. he watched as they were drowning.. screaming breathlessly.

Tears spill down my cheeks, "that's not who he is now.. he's different, we all are" i exclaim, leaving the others still confused. "Then you're just as bad as him" Charlie tells me, laying back down and ignoring me.

"Can someone tell us what the fuck you guys are on about" Minho laughs nervously. "Nothing, Charlie doesn't know what he's on about" i growl, not removing my gaze from the boy. "Come on guys, let's not argue.. we're all we have left, we need to stick together" winston tries to calm everyone down. I wipe my tears and stand back on my feet, maintaining my balance properly now.

"Y/n please sit down, Tommy would kill us if we let you go after him" newt sighs, placing a hand on my shoulder and pushing me back down onto the bed.

I give up.. laying back down and into bed, the others stay awake, waiting for Thomas to come back from whatever he was doing.

I roll over onto my side, meeting eyes with an unhappy Charlie on the other bunk. I screw my eyes shut to avoid looking at him. "I'm sorry" he blurts, causing me to open my eyes a little.
"What?" I ask him, waiting to hear it again. "I'm sorry.." he sighs, "I'm just scared ok?". I instantly feel bad, he didn't know us very well, everything went down shortly after he arrived, I never thought of him reacting like this because he was scared.

"I'll tell you something someone important once told me, if you ain't scared.. you ain't human" smiling at the words that alby had once told me before. "You'll be ok, just try and understand that Tommy isn't like that anymore" I say, watching him scrunch his face up in pity. "I know.. I am sorry, I'll try harder" he promises me.

I flash him one more smile before rolling back over and closing my eyes.

Letting my thoughts run free.

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